Quote Originally Posted by Logos
Quote Originally Posted by machintruc
Quote Originally Posted by reyn_til_runa
The dialectical nature of the universe is not an accident. It makes little difference whether the universe is actually composed dialectically. When we want to make sense of anything, we are forced to turn it into an object. Over time, many more objects (parts) emerge, all of which need to be weighed for value and then weighed against each other and against the sum value of all parts.

I wonder how group theory might apply to socionics theory.
Actually, that's even simpler than that.

The universe must be logical and orderly, because otherwise, it would contradict the existance of God.
I fail to see your logic here. A logical and orderly universe does not necessarily imply the existence of God. What if the nature of a logical and orderly universe contradicts the existence of God? If you cannot remove the existence of the universe, would you be willing to remove the possibility of God's existence?
God is necessary by Himself, but universe is not. It has a beginning, and an end. God doesn't. Removing the existence of God is impossible, because otherwise nothing could exist. If nothing could exist, nothing could create nothing, and you wouldn't exist. You exist, not by yourself, but by the power of God.

Universe didn't create itself, basically because it can't. There was a cause before universe, which is God. Was it actually Big Bang, wasn't it ? Possibly, if God actually created Big Bang. You will easily understand that, especially if you're really a type.