Quote Originally Posted by serenaeva View Post
I think so too. People are associating aggression and feeling with FiSe which technically speaking makes prototypical sense but the whole picture does not seem to be taken into account. You cannot exclusively equate general emotional reactivity with feeling types.. at the end of the day we're all human beings, regardless of the way we metabolize information (re: typology) and CP6s of any type are always going to be obtusely combative.

Eminem is notably analytical. Even the way he describes his songwriting and rhyming words in particular is distinctly .
He essentially approaches it as a science/body of information one's supposed to break down, talked about how he'd be thinking of words that potentially rhyme with one another all day long, how he'd carry this vocabulary with him so that he could have as many words as possible in his disposal in order to quote-in-quote lock them away in his mind and about how he'd (and still does) physically keep around a stupefying amount of small pieces of paper with rhymes and/or phrases he could use in the future.

Habitually treating understanding and rhyming words in such an objective way as if it were a cipher to be cracked doesn't seem > ... at all. His most "emotional" songs also simply read like analysis paralysis which is quite congruent with manifestation of neurosis in Ti egos more than anything. His whole disposition screams -seeking and i mean this in a bad way since the fxn seems to be distinctly not well-developed.
That's a nice way to put it. I like how you approach this typing thing at large.