Quote Originally Posted by Dauphin View Post
I've typed Michelangelo as SLE. He was dynamic (in the non-Reinin sense) and constantly active; but blunt, short-tempered, and very weak in Fi. His love of Dante and Neoplatonist philosophy might suggest he was Ni-creative but I would need more evidence to be confident in that.

My initial view of Stockhausen is that he's ILE, but that's just a hunch so far.
I don't think that he was a logical type. he was so deeply immersed in his intuition that he thought he was an extraterrestrial being from a planet orbiting the star Sirius. I think he was a geniuis and a visionary, but logical types always orient themselves at the laws of nature, so it's hard for me to believe that he could be anthing but an ethical type. Time has always played a major part in his work. I think it's very clear that he was a heavy Ni user.
