is this: a is true because b is true because c is true because d is true etc..

is structure: pure, unadulterated structure. It only has to do with math in as much as it can structure sequences of relationships between numbers.

says that something is true because something else is true. If you were to take this to its logical conclusion, then the world is true because everything in it is true.

"I think, therefore I am."

Anything else is not , but rather accompanied by another function. Most people don't know the difference, nor can you if you do not accept exertion theory as true. (there again, )

You might say that truths are only true because they are interconnected by . But the two are probably inseperable.

I would avoid the use of the term "abstraction" when describing function behavior. In particular, it can't be explained, and is therefore scientifically useless.