Male ESTP: ESTp, sure, why not. I'm actually kinda not paying attention too hard to him so I'm just going off of sheer vibe.
Female ESTP: ENFj comes to mind before ESTp, although the latter isn't impossible.
Male ISTJ: Kind of a hard call. IXTx could work.
Female ISTJ: Energy-wise, ISTj is a definite possibility.
Male INFP: Seems familiar in a way, but I don't know what way that is. Some non-INTp IP works for me.
Female INFP: Wow, beta NF out the ass. INFp makes sense from her self-description.
Male ENFJ: I, do, not, know. ENFj seems waaaaaay off. ISXp or ENFp would be my guess.
Female ENFJ: Her affect seems wrong for ENFj. I wonder ISTj?