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Thread: Socionics Beta types Examples

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    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    "What is a poet? An unhappy person who conceals profound anguish in his heart but whose lips are so formed that as sighs and cries pass over them they sound like beautiful music."

    - Soren Kierkegaard

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    I'll claim Dr. Kent Brantly for Beta. LSI-Ti.

    “It’s an incredible honor,” Dr. Brantly said in a phone interview on NBC Today show. “Those who paid the highest price for their service are themselves West Africans. It’s an honor for me to be considered as a part of that group.”

    “From the community health care volunteers in Liberia, to the dedicated staff of organizations like Samaritan’s Purse and MSF, to the doctors and nurses at Emory University Hospital, Ebola Fighters are mostly anonymous heroes whose diverse faces are largely unknown even to their patients as they wage this war in head-to-toe protective gear,” Dr. Brantly said. “It is these nameless champions that TIME has recognized today.”
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Iris; 01-17-2015 at 04:00 PM.
    You seek a great fortune, you three who are now in chains. You will find a fortune, though it will not be the one you seek.
    But first you must travel a long and difficult road, a road fraught with peril.
    You shall see things, wonderful to tell. You shall see a... cow... on the roof of a cotton house. And, oh, so many startlements.
    I cannot tell you how long this road shall be, but fear not the ob-stacles in your path, for fate has vouchsafed your reward.
    Though the road may wind, yea, your hearts grow weary, still shall ye follow them, even unto your salvation

  3. #3
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    Debbie Schlussel....SLE-Ti 8w7 so/sp sx/so

    schlussel on lara logan:

    And as for her lie that she didn’t know about “Egyptian” abuse of women, if she’s that utterly ignorant, she had no business being a reporter there. This woman has covered the Middle East for years. She knows very well about Muslim abuse of women. She’s lying through her teeth. A Frickin’ Fraud.

    Sorry, but responsible rape victims call out their rapists. Lara Logan won’t. Again, she won’t mention the I (Islam) or M (Muslim) words–they aren’t mentioned once in the interview. That’s because she’s a phony, no better than your average cowardly rape victim who allows the rapist to do it again. She’s much worse, though, because she presented her gang rapists as liberal democrats to the world and never bothered to correct the record. Not even now, well after the fact. And she continues to lie to allow her gang rapists to gang rape again.
    Yes, several hundred Muslims raped her with their hands. But she rapes the minds of billions around the world with her politically correct lies and attempts to cover up the fact that this is Islam–that this is how Muslims treat women.
    Um, there is no nebulous “they” who raped here with their hands. It’s Muslims who raped her with their hands. She has a microphone, a bully pulpit, and a responsibility to say so. But she won’t. She’s not a rape victim I’ll feel sorry about. She’s a fraud. Anyone who claims they didn’t know that Muslims abuse women is either blind, deaf, and dumb or living on another planet. And she’s none of these. She knew, but she’s politically correct . . . and so she lies. It’s the same stuff I read on t-shirts of thugs and schmucks in the Detroit ghetto: Bros Over Hos. In Logan’s case it’s Islamic Bros Over Hos. Her political correctness trumps calling out rapists. Yup, she’s a ho, all right . . . for Islam. Whoring out her integrity to protect Muslim gang rapists.
    Is a person who covered war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other Muslim nations for several years that stupid–that dense!–that she is suddenly “struck” by the mercilessness of Muslims and their joy at the pain of their victims, particularly Western and female victims? Then, she’s a clueless morons. And I don’t buy it, even if she was a swimsuit model and whore who slept around and broke up marriages in the war zone. She knows what Muslims are about. She just doesn’t have the guts to say so. Sorry, but this fraud-ette ain’t a rape victim. She’s a propagandist whose body was temporarily taken for the Muslim Brotherhood’s cause and who is now willingly, deliberately giving her mind and voice to protect them, too. A frickin’ liar with Cairo Syndrome (the Stockholm moniker needs to be changed).
    Uh, NO. Not “men.” MUSLIM men. This isn’t about men around the world, but this fraud, Lara Logan, is trying to turn what savage Muslim men did to her into something she can project onto Western men and men everywhere else . . . as if they behave the same as Muslim men. She knows better. But, again, she’s a fraud. A liar. A phony.
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 04-10-2015 at 04:31 PM.

  4. #4
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    Griselda Blanco...SLE-Ti 8w7 so/sp

    *that guy at 2:28 is ILE 7w6

    Blanco was known for her flamboyant lifestyle — one of her sons was named Michael Corleone, an homage to The Godfather movies.
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 04-11-2015 at 02:19 PM.

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    Aileen Wuornos....SLE-Se 8w7 so/sp

    that's a so/sp iris

    some more so/sp irises:

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    Idi Amin...SLE-Ti 8w7 so/sp

    After the United Kingdom broke off all diplomatic relations with his regime in 1977, Amin declared he had defeated the British and conferred on himself the decoration of CBE (Conqueror of the British Empire). His full self-bestowed title ultimately became: "His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular", in addition to his officially-stated claim of being the uncrowned King of Scotland.
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 04-12-2015 at 07:21 AM.

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    Nancy Grace...SLE-Ti 8w7-6w5-2w3 so/sp

    *trifix varies the kinesthetic...

    Hank Harrison....SLE-Ti 6w5 sp/so

    Morton Downey Jr....SLE-Se 8w7 so/sp

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    Ultimate Warrior....SLE-Ti 8w7 so/sx

    "I bet I'm the only guy that said no to doing your wife."

