I'm not sure if this should go in General Discussion, move it if you will mods, but ... I really want this to garner some good attention..

So yeah. I'm in Gr 11 and I'm taking an Anthro/Socio/Psycho class. Our Culminating Activity is to do primary research and formulate a 3pgish report on the topic of our choice regarding any of the fields studied! Socionics of course sprang to my mind and the whole theory of personality.. mainly quadras. I wrote my proposal, etc. and my teacher said it seemed like a university-level project and more complex than she was actually looking for, but I think I could still do it with my partner.

Basically, I need some ideas/help. My whole project can be boiled down to one specific thing: Finding out if the QUADRA THEORY is really true.. I mean the whole deal with small groups of friends generally being of the same quadra (with one or two "stragglers" as mentioned on the socionics.us site) ..

I need to make surveys. This is how I decided I would do it. It may be quite biased, but eh.. best I can do for this high school thing, not trying to be overly worked up here. I have the types of PLENTY of people.. I was thinking I would print surveys to these people (knowing beforehand their types) and ask them questions about their behavior in groups.. like you know how most sites describe Quadra behavior and all? I was thinking I would break it down into simpler terms and ask questions that will lead me to understand whether or not they have a preference to a certain type of group behavior.

Example: Alpha vs Beta vs Gamma vs Delta
Question: Which appeals to you more in a group setting?

1. (Alpha, but they don't know this, obv.)

Carefree emotional expression, enjoying the simple sensory delights like funny stories, food, picnics, group outings, the arts

2. (Beta)

Dramatic self-expression, enjoying artistic means to express romantic, abstract ideals and feelings: singing, poetry, etc.


I know it's a total copy from the socionics.us website but I'm not sure what else to do. I need suggestions to improve this whole thing, make it less biased and more understandeable to test takers. I'm scared that maybe certain choices will sound better than others...

Thank you =]

I can't wait to introduce at least one part of Socionics to my class.. I'll try not to screw it up too badly!