Quote Originally Posted by redbaron
Quote Originally Posted by misutii

I ESPECIALLY... LIKE REALLY REALLY REALLY hate talking on the phone. I can't do it. It makes me a control freak, I impulsively take control of the conversation and then make it end ASAP. I usually just text message my friends, it's more convenient and if they want to talk then we'll do it face to face for the sake of my sanity.
I absolutely agree with this.
Try talking to 5-10 strangers simultaneously in a phone conference. Lols.

But anyways I can kind of relate to many things said here.

Edit: After reading again...I'm not sure if I relate that well. I relate to some things but not to many others. For example I have no problems talking loud or even forcefully getting attention and make others listen to me IF it is clear in my mind what I need to say or if I'm annoyed or something. However in a discussion situation where there is a lot of strangers discussing about some topic where I don't feel intellectually secure I have problems articulating. I kind of wished everyone would slow down and let me have my time to develop and then articulate my views. In those situations I can be quite silent even for longer periods of time. In situations where I feel intellectually secure and I clearly know what goals do I need to achieve it is easy for me to be quite forceful and dynamic speaker. One-on-one situations are much easier except those where there just isn't anything to talk about except some small talk. I sort of run out of small talk steam pretty quickly.