    Apparently, Leather Hedger had sleeping troubles and anxiety and dealt with terrible mood swings. So do soldiers but they don’t self-destructively fuck up their lives. In fact, they don’t sleep, handle anxiety and mood swings while dealing with whether or not they might at any moment lose their life. And they do this all the while they are dangerously protecting the freedom of others to fuck up their own. By the way, how many 28 (or older or younger) year old soldiers met their death yesterday? It’s not easy to find out. None of them made the headlines of any news. By today’s standard, though, I do have to agree that he was a great father. Perhaps even greater then the father of the year, Hulk Hogan. After all, Leather Hedger did what it took to kill himself. His kid is without a father, yes, but the negative influence is now removed and his own child has the chance for a full recovery. Hogan, on the other hand, won’t go quite that far. He insists on sticking around to keep further ruining, and profiting off of, the parentally mismanaged lives of his own children. - See more at:
    "Destrucity: In its design, Destrucity represents a constellation existing in the heavens which symbolizes the "Eight Disciplines" by which Warriors choose to live their lives. Brought to existence by the destinies of those willing to die for their Beliefs, brought to exist as a place where people live by Belief in the evolution of their Higher Selves -- constantly evolving toward a completion of their chosen destiny -- all with strength in the denial of "System Beliefs" -- the very Beliefs that amplify differences in and create rights, wrongs, judgments, and opinions of people, places, and things."
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 04-13-2015 at 04:47 PM.

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    Anton Lavey....SLE-Ti 8w7 so/sp

    “Stupidity—The top of the list for Satanic Sins. The Cardinal Sin of Satanism. It’s too bad that stupidity isn’t painful. Ignorance is one thing, but our society thrives increasingly on stupidity. It depends on people going along with whatever they are told. The media promotes a cultivated stupidity as a posture that is not only acceptable but laudable. Satanists must learn to see through the tricks and cannot afford to be stupid.”

    “It’s too bad that stupidity isn’t painful.”

    “Blessed are the destroyers of false hope, for they are the true Messiahs - Cursed are the god-adorers, for they shall be shorn sheep!”

    “I break away from all conventions that do not lead to my earthly success and happiness.”

    “There is nothing inherently sacred about moral codes. Like the wooden idols of long ago, they are the work of human hands, and what man has made, man can destroy!”

    “The other exception to the rule regards dealings with masochists. A masochist derives pleasure from being hurt; so denying the masochist his pleasure through-pain hurts him just as much as actual physical pain hurts the non masochist. The story of the truly cruel sadist illustrates this point: The masochist says to the sadist, "beat me." To which the merciless sadist replies, "NO!" If a person wants to be hurt and enjoys suffering, then there is no reason not to indulge him in his

    “If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy.”

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    Pink....SLE-Se 8w7 sx/so

    here are sx/so irises:

    here are those same irises in brown...joan rivers is SEE sx/so 7w8 8w7 SLE-Se....her irises are also sx/so. same as courtney love and pink.

  11. #11
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    John Gotti....SLE-Ti 8w7 so/sp

    all 8w7s have an sp cast....the soc-8's anti-fatherness shows up in Gotti's punitive hatred for Castellano...

    SLE picks up on the qualia that makes Gotti's case to other mafioso for getting rid of Castellano....Ti subtype augments the 7 wing's planning ability.

    in a sense Gotti ended up destroying the almost perfectly reflects the thrust of soc-8.

    Gotti is similar to Blanco. "Killing the competition" was a major theme in their rises to power.

    in the criminal world, that gets done with bullets. by less neanderthal means in the non-criminal.

    the natural archiving abilities so/sp types have is an easy way to distinguish so/sp from sp/so, and most definitely sp/sx.

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    Althea Flynt....SLE-Se 8w7-6w7-3w4 sx/sp

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    RSDtodd....EIE 3w4 so/sp...3w4-6w5-8w7

    "RSD Todd @RSDTodd · May 17
    I'm just here to start a pickup revolution"

    "Growing up, I was always super polite and proper... to the point of being unassertive in general. I had a ton of empathy and compassion and I never wanted to impose on anyone or give them a negative experience. I needed to have some positive interactions and positive feedback to show me that I was actually offering value when I talked to strangers. And to be fair, I needed some feedback to convince me that hot women, in general, were nice."

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    Julia Merfeld....SLE 8w7 sx/so

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    Sir Alex Ferguson. LSI-Se Enneagram Soc/Sp.

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    Pablo Escobar...SLE-Se 8w7-3w2-7w8 so/sp

    Aristotle Onassis....SLE-Ti 8w7-3w4-7w8 sp/so LIE

    Maria Callas...IEI 4w3

    Sasha Grey...IEI 3w4 sx/sp SLE

    Last edited by Kill4Me; 11-16-2015 at 02:15 AM.

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    Lucky Luciano...SLE-Ti 8w7-2w1-3w4 so/sp

    Last edited by Kill4Me; 06-30-2015 at 10:16 PM.

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    Manuel Noriega...SLE-Se 8w7 so/sp

    SLE-Se 8w7 so/sp: Joey Merlino, John Gotti, Pablo Escobar, Nancy Grace, Manuel Noriega
    SLE-Ti 8w7 so/sp: Idi Amin, Griselda Blanco, Mussolini, Anton Lavey, Lucky Luciano, Whitey Bulger

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    Tony Spilotro....SLE-Ti 8w7-6w5-3w4 so/sp

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    Randy Savage....SLE 8w7-6w7-4w3 so/sp

    GG Allin....SLE 8w7-5w4-4w5 sx/sp

    Last edited by Kill4Me; 06-28-2015 at 12:48 PM.

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    Donald Trump....SLE 8w7 sp/so

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    Donald Trump....SLE 8w7 sp/so
    yeah, agree though so/sp might work better?

    overall he fits the description of contra-flow stacks and so/sp better, imo. and compare to sp/so:

    Contra-flow: sp → sx → so → sp
    Stackings involved: sp/sx → sx/so → so/sp → sp/sx
    Direction: Compelled against people. Seething belligerent outsiders; 'antisocial', provoking, reverse-flow change catalysts. In some profound sense, rejecting the human condition, their own and/or that of others.
    sp/so - conserving, protecting, maintaining, preserving, supplying, repairing, sustaining, stewarding
    so/sp - utilizing, employing, implementing, expending, exercising, spending, capitalizing, expropriating

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    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Nicky Barnes...SLE-Ti 8w7-5w6-2w1 so/sp

    "To deal more efficiently with other black gangsters, he created The Council, a seven-man organization modeled after the Italian mob families. The Council settled disputes, handled distribution problems and other drug-related issues".

