Quote Originally Posted by asd View Post
lol I missed your typing video, based on which some seem to have strong opinions that you are ILE instead (...which is quite far from LSI being that Ne is PoLR for LSI), so I was just curious. But I understand if you don't want to share.
That is just Sol's hangup because I'm lively and engaging in person so I don't meet the LSI sullen and serious stereotype. Imo I can't be ILE, for the simple fact that I'm extremely deliberate in general, I overthink things be4 acting on information and miss opportunities because of this cautious "better safe than sorry" nature.

Ne is also called "opportunity intuition" — extraverted intuition; function of the psyche reflected in high-risk and non-standard behavior.

..so Ne dominants in general are prone to taking large risks, this is even true of EIE and LIE with 4D Ne and doing things in novel non standard ways. <== something I avoid. I'm type 6 after all. All 6-es are risk averse by nature. Some say the prerequisite for being Ne PolR is type 6.