He was an ENFj, case closed.

Power hungry maniac, or deluted idealistic tyrant? You decide. Both correlate to ENFj.
I am biased since I hate ENTPs... I see the method in which he controlled was very tyranical, ENTPs like to control in that way.

If you consider he ended up killing his top general, Rommel, that could easily link to his hidden agenda to be loved. General Rommel was an ISTP (for sure its even evident in his strategies... VI him if you wish). General Rommel was quietly talking about how they would definitely lose the war being the realist he was. He eventually saw ******s insanity for what it was. ENTPs and ISTPs have close relationships at first and then it we can get to each other's throats because of extreme mistrust (ask RMCNEW about our semi duality). Once an ENTP is certain they are no longer loved by someone they will often put them on an enemy list. The SS came a knocking on Rommel's door and he had to leave one day, his son and family never saw him again.

****** definitely did gain the love of the German people. He loved doing those speeches because of the attention he would get. Perhaps that ugly mustache was just another way of getting attention...

Still, anyone THAT crazy must have had a personality disorder on top of whatever type they were.