    "A New York Times article estimated Barnes purchased hundreds of tailor-made suits, Italian shoes, coats, and jewelry, which alone was valued at over $100 million"

    "Barnes would often make pointless stops and go on high-speed chases with little purpose other than to aggravate those following him."

    Wan Kuok-Koi....SLE-Ti 8w7-6w7-3w4 so/sp

    "Broken Tooth Koi was known for his flamboyance, callousness, temperamental nature and his media hungry high-profile which gained him a reputation as a John Gotti type crime boss of the Far-East."

    "He was soon making his presence felt imposing his rule with an iron fist and muscling in on the lucrative VIP rooms in the casinos. However his arrogant and brash style made him many enemies in rival Triads and within his own society. "

    "Broken Tooth was soon disregarding his boss’s orders and he began flaunting himself as the real power within the Triad society."

    "He even had a movie made about himself and his rise to power.

    "He cruised around town with his entourage in powerful cars and dressed in expensive suits generally causing a stir wherever he went. He also gave big-headed interviews to the media boasting about his exploits"

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    Evgeniya Blinova - INFP

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    Mila Jovovich is SLE
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Joaquin Guzman...SLE-Ti 8w7-7w8-3w4 so/sp

    Dawood Ibrahim....SLE-Ti 8w7-7w8-3w4 so/sp

    “If only I was there. They are my eyes. My people are my eyes, they are my mouth. They look at things and tell me what has to be done and what should not. I’m sitting here. From the entire world I receive information, and if that information itself is wrong then I’ll be misguided. The prime minister does not go to every street. People come and tell him what is happening and then he takes a decision."

    “I’m not going to any court. I have a court of my own."

    "I'm the judge of my own case."

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    "Maradona then headbutted Sola, elbowed another Bilbao player in the face, and kneed another player in the head, knocking him out cold."

    Diego Maradona....SLE-Se 8w7-6w7-3w2 so/sp

    Maradona comes in through Viktor Bout

    "Maradona got into frequent disputes with Barcelona FC executives, especially club president Josep Lluís Núñez, ""

    "One Barcelona executive stated: "When I saw those scenes of Maradona fighting and the chaos that followed I realized we couldn't go any further with him."

    "Maradona once fired a compressed-air rifle at reporters who he claimed were invading his privacy."

    "Maradona used abusive language at the live post-game press conference, telling members of the media to "suck it and keep on sucking it"."

    "There he protested George W. Bush's presence in Argentina, wearing a T-shirt labeled "STOP BUSH" (with the "s" in "Bush" being replaced with a swastika) and referring to Bush as "human garbage"."

    "Maradona was famous for his cunning personality.[86]"

    "A number of publications have referred to Maradona as the Artful Dodger, the urchin pickpocket expert from Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist."
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 07-19-2015 at 02:59 PM.

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    "Cops that have investigated Blanco and studied her personality conclude that...."

    Big Meech....SLE-Se 8w7-6w7-3w2 so/sp

    Meech comes into 8w7 through Joey Merlino:

    so/sp through Chapo Guzman:

    that's exactly the same iris.

    let's take a look:

    "Demetrius Edward Flenory (born June 21, 1968 in Detroit, Michigan) and Terry Lee Flenory (born January 10, 1970 in Detroit, Michigan) are brothers and American drug traffickers. They founded the Black Mafia Family (BMF), a criminal organization based in Detroit, Michigan, and are currently serving 30-year sentences in federal prison. Demetrius is also known as "Big Meech", Terry as "Southwest T."
    Already you can see that he's cut from the same cloth as Guzman and the other 8w7 examples with a similar iris.

    Such is the accuracy of VI.

    Here's a couple answers by Big Meech in an interview:

    Big Meech: (LOL) Yeah, they changed the crack law twice in 24 years, and it still only helped a few people. We are grateful for the ones that it has helped, but all of the drug laws need to be changed, especially for first-time, non-violent offenders. Everyone deserves a second chance in life. Powder and crack are the same drug in different form. You put 15 grams of baking soda on 35 grams of powder cocaine, then cook the 15 grams of baking soda off to bring it to a rock form of 35 grams or less, depending on how you cook. So, what’s the difference besides the thousand years the judge is going to sentence you to in court for the crack instead of powder? The government knows that crack is sold in predominately Black and Hispanic neighborhoods, so that’s who their targets are to keep the incarceration rate up.
    "powder and crack are the same drug in different form" is a good example of SLE qualia-grasping. when he says they're the same drug, what he's really saying is they contain the same qualia. the rest of his answer takes off from there, but grasping the similar qualia between different types of drugs is the 'mega-chip', the seed. That, in turn, energizes his perspective on the matter. But the computer can't process information without the mega-chip and that's where socionics cognition comes into play. when determining socionics type, don't just look at the cognition, but the seeds of the cognition. Seeds like "powder and crack are the same drug" is what grows the tree and bears the fruit.

    Up until now I have simplified socionics down to cognition. But when I say cognition what I'm referring to, more specifically, is the seed of that cognition. Stacking and enneagram do effect cognition and can be seen as influencing meech's aspect of the type 8 distortion/fixation centers around bigness. One thing apparent from Meech's answer is that he's thinking on a big, sweeping scale. He is cynical but also self-assured. By the answer he gave he assumes for himself a position at the top of the mountain. so/sp comes into play in the particularities of that big, sweeping scale. No sp-wall is preventing Meech from tying his case in with other offenders in his category. He's also pro-actively calling for the law to be changed.

