Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan
/*Well that sounds all quite good, as it seems to come from the fact that Ti is a "static" function. However, Se and Ne are also static functions. Nevertheless, if we ignore the static/dynamic dichotomy for a moment and accept the idea that Ti comments are about what doesn't change, whereas Se comments are about things that exist now and might change, that seems to put the emphasis on the thing itself (the object of discussion) rather than on the style of the person making the comment (or that person's style at that moment)...which has potentially weird ramifications for typing.

Consider, for example, Expat's posts. He's generally accepted around here as an LIE. However, a large number of his comments are about how Socionics works; I would expect that he would think that what he says about Socionics isn't something that's going to change (he may change his view later on, based on new evidence, but when he says something, it seems he feels that's the way things are-and-will-be). Similarly, Rick, generally understood as an IEE, while a static type, isn't a Ti type; yet he makes lots of general concepts about Socionics; surely he doesn't think that these observations are valid just for a short time.

Furthermore, suppose something a Ti type comments on were to change afterwards. Would that change the function the Ti person used? Or if an SEE makes a comment about something, and the thing never changes, would that make it Ti? Clearly, there has to be more to it; it must have to do with the aspect the person is focusing on at the time of making the comment. */
Socionics has a rigid structure of sorts - if it changed drasatically, it would no longer be socionics. I think Se\Ne bring about change in the external world using Ti as a blueprint - using Se\Ne is about the person making changes in the real world now, while Ti helps to maintain homeostasis - it observes things passively over a long period of time, making a rigid structure of facts about things they have observed (they remain facts until they are disproved through Se\Ne interaction.