Quote Originally Posted by IcEPiCk
ENTPs and ISTPs have close relationships at first and then it we can get to each other's throats because of extreme mistrust (ask RMCNEW about our semi duality).
IcEPiCK is right about the ENTp/ISTp semi-dual relationship.

Usually the ISTp becomes offended by ENTps behaviour and ENTp does not know why ISTp is offended, then ENTp feels like victim and they avoid each other for a while. They make up, same thing happens again and again until they can not handle being around each other any more.

The reason this occurs is because of the value ISTps place on structure and honesty, and they often equate the two in their minds. If they do not see consistent behaviour, they become very suspecious.

ENTps on the other hand value freedom of independance in an unstructured enviroment, and are anything but consistent, usually forgetting what they have already done and misplacing items, linking concepts together in their minds. But, an ENTp can appear as sharp as ever in the process.

In result, it does not look like appropiate behaviour to an ISTp who thrives in a structured and strictfully honest and open enviroment, and the natural ENTp behaviour offends ISTps ...

However, when ISTps first meet, they usually relate well with their and manifest similar behaviours. They can feel a connection, but do not realize impending conflict.

That is what ENTp/ISTp semi-duality is like ...