    When the electric and gas got cut off, we pray and to pray is to have faith that God is going to help you or show you the way to help yourself, faith without works means nothing so after many nights with the gas and lights off and going to school with holes in the bottom of my 2 for $15 Payless shoes, and my brother and I wearing the same clothes every other day. Then, we had 30 days to come up with $7,500, or else we would be put out in the street. My brother and I had to find a way to make some fast money, so we hit the streets and came up without having to rob and kill someone. It was supply and demand, simple as that.
    here you see another instance where so/sp 8w7 presents themselves as a businessman. Big Meech boils his answer down to supply and demand. Maybe you have read me do the same in older posts. so/sp 8w7 is more of a tough guy than a businessman that nevertheless likes to hold themselves out to the public as a businessman. Just the reverse as SLE sp/so 8w7. It's paradoxical. Keep in mind that selling drugs doesn't require any true business savvy and that had Meech been a true business man like Donald Trump he would have envisioned multi-million dollar projects that instantly converted into profit. Meech's business acumen was more primitive and in order to fill his ambition for power and wealth he had to entangle himself in interdependent relations. Trump didn't have to do that. so/sp 8w7 business style consists more of taking areas over, and doing the dirty work that comes with that. It's essentially the same as would be the political style of a so/sp 8w7 general (like a napoleon or qin, or even pancho villa). Usually that dirty work involves wiping out the local LSE. LSE-Te sp/so 8w9 is the type that will usually cause the most problem for SLE-Ti 8w7 so/sp. Big Meech isn't the first so/sp 8w7 to see themselves as/hold themselves out to the public as a businessman. Al Capone did the same thing.

    SLE-Ti vs SLE-Se: Meech doesn't have that "I've filled cemeteries by myself" arrogance that Denaro has. SLE-Se is more likely to attain an iconic status....SLE-Ti can acquire an iconic status, but its more for what they do than any personal quality they have. SLE-Ti 8w7 has a meaner streak and are overall better at making enemies. See an example such as Griselda Blanco:

    Blanco has been credited with inventing the idea of the “motorcycle assassin” who rode by victims and sprayed them with bullets.

    “It’s surprising to all of us that she had not been killed sooner because she made a lot of enemies,” former Miami homicide detective Nelson Andreu, who investigated her, said late Monday. “When you kill so many and hurt so many people like she did, it’s only a matter of time before they find you and try to even the score.”
    a more wild temper:

    But it was her nasty temper and penchant for unyielding violence that drew the attention of law enforcement and the public.
    Detectives learned the intimate details of the hit from Jorge Ayala, the charismatic hitman who later testified against Blanco. He told police that Blanco wanted Castro killed because he kicked her son in the buttocks.

    “At first she was real mad ’cause we missed the father,” Ayala told police. “But when she heard we had gotten the son by accident, she said she was glad, that they were even."
    Cops that have investigated Blanco and studied her character conclude that she enjoyed inflicting pain on others and that she enjoyed killing. That's the deeper core of type 8 - the drive to torture. And not just making fun of people to provoke a reaction like say hodgetwins do, but wiping rivals out, crushing people in your way. That's what Blanco, Capone, and all the others have in common. Mike Tyson can be said to enjoy inflicting pain on others with some of the things he has said to his opponents pre-fight. Mike Tyson has also spoken about himself and the things he would do to his opponents in animalistic terms. However, Mike Tyson, in his documentary, called all of that a facade/mask he put on, consciously making believe that he was animalistic as a fight tactic. In contrast, it really was who Blanco was and her enjoyment for inflicting pain on others a stable trait in her personality over a long period of time (perhaps the most stable)....Gurdjieff supposedly boiled the enneagram down to chief characteristics. Naranjo attributes punitiveness as the chief characteristic of type 8. For Ichazo, it was over-justicemaking. Those are the same. And one that emerges rather clearly in the quotes I posted about Blanco. Big Meech is ruthless enough to make it in the drug trade but he's never done anything that would have others contemplating whether he was actually evil, on top of just being ruthless. Blanco would have no problem making a top twenty most evil women of all time list, based on the mainstreams' perception of what evil is. In fact she did. Blanco is clearly a better benchmark example of 8w7 for purposes of VI, strengths, weaknesses, cognitive abilities, temperament, things that 8w7s will respond violently to, and well, pretty much anything else related to the type. Big Meech is not that cold and ruthless in contrast to Blanco.

    "The Black Mafia Family (BMF) is a drug trafficking organization, originally based in Detroit, Michigan which was founded in the late 1980s by brothers Demetrius and Terry Flenory. By the year 2003, they had established the cocaine distribution cells in Pineview, GA throughout the United States. Through their Los Angeles-based drug source, they had direct links to Mexican-based drug cartels.[1] They established two main hubs for their operation: the Atlanta, Georgia hub, for distribution, was operated by older brother Demetrius, while the Los Angeles, California hub was operated by Terry to handle incoming shipments from Mexico."
    that sounds very similar to what i wrote about so/sp business style:

    Its business exoskeleton takes on a more fragmented quality....rather than it being constructed through/into a singular unit…the growth spreads out more than it rises up….its more diffusive.

    sp/so is more about putting walls up. donald trump couldn't have picked a better theme to represent his stacking with than border control. sle + 8w7 makes for the most non-structural cognition. This is why many of the 8w7s I've posted have been organization builders. 8w7s aren't those tech industry nerds that get on working behind a cubicle in a corporate environment, nor would the tech industry be an industry that an 8w7 would thrive in financially (a 7w8 would, a 5w6 and 6w5 would, and a 3w4 would, but not an 8w7). The main reason is that the tech industry doesn't cater to the 8w7s' instinctive intelligence. Even NT 8w7s fit into the nickname that R & H gave the 8w7, that of "maverick". Fritz Perls is a person I've designated as a LIE 8w7. Perls was a maverick in his pioneering of gestalt therapy....he brought a 'moving against' style to the therapy session and focused more now the patient was doing instinctively with their body in the moment. similar to bodybuilding and the effects of steroids, the tech industry, perhaps due to the corporate culture, has and had no shortage of other types masquerading as 8w7-like.

