Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz
Anyways I think this is what confuses people the most about , they carelessly type people based on their feelings and emotions, if they feel a person is being ethical by their measure then they are using , this is not the case.
What do you mean?
Well not everyone does this.... but let me make an example.....

Say you were firmly against the iraq war and believed war was gross and unethical. That death and destruction were the complete evils in man and that it must be eliminated and that art was the good in man. You believed that people should learn to appreciate beauty and not destroy it and that people participating in the war had no sense of human compassion. In this case your individual sense of Ethics would cloud you from typing another as ethical if they were participating in the iraq war lets say, your rationale would be fighting shows a lack of human compassion.

However it would still be possible in this case for a person participating in the iraq war to be an ethical type, they may simply have a seperate value system. To them they may find service and sacrifice to their country to be meaningful, maybe an ESFj? So to them they actually could be experiencing , while to you -- you may not catch this because its hard to empathize with them because of your different values.

A good example of thinking over feeling is the industrial revolution, the revolution helped propel society into a more productive system and therefore was seen as good in terms of functionality. However the daily routine and lack of individual trade sets began making factory workers feel like life was meaningless and repititive. This shows that the industrial revolution was ultimately a Logic dominant phenomenom, because if Ethics had been considered over Logic the feelings of the workers would be considered in the design and not just the functionality.