This is fascinating. I've been pondering INTp/ESFp dynamics lately and this hits on it pretty good. I've been sorta comparing and contrasting INTp and ESFp vs ISFj.

Critics have a great many thoughts about a lot of things. This would just be the tip of the iceberg but it's almost as if the ISFj is "Guarding" the INTp and shielding their non Fe sensitive thoughts from the world which can and will cause uproars (although the ISFj likes said thoughts and ideas), whereas an ESFp would be the exact opposite and trying to create a political movement (a cause to fight for) based on it and not shy about expressing those thoughts to the world at all.

I can see this pretty clearly comparing my ISFj wife to her ESFp friend, who manages to get herself in all sorts of trouble.

Thanks Joy for posting this.