Quote Originally Posted by Bionicgoat
Quote Originally Posted by machintruc
Quote Originally Posted by reyn_til_runa
1. If the quadras are a 2 -2 matrix and the types a 4-4 matrix, then the functions would require a ___ - ___ matrix?
IMO, information elements and functions require a 4*4 matrix, because I have a feeling that there cannot be 8 aspects of reality. Either they are 4, or they are 16, because 4 and 16 are symmetrical (2*2 and 4*4), as 8 is non-symmetrical (4*2). They are more than 4, thus they are 16.
so there is a missing dichotomy you think?
It's not missing. It exists. Gulenko said that aspects can be dichotomised as proactive/reactive (or short/long range or left/right) or positive/negative.

positive : static right and dynamic left
negative : static left and dynamic right

For example, reality can be percieved as . contains attraction and replusion.

For example, does attraction mean positive or negative ? Attraction is a "positive" thing, but it reduces the distance of the field, which means this could be a "negative" thing.

negative is percieved on the context of positive , and positive is percieved on the context of negative .

But seems more to induce attraction than repulsion IMO. Possibly on that point, Gulenko was wrong.