This INFp..that im in a ''situation'' with is generally very quiet, has a very calm demeanor, and when we do talk I love listening to his voice. I always wait for him to say something because when he does its so witty and just the right thing. But, most of the time, he doesn't say too much. And I always bug him about how he doesn't have much to say. And even after a while...he noticed, and said "it REALLY bother's you that I dont say too much" and I said..yes..yes it does. And he just shut up. When we were in bed, he talked most of the time...I noticed the closer we were physically the more open and talkative in general was. I just lay there listening to his voice because it is pretty rare to hear him talk a lot...I dont know? Do other INFp's find that the closer you are physically with someone...I dont mean just sex but literally physically closer to someone that you just open up more freely & completely? I find this one to be that way. He's my dual (im ESTp...not ISTP as the name states...) so does that have anything to do with being in close proximity and what not? I also find that I always have to ask so many questions, and he's generally the one doing the answering. But when it came to my needs, a lot of the time he would just tend to me without asking me what it is I he already knew.