    Big Meech: I’m not sure why the government and federal agencies love to hate “cocaine kingpins.” Seventy percent of the people the government allege to be kingpins have never seen a whole kilo or made a million dollars, so evidently the government has no criteria to determine whether a person is a kingpin or not – because I have met crack dealers who had only a few eight balls and ounces that have kingpin time. Just like when the government tried to charge DJ Drama with the RICO for selling mixtapes. I think someone needs to police the government with their judiciary misconduct and abuse of the constitution and laws.
    His cognition has a lucid quality. he's not working off of a roadmap, but weaving together his own roadmap from the various fragments of his experiences. He's also speaking in general terms. so/sp has a generalist quality, more so than the other stacks. All so/sp will have a fragmented quality in where their attention goes. What they extract from those fragments will vary with the enneagram and socionics type. Darwin was so/sp 5. Darwin's attention splintered out all over the globe, in different countries and types of animals (let's call them "splinter cells")....he had a wide lens, but what he ultimately extracted from those splinter cells he unified into his theory of evolution. fragmentation was just his so/sp exoskeleton, but the treasure he was digging for in each fragment speaks more deeply to the enneagram fixation. Einstein was also so/sp 5 NT and he did a similar thing. Einstein was a four winger so he was working more through his imagination, in the world of potentialiaties, rather than directing his attention to practical affairs. With sp/so 5, the sp-bias for 'walls' and 'borders' has them digging their heels deeper into one area of specialization. You often find many so/sp Generals and World leaders bent on unifying an entire geographical region under one flag. Qin was so/sp 8w7-5w6-4w3.The EU is so/sp-ish. John Gotti was also so/sp 8w7 and pulled out of the fragments in his attention things he could use to possess the scene - inflate himself narcissistically (possessing the scene equates to social dominance).

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    John Dillinger...SLE-Se 8w7-7w8-3w4 so/sp

    dillinger comes in through blanco.

    That also prequels some earlier examples I posted on this thread...such as

    Whitey Bulger came in through Dillinger.

    Jesse James Hollywood comes in through Bulger:

    Pablo Escobar comes in through Jesse James Hollywood:

    let's look at some quotes by dillinger:

    All my life I wanted to be a bank robber. Carry a gun and wear a mask. Now that it's happened I guess I'm just about the best bank robber they ever had. And I sure am happy.

    See how, with Dillinger in connection to all the other examples, this all folds into one: inner view, VI, kinesthetic, behaviors. The question then becomes what's better for typing. You could very well try to type dillinger by researching him in-depth, reading his biographies and turning over every rock. Once you trudge your way to figuring out he's an 8w7, the key distinction on the stacking then becomes dillinger's anti-fatherness and he's a cinch for that. However, VI will sail you to the same conclusion but in a much shorter period of time. That's what makes VI a more practical method for typing. VI works off the indisputable reality that identical twins have an identical kinesthetic. All you anti-VIers: find me a pair of identical twins where one vibes like jim carrey and the other vibes like henry kissinger. If your typings have no basis in physical reality then you're just building castles in the sky.

    My buddies wanted to be firemen, farmers or policemen, something like that. Not me, I just wanted to steal people's money!
    Police and firefighters are mostly 2-6-1 father triaders. on any forum bet that forum moderators and administrators will be overrepresented by 2-6-1 daddy triaders, too. Types with a stronger religous orientation daddy triaders overrepresent, as well, like those religious goodie goodies that have to consult with their pastor about whether or not they should have sex with their girlfriend. whenever you see somebody come on this forum, for example, and talk about how God has their answers in life, and that they've given their lives over to God, unless the person is trolling, you've got a 90 something percent chance that person is in the daddy triad. 'establishment figures' in politics brook no exception. The establishment could just as well be another way to describe the 2-6-1 daddy triad.

    amateurs reduce stackings to sp firsts are interested in money, social firsts are interested in politics, and sexual firsts relationships. Each stacking presents a different strategy for how people incidentally wind up, or don't wind up, acquiring basic necessities (food, money, shelter, sex). for sp/so, its hard work, saving your money, being responsible, paying attention to the environment, and make wise investments, that makes Johnny a happy camper. That's sp/so in a nutshell. sp/so is that person in your family who has an ego about their willingness to roll up their sleeves and shovel shit for a buck. sp/so is better at making money without swimming upstream towards their own destruction. dillinger isn't capable of that. this is where the reverse flow, syn flow distinctions show up between so/sp and sp/so. dillinger clearly wouldn't be offended by somebody calling him a thief, or calling him arrogant. he would take it as a compliment. he clearly relishes in his own badness and i would surmise sees himself as his own law. He's not an outlaw because he sees himself as a victim of the system. That he's a so/sp has him projecting that quality out into the entire social ether and ultimately possessing the scene with it. just like how so/sp 2w1 projects the religious/humble servant quality out into the entire social ether.

