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Thread: Lee Young Ae

  1. #1
    eunice's Avatar
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    Default Lee Young Ae

    Some info about her
    *Has a B.A. in German Language and Literature, an M.A. in Theatre and Drama and is currently studying for a PhD in drama. Said to be the most well-educated actress in South Korea.
    *Hobbies: swimming, horse riding, playing the piano
    *Insisted on wearing the Korean national clothing in a international film festival and endlessly promoting her country.
    *Contributed a lot to various charity organizations
    *Uses her popularity in China to close the gap between the Chinese and the Koreans: "I know Dae Jum Gum [a popular drama she had acted in] had improved the relationship between the people of China and Korea. I wish I would use this opportunity. that I can use my name of Lee Young-Ae to make China and Korea building a better relationship."
    *She personally paid for her make up artist Korean dollar one million won [around US$1076] for a vacation trip to Malaysia and Singapore after the end of filming of Dae Jum Gum
    *She donated all her award money which she received from the recent Green Dragon Awards (where she won best actress) to the South Korea Movie Cultural organizations to show her support to Korean movie industries.
    *It was said that after she ended her contract with a management agency a few years ago, she deals all her movies, dramas, TV, advertising contracts by herself.
    *Few years back, Lee Young-Ae was accussed by the press as being a drug addictor, her immediate action to work against it, was that she personally went to Hospital for check up, and got a clean medical report, then she went to Police to report and had police not only check on her but to observe her for some times, and received a clarification and testiment directly from the Police Department to clear her name. It was a remarkable act to work against the false press reports.
    *The Hong Kong fans were excited to see that Lee Young-Ae would always walk to the crowd to shake hands, sign autographs and receive gifts, because other movie stars (including from Hong Kong) would normally stay away from them

    two minute video of her views on love and marriage (there's a two second pause in the middle between two segments)
    -she mentioned that her kind of man would be someone who is serious, sincere and intelligent.

    Presenting an award in the Berlin Film Fest

    What do you think her type is? She's probably INFj Fi subtype imo, though ISFj is a possibility as well.

  2. #2
    Suomea's Avatar
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    Agree with INFj Fi subtype......

  3. #3


    she's got nice skin

  4. #4

  5. #5
    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    She reminds me of Cate Blanchett, whom I think is INFj, so I think she is too. Regardless she is an exceptionally beautiful woman. That first photo of her is gorgeous.
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  6. #6
    eunice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    Definitely ESFj.

    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
    She reminds me of Cate Blanchett, whom I think is INFj, so I think she is too.
    I thought so too. And it bothers me that intelligent and kind-hearted people like her are single and available at this age (she's around 37 this year). I read an interview about her having only one or two boyfriends so far and lamenting that there are no guys wanting to woo her. Anyway, it makes sense 'cos INFjs are very selective of their partners.

  7. #7
    UDP's Avatar
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    It does not seem very likely that she is Fe>Fi

    I can relate to her views on relationships.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    Definitely ESFj.

    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
    She reminds me of Cate Blanchett, whom I think is INFj, so I think she is too.
    I thought so too. And it bothers me that intelligent and kind-hearted people like her are single and available at this age (she's around 37 this year). I read an interview about her having only one or two boyfriends so far and lamenting that there are no guys wanting to woo her. Anyway, it makes sense 'cos INFjs are very selective of their partners.
    I'd woo her up and down and sideways too :wink:

  9. #9
    Exodus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UDP III
    It does not seem very likely that she is Fe>Fi

    I can relate to her views on relationships.

    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    Definitely ESFj.
    For one, the way she is spontaneously joking and laughing all the time. The Serious INFj-Fi is extremely unlikely to do this - maybe possibly INFj-Ne.

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