Courtney Love....SLE-Se sx/so 8w7

some template markers for her enneagram type:

the voice is gutty....its coming from deeper in the gut. like sinatra.
kinesthetic is naturally assertive....
the body is loose, relaxed....has an animalistic quality.
assertive types are assertive in a relaxed state (they don't have to be emotionally psyched up to assert themselves).
she doesn't have a tense, worried look on her face..
she relishes in her badness. she has a bull in the china shop quality.
she's not trying to pump energy into the environment like 7w8s do...that's another good distinction between the hodgetwins and 8w7s...her energy is 'weightier,' 'heavier'

for her socionics:

her cognition is Se-dom as can be seen in that interview....she's grasping qualia in almost every perception.

this below quote highlights one instance of qualia-grasping (mixed in with the 8w7's relishing in one's own badness, villainy).

"he was like, why do you get so controversial? rock n roll is like a comic book and i'm sorta batman...i might be the joker's daughter"

for her stacking:

she has an ability to shape shift (sx/so = playing parts, assuming a more attractive form...3ish)
sx/so types are capable of any behavior due to the ciphonous, merging abilities of the sx-instinct....
she's a big exhibitionist....she's always 'on.'
enneagram type is your cock....stacking is the condom on your cock...
every now and then her condom slips goes on tirades and gets obsessed with trying to tear people down (a good point of distinction from Madonna).

Simorangkir claims that Love falsely accused her of lying, stealing, dealing drugs, assault, prostitution, and losing custody of her child, among other things.