    These few dollars you lose here today are going to buy you stories to tell your children and great-grandchildren. This could be one of the big moments in your life; don't make it your last!
    Bigness is a recurring theme in type 8. Big Meech wasn't just self-confidently calling for one law to be changed, but for all the laws on drugs to be changed. Bigness is core to the 8's fixation and is where denial-of-vulnerability at the unconscious level locks Bigness in as a stable trend in the 8s perceptions of reality. The quote above clearly shows Dillinger to have reached the point of textbook megalomania. For dillinger, this will be remembered by the hostages as the seminal event of their life. And not only is it supposed to be the big event in their life, but in their kids' life as well, and then their kids after that, and then those grandkids and ultimately great grandkids. Dillinger's own vision of himself extends into future generations. It's the big picture sweeping eye of so/sp channeling impressions a hundred years into the future. Nostradameus was likely so/sp. That's the scale dillinger is envisioning himself on, even as he's robbing a bank. He isn't just out to rob a bank, but he's out to possess the scene in a large way....he's exploiting the effect that robbing banks and pointing guns at people has on the social ether in order to 'devour' the scene and dominate on a mass historical scale. This also runs into distinctions from sp/so 8w7. With Donald Trump, the Bigness theme is rather blatant but shows up in his real estate projects as a solid construction you can point at and look at and go inside of. The name Trump is clear to the naked eye. So/sp has a more spread out, borderless sense for power, so the bigness that Trump arrives at through building his Trump towers dillinger arrives at through the minds/memories of his hostages.

    let's look at some quotes about dillinger:

    Seeking a better disguise, he decided to undergo major plastic surgery. It was at this time that he was christened with the nickname “Snake Eyes.” The surgery was able to change everything except his devious eyes.
    Shrewdness, cunning and deviousness all fall under the marker that Naranjo named 'conning and cynicism.' Type 8 is the type most easily correlated to antisocial personality. You're not going to be the most antisocial personality type on the enneagram and not have a devious mind. I posted something on diego maradona awhile ago which described his cunning personality. This is a good point of distinction from SLE 6w7s like Mike Tyson. Mike Tyson is sometimes forceful, but cunning is not a word I would give him. Don King is cunning.

    As a teenager, Dillinger was frequently in trouble with the law for fighting and petty theft; he was also noted for his "bewildering personality" and bullying of smaller children.
    Bullying reflects the deeper core drive of type 8 - the drive to torture, inflict pain, as a means for wielding power over others. Ocean's Moonshine writes on this:

    "An element of sadism frequently enters the picture, sadism being a clear and obvious manifestation of the attempt to attain power by means of domination and humiliation".

    This goes beyond just joking around and teasing, but into degrading, belittling and denigrating, Key words: abuse, cruelty

    Oscar Ichazo considers cruelty to be the core compensation of type 8:

    "The stress of being fixated and imbalanced in this domain can lead to Cruelty as a compensatory mechanism. The poison of this domain is Mythomania."

    873 vs 854: dillinger's dark vision didn't come with a dark treatise. The megalomaniacal vision is just of himself. dillinger doesn't have the nietzschean slant in his perspective that five fixers do. 854 is a more ubermenschean character than 873. mussolini can do what dillinger did but dillinger can't do what mussolini did. dillinger captured the public's imagination, but a new era rose up around mussolini. he had more of a lust to control the minds of the people around him whereas Dillinger just wants to control them enough to pull off his bank robberies. both trifixes possess the scene but 854 possesses the scene through a 'tablet' of new values, which sometimes turns the old ones upside down.

    8 vs 2: Assertive > Daddy: Dillinger doesn't disguise his taking under the pretense of giving. he's not out to convince the public about what a generous person he's been but is perfectly candid about his selfishness. both 8s and 2s are playing around with the same elemental sense of omnipotence, but 2s are projecting it up into the sky
    and 8s are owning it.
    8w7 vs 2w1 so/sp: dillinger isn't a self-professed do-gooder.
    8w7 vs 2w3 sp/sx: having an interest in manners and empathy isn't a priority for dillinger. he's not a language cop.

    8 vs 3: Moving Against > Moving Towards. Dillinger is not stealing from people he's close to. His criminality doesn't involve him taking advantage of people he's already formed a bond with. You can see the way the moving against vs moving towards informs the political styles of the types. Donald Trump and Bill Clinton are both very ambitious, but Clinton's political style saw him shedding a tear with people and 'actively listening' to their sorrows. There's a clip of him crying with a voter when he was running for president. Trump's political style is more leans heavily on insults, accusations about anybody that gets in his way, and scapegoating of mexicans.
    8w7 vs 3w2 sx/so: dillinger likes attention, sure, but he doesn't act like a goofball to get it. he's got a heavier, more serious bearing. you won't find pictures of dillinger making goofy looking expressions, and for that matter you won't find pictures of any 8s doing that.
    8w7 vs 3w4 sp/sx: dillinger doesn't see goodness in others. he's a cynic. 8s and cp6s are both cynical, 6s are openly cynical (see Jeb Bush), and 8s are boldly cynical (see Trump), but 3s aren't either, though 3s are the most adaptable in their perspectives, so they can come to adopt a cynical perspective if they perceive that as essential to actualizing a more desirable and assertive image.

    8 vs 4: Assertive > Withdrawn. dillinger is too action-oriented for a 4.
    8 vs 4w3 sp/sx: dillinger isn't reckless just to be reckless. he's not intentionally trying to court pain and death. that's simply a fall-out from his escapades.

    8 vs 5: Gut > Head. Dillinger .
    8w7 vs 5w4 sx/sp: dillinger isn't soft and squeamish. He's a hard realist. he doesn't show any particular disdain for insensitivity and cruelty by others. he wasn't reclusive as a kid. he's not leaving any special insight into the way bank robberies are done. he doesn't use his imagination to make up things that counter preconceptions held by the mainstream.
    8w7 vs 5w6 so/sp: dillinger isn't fixated on gathering data so that he can provide expertise to society by logically applying classifications to its social problems.
    8w7 vs 5w6 sp/sx: dillinger doesn't deal with his outlaw status by cutting ties from everything in existence. And as a result, he walks right into a trap laid out by the FBI because he couldn't resist indulging himself. A 5 would have holed themselves up somewhere more hermit-like.

