My theory is that intuition has more to do with convergent thinking versus divergent thinking, which IMO has to do with memory as well.

Convergent thinkers have their memories neatly catagorized in ways that make it easy to store memories in an organized way. There are not many open neuropathways for their thoughts to follow. When presented with new information it follows the train of thought that was already laid out for it, however fitting or accurate it may or may not be. They key is more focused thinking.

Divergent thinkers have minds that race off in various directions at once. There are more open neuropathways, and this always them to see more possibilities and process this that they're not fully aware of. They take in more but they don't organize it all so neatly. (It limits our possibilities after all...) Sometimes things just jump out at them from one of the thought processes that they weren't paying attention to. It makes it harder to focus in some ways, but it makes us more intuitive as a result.

Ummmmmm still working on this theory, I have never really tried to sort through it before. There's more but for now I want to watch some anime, so I will continue with this later.