Quote Originally Posted by Jimbean
First, ****** was a sociopath. As far as I can tell, sociopaths are difficult to type. For the last year and a half, I have been trying to type sociopaths including serial killer Ted Bundy, Adolf ******, Manson (Helter Skelter), and others and it is certainly not easy-for some strange reason. If anyone can post a method or idea to type people with antisocial personality disorder that would be great.

In my opinion and by using V.I., ****** was either an ENTP or an ISFJ. If he was an ISFJ, then he must have been incredibly good at handling his weakness. As an ENTP however, he explicitly learned how to manipulate crowds by learning psychology and stage art.

As far as ****** being an ENFJ because of his speaking ability, I myself being an ENTP learned how to sway crowds and motivate people by speaking publicly. Think about it in terms of incentives and capability. A sociopath ENTP would not mind to gather lots of information and practice hard to sway people. Not to say that I am a sociopath myself.

The problem with this subject is the amount of subjectivism involved in it. There is a difference between deductive reasoning and rationalizing by using information that supports a claim that is desired. This is even more common in mystical things like astrology. I even question Socionics as being mystical minded.
As much as I hate to admit it, you're probably right. There's no logical, physical cause and effect finality in socionics, and that's why we can't be sure when we type someone else. You can't trace these functions down to neurons or sides of the brain or etc. However, this is a problem with psychology in general, it's not specific to socionics. It's just the territory. At lot of things about socionics I'm just not sure about or have to reevaluate the conclusions I've made, sometimes they are subjective rationalizations and I find something that goes against something I've taken as almost fact. The only thing I'm really sure about is the functions themselves seem extremely evident to me. Also, the Model A seems to be so accurate. Sure there's lots of subjective conclusions you can draw from the model A and alot of those will be wrong(just look on our forums), but the speculation seems to be off, not the facts. Anyway...