    8 vs 6: Assertive > Daddy. Dillinger says he's taking and stealing what he wants just because. He makes no attempt to justify himself on any ground. The way to get something, in the 8's view, is by taking it and because he takes his views for granted there's no need to explain. Taking and stealing is self-assertion in its most undiluted form. Gut > Head: dillinger is kicking back in the midst of robbing a bank to spit out an intuitive, operatic vision of himself to one of his hostages. a 6 wouldn't have access to that type of intuition in the middle of robbing a bank....the pitfall for type 6 is worry. The atmosphere would have a 6 robber knee deep in searching/scanning for things that may go wrong amid the robbery itself and keeping themselves mentally prepared to deal with it. Cp6 isn't a personality type distinct from 6, but a defensive response to one's fears, which still has the effect of cutting them off from their intuitive faculties.
    8w7 vs 6w5 so/sp: dillinger's mythic status isn't due to him fighting a cause on behalf of an oppressed people. william wallace in the movie braveheart was a so/sp 6w5.
    8w7 vs 6w5 so/sx: dillinger is not acknowledging his badness in the process of trying to convince others that he knows he 'fucked up' and wants to atone for his scumbaggery. dillinger is gleeful about his scumbaggery and practically tells you he wants to be the best scumbag on the block. he's unapologetic about his lifestyle and doesn't regret anything he's done. He's impudent to the very end. i can't see dillinger working a cubicle job in the tech industry. he's not an establishment figure and doesn't fit the mold of a company man. dillinger's entire life indicates that he had trouble getting along in any environment where he wasn't the boss. escaping such places is a constant theme throughout his life whether its bunking school or breaking out of jails. dillinger would break off on his own in no time to run things himself, even if it meant taking less pay, whereas a 6w5 might find some comfort in a corporate type structure.
    8w7 vs 6w5 sp/so: dillinger is sane but not pretentiously rational. his aggression isn't that of a sniper on the rooftop but a more cavalier, mischievous, impish criminal style. this quote speaks to said quality: "You're being robbed by the John Dillinger Gang, that's the best there is!" For a good example of sp/so 6w5 see Jeb Bush in the recent debate.
    8w7 vs 6w5 sp/sx: dillinger has too much bravado. a 6w5 sp/sx would likely make fun of dillinger's self-aggrandizement. 6w5 sp/sx wouldn't speak of themselves in such terms as they would see it as pompous and they veer away from aggrandizing themselves in that way. a 6w5 sp/sx typically see guys like dillinger, in light of his referencing himself as a thief, and self-aggrandizing manner, as doing a parody of some sort, a caricature. It's almost like 6w5 sp/sx is programmed to depict such people in a humorous light.
    8w7 vs 6w7 so/sp: dillinger doesn't see himself as being part of something bigger than dillinger. he's not partisan to any cause or person but his own and himself. he's not serving a state, or a team, so to speak, but his own desires.
    8w7 vs cp6w7 sx/sp: dillinger is too focused. he isn't a jumping jack. His aggression was more like a cold shower raining down on the banks of the country and not the insecure babbling of an erratic hothead. dillinger also doesn't make empty threats....dillinger wasn't bluffing when he told the media he was going to escape from the prison. dillinger guaranteed victory. He said what he was going to do and did it.

    8 vs 7: dillinger doesn't have any trouble implementing his plans or fully committing to particular actions. he's not stuck in the planning phase. dillinger also isn't particularly smooth or nonchalant. he'd likely just tell you to go fuck yourself or shut up, rather than try to tuck his aggression into a more smooth veneer.
    8w7 vs 7w8 so/sp: dillinger wasn't a compulsive debater. he bullied the other kids in the playground, he didn't debate with them. He's not refined and fitness focused.

    8 vs 9: dillinger is too arrogant for a 9.
    8w7 vs 9w8 sx/so: he's not asserting himself in the interest of setting up a conflict free zone.
    8w7 vs 9w1 sx/so: dillinger doesn't effect a facade of niceness.

    8 vs 1: Assertive Triad > Daddy Triad: dillinger isn't putting principle first. he's got a vision of himself far into the future where stories about his exploits are being passed on from generation to generation. that's too expansive for a 1. naranjo came across 'dominance' as both a core trait of type 1 and of type 8, and from my experience, it's not uncommon to see some similarities between the energy of both types. Rand Paul is a 1w9 sp/so and Donald Trump is a 8w7 sp/so. you can see from the way they answered questions in the recent debate that both were coming from the gut. In contrast, Jeb Bush and Mike Huckabee are clear head types. 1s are more principled and will come down on the side of principle even if it means suppressing their own interests. the ends don't justify means for 1. dillinger is for dillinger.
    8w7 vs 1w9 sx/sp: dillinger isn't a terrorist. the reason for his robbing banks isn' that he's upset with the current state of the world and views robbing banks or/and killing cops as an unfortunate, but necessary, way to bring about positive change
    8w7 vs 1w2 so/sp: dillinger is too messy. 1w2s are very tidy people. Neat.
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 08-13-2015 at 03:28 PM.

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    Hillary Clinton....LSI 1w2 so/sp

    Yulia Tymoshenko...LSI 1w9 so/sp

    Yulia comes in through Hillary:

    Last edited by Kill4Me; 08-15-2015 at 04:06 PM.

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    Eduard Basurin....LSI 1w9 sp/so

    Basurin comes in through Tymoshenko.

    tymoshenko has more ‘wetness' in her eyes and in her irises. that's a stack difference.

    you can also see it in the kinesthetic. the core expression/kinesthetic, though, is 1w9.

    dick cheney is a 6w5 LSI to contrast with:

    cheney's constant head tilting is a good marker for head center uncertainty/vacillation.

    the 1w9 expression has a more convicted/rigid quality than 6w5 does:

    Last edited by Kill4Me; 08-16-2015 at 05:33 AM.

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    Fury extended:

    Fury comes in thru alexander:

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    Trump extended

    Trump's recent comment about Megyn Kelly's blood coming out of her whatever [vagina] is a good example of Se-qualia grasping (combined with the 8w7 filters for belittling, insulting, denigrating, degrading). As I said before 8 is an all aggressive personality. so they don't draw the line between males and females when it comes to who they will verbally degrade/bully, as Trump clearly demonstrates.

