Quote Originally Posted by Hostage_Child
I smell that familiar INFp stench coming from Darklord, personally...but if he/she/it wants to be INFj, than that's his/her/its business.

You know you want to come over to the INFp darkside...
Hey, just because you like me doesn't mean you can keep me for yourselves.

The fact is, however, that there is only two lines in the INFj profile that don't fit me completely (And they still fit halfway), while the INFp profiles only hold about five statements that are true about me.
In RL, you'd all agree that I'm not INFp. However, if you still want to have something more substantial to base your judgment on, V.I. me:
V.I. me. The picture is cheesy, ok, but it's the best one I can find. Please keep in mind that I was trying to put on a smile for the camera. And, yes, that left eye is in a weird position. I've got "lazy eyes". I've got one of the opposite occurence (Me trying not to smile), too, but that one is even worse.

However, I'd be more than happy to be a honorary INFp :wink: .