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Thread: Socionics Beta types Examples

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  1. #11
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    It's base Ni. They have higher inclination to esoterics than average. Without significant efforts and systematic study, in a playful manner, - they may naturally feel what and how to do. She may look lesser seriously than is.
    "A knowledge of the symbol leaves no room for dispute, it deepens the understanding which does not remain merely theoretical, but presses on to the real result of being able to do, to the result of knowing and being, to the realization of great doing. Pure knowledge is not transferable, and by being expressed in words, is veiled by them, but whoever wishes and is able to see this veil, will find it transparent. And in this sense it is possible to speak of the symbolism of speech, but it is not everyone who can understand even merely this symbolism. To understand the spoken inner meaning of the thought and its spirit is possible only at a certain stage of development and with an effort on the part of the hearer."--Gurdjieff

    Yes, it takes less effort for base Ni in certain areas... metaphysics can be studied by any type. Just look at youtube and you can see any type doing tarot or any occult practice.

    I don't know why he had such a reaction to some girl on youtube. I think calling her a whore was a weird emotional reaction to her, not to her interests or possessions. It was uncalled for. I would not personally go on youtube with any of my interests since I am more private than that about my interests. She still has the vibe of a E9 to me.

    I need to choose my own words carefully right now.

    I have also been guilty of calling certain new age people fluffy in the past but I don't want to do that anymore. That kind of superiority can easily lead to someone who knows better knocking you down a peg or two to show you that you know nothing in comparison. I have been knocked down by some brilliant people. It wasn't on this forum, where everyone has IQs much higher than mine, yet.

    Everyone starts somewhere and you can only work with the tools you are aware of. The props people use are just that. They are focal points and nothing more. The person gives them meaning. Most people have no understanding of "true metaphysics" whatever that is supposed to mean.

    There is just metaphysics. Some can study it for a lifetime and only scratch the surface. You need direct experience to understand any concept. With this stuff it is a knowing which can be experienced on a soul level. Not just study. What is "true" is in the mind of the practitioner. I am in occult groups on discord where the majority have a superior attitude like they know what is going on but it is like watching people fumble in the dark. Constantly arguing on definitions instead of intuitively understanding the information. There are a few knowledgeable people there but unfortunately once you have the knowledge you can't just transfer it to others. I just watch, for the most part. I have one server where there is no arguing like that even though the focus is similar to other occult servers. It is my sanctuary. I know and like everyone on it. It may look dead but it is alive with the energy of those there even when they say nothing it.

    Anyway, it is not the metaphysical term that irritated me. It was the term "whore". She vibes like a sweet person that genuinely believes in what she posts on youtube. A very different vibe than someone like Teal who I do have take issue with because I think she is a scam artist. I wouldn't even call Teal a whore though.

    Derived from the Greek meta ta physika ("after the things of nature"); referring to an idea, doctrine, or posited reality outside of human sense perception. In modern philosophical terminology, metaphysics refers to the studies of what cannot be reached through objective studies of material reality. Areas of metaphysical studies include ontology, cosmology, and often, epistemology.

    Metaphysical - Longer definition: Metaphysics is a type of philosophy or study that uses broad concepts to help define reality and our understanding of it. Metaphysical studies generally seek to explain inherent or universal elements of reality which are not easily discovered or experienced in our everyday life. As such, it is concerned with explaining the features of reality that exist beyond the physical world and our immediate senses. Metaphysics, therefore, uses logic based on the meaning of human terms, rather than on a logic tied to human sense perception of the objective world. Metaphysics might include the study of the nature of the human mind, the definition and meaning of existence, or the nature of space, time, and/or causality.

    The origin of philosophy, beginning with the Pre-Socratics, was metaphysical in nature. For example, the philosopher Plotinus held that the reason in the world and in the rational human mind is only a reflection of a more universal and perfect reality beyond our limited human reason. He termed this ordering power in the universe "God."

    Metaphysical ideas, because they are not based on direct experience with material reality, are often in conflict with the modern sciences. Beginning with the Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution, experiments with, and observations of, the world became the yardsticks for measuring truth and reality. Therefore, our contemporary valuation of scientific knowledge over other forms of knowledge helps explain the controversy and skepticism concerning metaphysical claims, which are considered unverifiable by modern science.

    In matters of religion, the problem of validating metaphysical claims is most readily seen in all of the "proofs" for the existence of God. Like trying to prove the existence of a "soul" or "spirit" in the human, attempts to scientifically prove the existence of God and other nonobjective, nonhuman realities is seemingly impossible. The difficulty arises out of the attempt to scientifically study and objectify something which, by its very nature, cannot become an object of our scientific studies. This reigning belief that everything can be explained scientifically in terms of natural causes - referred to as naturalism - compels many to think that only what is seen or sensed, only what can be hypothesized and tested can be true, and therefore, meaningful to us as humans.

    Recently, however, even as metaphysics has come under attack for its apparent lack of access to real knowledge, so has science begun to have its own difficulties in claiming absolute knowledge. Continual developments in our understanding of the human thought process reveals that science cannot solely be relied upon to explain reality, for the human mind cannot be seen as simply a mirror of the natural world. For example, since the act of scientific observation itself tends to produce the reality it hopes to explain, the so-called "truths" of science cannot be considered as final or objective. This fact manifests itself over and over again, as scientific truths and laws continue to break down or yield to new and better explanations of reality. What becomes apparent, therefore, is that the process of human interpretation in the sciences, as elsewhere, is both variable and relative to the observer's viewpoint.

    Under the skeptical analyses of the philosophical movements known as postmodernism and deconstructionism, all of these facts have resulted in a modern repudiation of both metaphysics and science. Their criticisms are based on the cultural and historical relativity of all knowledge. These two philosophical "schools" deny any existence at all of an objective or universal knowledge. Thus, metaphysical claims stand today between the absolutist claims of science (scientism) and the complete relativism of postmodernism and deconstructionism.
    Last edited by Aylen; 03-09-2019 at 02:56 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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