Quote Originally Posted by Going B. Zerk
Fine I’ll just keep posting until someone suggests a type.

I’ll add on more info if asked to.

Also if someone does suggest a type please explain why.

And finally, I’m really curious as what her type is, I saw one of her movies and totally loved her performance. So I’ll be a pain in the arse and keep bringing this topic up until I get sufficient response.

ps I know y’all don’t care ‘bout this. But I do so like I said, I’ll keep bringing it up.

Bottom line is: Give me godamn answers!! :wink:
Aww she's such a cute girl. I was trying to think about this but at the moment Im stumped. ESTJ may not be such a bad call. I dont see her as being very complicated but sort of open and sincere. Thats just based on the few clips I looked at on youtube though. I noticed she moves around alot when she is speaking.