I posted earlier, so here is my compulsory crazy-ass theory:

I've made this chart of functions. A, B, C etc. are the eight functions. Substitute for whatever you have in the corresponding place:

Of course, Ti and Te can't be put together to form a type. You'll have to use the closest setup you can. The main type is, of course, the type we talk about here. The Residual Type is probably your diametric opposite, but it would seem that it is not always so. There is some "wriggling space". The types are ranked after importance (The fourth one can be more important than the third one. If you're prone to fits of rage or similar, that is).
For instance, the chart for me personally would be:

Fi - 1
Fe - 2
Ne - 1
Ni - 2
Se - 3
Ti - 3
Si - 4
Te - 4

with the numerals corresponding to the different "type levels", from top to bottom. So my "complete" type would be:

1 - Main - FiNe - INFj/EII
2 - Auxiliary - FeNi - ENFj/EIE
3 - Supportive - SeTi - ESTp/LIE
4 - Residual - SiTe - ISTp/LII

This setup gives up 16^4, or 65536, types. Of course, if the Residual type is indeed always the opposite of the Main type, we are limited to 16^3, or 4096, types.


@Cone: What a boring perspective. As for me, I count "nothing" to equal "zero", and I know that "time" equals "space" and that "space" equals existence, ergo either time exists or nothing exists. And if nothing exists, and "nothing" equals "zero", then zero exists.
And, of course reality is all there is! The thing is, however, that we don't know reality. The only thing we can be sure of is our own sentience. Makes for a pretty feeble base to build anything on, wouldn't you say :wink: ?