    I'll bet trump was surprised to find out what a pussy whipped little bitch Gerald rivera is after he and a brigade of pussy whipped little bitches came to smelly kelly's defense.

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    Omarossa...LSI 1w2 so/sp

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    Mick Philpott....SLE-Ti 8w7 sx/sp.

    Philpott comes in through GG Allin:

    "I say you were born with a dick between your I'm going to use it."

    "one way or another I will get what I want."

    On Mick:

    "he would rule by fear."

    "what he says goes, what he wanted he had."

    In July 1978, aged 21, while AWOL from the army, he attempted to murder his girlfriend, Kim Hill, with whom he had had a two-year relationship, beginning when she was 15 years old. Philpott had previously shot Hill in the groin with a crossbow because he felt her dress had been too short, and had cracked her kneecap with a hammer when she paid too much attention to a baby she had been minding. Philpott attempted to kill Hill because she sent him a letter saying she was leaving him, stabbing her over a dozen times as she was lying in bed.[7]

    Lomax said that Philpott was controlling, and she prayed he would move on to someone else....She gave birth to two children, both boys, in quick succession, but Philpott wanted a daughter, and beat Kehoe for this reason. She described Philpott teaching his older sons to be violent with her. Philpott wanted Kehoe to produce more children, but she did not conceive again.

    In the documentary, Philpott was shown to be living in a caravan in his garden, in which his wife and mistress would alternate in spending nights with him. Widdecombe said that Philpott did not care about anyone and that he called both his wife and mistress "bitch". Widdecombe said she noticed that none of the children sought affection from him.

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    Bootz...SLE-Ti 8w7 sx/so

    leilene is INFj. She is bootz' conflictor.

    "are you proud of stripping on a pole, bitch?!"

    "you don't put makeup on a five year old you dumbass bitch!"

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    Temica Roshawn....SLE-Ti 8w7-6w7-3w4 sx/sp

    At first sight, you may notice that I am beautiful and think that I am sweet. This is true. However, I do have another side of me that bites. The bites are as venomous as a King Cobra.

    Let me be clear on a few points. I never said that I didn’t like fat people. I said I don’t agree with morbidly obese people. It is unhealthy and causes health problems particularly Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, breathing problems, certain types of cancer, arthritis, and a host of others. It is sickening to see an already obese person at an all-you-can-eat buffet stuffing themselves and putting on a disgusting spectacle of gluttony. There is a reason why gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins. It shortens one’s lifespan and I feel that life should be spent with family instead of six feet deep in some forgotten grave. I feel that if I condoned such behavior, I would be okay with my daughter eating French fries and double cheeseburgers rather than eating apples. Not in this lifetime!

    #Thinkaboutit – Why is it not a big deal when a fat woman wears tight clothes in public places and nobody says anything but when I do it, it’s a problem? That’s prejudiced! At least I’m nice to look at! I’m a 34-26-44 and everybody wants to see this! Nobody wants to see that fat ass bit** (please don’t excuse my profanity. I meant to say it!)

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    Suge Knight....SLE-Ti 8w7 so/sp

    Knight comes in through Manuel Noriega for 8w7 so/sp:

    secret typing shortcuts:


    October 1987. A busy month for a burgeoning businessman. Knight was arrested for domestic violence, for allegedly slicing off his girlfriend’s pony tail,

    In the heat of the summer, and his temper, Knight was busted for beating his girlfriend, as well as for Ecstasy, pharmaceuticals, and waving a knife around outside a Vegas strip club. Charges were dropped when the young lady in question, one Melissa Isaac, “mysteriously” vanished and couldn’t testify, reportedly leading the quixotic ex-con to quote, “God is good, Happy Holidays.”

    East coast rapper Christopher “Biggie Smalls” Wallace was shot and killed at an event in L.A. Even though he was in jail, Knight was a major suspect, with avenging Shakur’s death seen as an alleged motive.

    Five men broke into musician Akon’s producer’s home, reportedly claiming he owed Knight money, and stealing $170,000 worth of jewels, stereo gear, and a 130-pound safe. Rumors swirled that it was retaliation from Knight’s being on the receiving end of a pummeling back in February at a basketball event at the behest of Akon.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    Suge Knight....SLE-Ti 8w7 so/sp

    Knight comes in through Manuel Noriega for 8w7 so/sp:

    secret typing shortcuts:


    October 1987. A busy month for a burgeoning businessman. Knight was arrested for domestic violence, for allegedly slicing off his girlfriend’s pony tail,

    In the heat of the summer, and his temper, Knight was busted for beating his girlfriend, as well as for Ecstasy, pharmaceuticals, and waving a knife around outside a Vegas strip club. Charges were dropped when the young lady in question, one Melissa Isaac, “mysteriously” vanished and couldn’t testify, reportedly leading the quixotic ex-con to quote, “God is good, Happy Holidays.”

    East coast rapper Christopher “Biggie Smalls” Wallace was shot and killed at an event in L.A. Even though he was in jail, Knight was a major suspect, with avenging Shakur’s death seen as an alleged motive.

    Five men broke into musician Akon’s producer’s home, reportedly claiming he owed Knight money, and stealing $170,000 worth of jewels, stereo gear, and a 130-pound safe. Rumors swirled that it was retaliation from Knight’s being on the receiving end of a pummeling back in February at a basketball event at the behest of Akon.
    This is one typing of a rapper you've typed SLE that I could understand especially since originally typing him SLE, unfortunately when I had typed him SLE it was a misunderstanding of Se ego. Watching videos of him I think he's Si/Ne valuing.

    Suge comes across as an unhealthy Si-SEI 8w9, same enneagram as Eazy E and Dr Dre?

    I think you'd be hard pressed to find a SLE rapper or someone involved in rap tbh being SLE

    Hope that helps.

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