Quote Originally Posted by Starfall
I'm wondering if it's a usual thing for INFp's to suffer from selective mutisim.
It could be. I've also had problems with not talking to anyone, or talking to strangers and people that I don't feel comfortable with in general for that matter, when I was young. I was very (really) shy as a child and would hardly speak to anyone, for whatever the reason. I took it as an extreme form of shyness and social anxiety. I'd tense-up and freeze whenever I was expected to say or do something at school or something. I am extremely soft-spoken and it seems like no-one can hear what I'm saying. Although when I speak in a "normal" hearing-voice, I'd feel like I am shouting. I actually still find it difficult and awkward to talk to people whom I don't feel comfortable with. I'm not really sure about 'selective mutism', I havn't looked too much into it.