Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
How is a single reductive evolutionary theme throughout time the Ni perspective? Theoretically speaking Ni would be able to see how things change over time and there will be new theories on evolutionary behavior. The whole conversation between them is ridiculous to me btw. It is cringe-worthy. Joe pretty much stands his ground since he most likely sees himself as an alpha male. The other guy is arguing that alpha/beta males do not exist in humans and it is pretty obvious he knows he would not be considered an alpha male by anyone anyway. His guest never really got to the point of anything he was saying because he was defending himself.
I don't think he's using Ni as a base function he probably has an immature view of it, but he's speaking about alpha and beta as some deep rooted evolutionary trait we have as humans, that we have had throughout time, like he is looking underneath what we see today and is trying to convince Adam of the source of what we call alpha/beta as he even says let's look past the words, he searches for the underlying source of it all, saying women like athletic/aggressive men more than introverted/passive men. To me that is an Ni perspective, that looking behind the veil. While Adam uses Ne to constantly dodge and make room for "exceptions" because he sees so many other possible reasons, like women liking Dad Bod. Dad Bod is an Ne thing.

I agree with the rest of what you say and felt the same cringe. Adam's a pussy, Joe
s a badass, Adam says badasses don't exist, Joe says they do (cuz he is one) Adam says they don't and men can be pussy's 2 and they aren't necessarily a pussy for it blah blah blah cringe.