I don't have the time or energy to keep up with all of the intellectual and theoretical style of discussion here, and frankly it bores me except in the rare cases when I'm trying to understand something very specific. I have many interests, and Socionics is just one of them. I'm also an admin on two automotive related sites, contribute to a few more, and I'm also into photography, am an officer in the "Rec Club" board at work, and I also have a 5 week old baby girl at home. Even if I wanted to keep up with the more theoretical style of discussions here, I simply don't have the time.

As an INTp with PoLR- I simply do not understand the whole people and relationships "thing", never did, think it's a miracle that I found my wife going on 11 years ago, always thought I woudld be alone, recognized my weakness as a fault of mine, and so I use Socionics to help understand all of that better. I do that by understanding just the basic core theory, and then making a TON of observations of different people which INTp's are great at doing. So when I talk about something I might not be able to explain the precise theory behind it or that there even is a theory out there to explain it, but I know what I see, a real-world concrete example, which is what everybody lives in, and this is where it's helped me a ton. It's helped me understand my parents and especially my ISFp mom better, my ESTp sister, my ISFj wife, and some incredibly annoying ISTj's also, along with pretty much every other type. It also helps as far as conflict resolution between people on some of the other websites I help run. I've also noticed more than a few trends that would be neat to post up here and let people dig into it from the theoretical point of view, except that I never have time to post this stuff up! LOL. Has anybody else noticed << insert observation here >>? Is there a theory out there that explains it? Yes or no. If yes, what is it since I'd probably love to learn, and if not well cool I noticed something new!

Personally I think some people would do themselves an awful lot of good here if they LOGGED OFF and spent a little bit more time out in that real-world rather than sitting in front of a computer for hours on end. However, I still respect some of those people greatly though, because they're the ones I can ask to help explain something in the real-world that I've seen, and sure enough there's a theory floating around as to why, or maybe even books written along those lines that I can check out. A pity I don't have more time to read books.

So, if you want me to explain something strictly in theoretical terms I may flunk, and I don't care. What I bring here are "observations" and then you can argue amongst yourselves and maybe I'll even join in as to how precisely that fits (or doesn't fit) in Socionics theory.
