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Thread: Imitating others

  1. #1

    Default Imitating others

    Is this type related? To see another person do something in a certain way, and to want to do this, too? For example if a person works in a very efficient quick manner, to want to copy in the way they do it? Or if someone is very slow and lazy and laid back, to want to copy that? Or whatever other thing that characterizes a person? I've done this a lot before and actually been called out on it and told "you're acting like so and so", and it's been usually told in a negative way.

  2. #2
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    Default Re: Imitating others

    Quote Originally Posted by somethingsomething
    Is this type related? To see another person do something in a certain way, and to want to do this, too? For example if a person works in a very efficient quick manner, to want to copy in the way they do it? Or if someone is very slow and lazy and laid back, to want to copy that? Or whatever other thing that characterizes a person? I've done this a lot before and actually been called out on it and told "you're acting like so and so", and it's been usually told in a negative way.
    I dont see it as being particularly type related.
    Imitation is one of the ways humans learn.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  3. #3
    normal's Avatar
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    just in my case, when I see a person doing a thing that im a attracted for (the expression he/she used when talking or using particular words) I imitate the same way because I feel stimulated (inspired counts too). Many people said about me that Im not original, because i usually use words or expresions from other persons, but actually i feel more 'original' with that 'cause I tend to use many other words or manners of people mixing many personalities with it.

    But, when related about aspirations (i want to be like 'one' person), I think its quite different because include more about of that person and not only the characteristic manner we see through our eyes. A lot more deep, definitively.

  4. #4


    rapport building... standard stuff for humans, even if you don't notice it you're still doing it unconsciously

  5. #5
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    yeah, Its normal and everybody does but, there is exist some type who do it more than the common standar of people? (being more specific)

  6. #6


    just a wild guess but I'd think SFs would do it moreso (or better) than others being socials and all.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Imitating others

    Quote Originally Posted by somethingsomething
    Is this type related? To see another person do something in a certain way, and to want to do this, too? For example if a person works in a very efficient quick manner, to want to copy in the way they do it? Or if someone is very slow and lazy and laid back, to want to copy that? Or whatever other thing that characterizes a person? I've done this a lot before and actually been called out on it and told "you're acting like so and so", and it's been usually told in a negative way.
    I've always been curious about this, I think its just a matter of being very aware of this kind of stuff, not nessicarily type related. I occasionally pick up lightly on certain people's mannerisms very quickly, sometimes I'll start using a phrase more often that some else around me uses alot, other times I use my hands in a different way when talking, other times I'll just stand different or walk differently. Other times I've actually seen people copy me lol. In one case when I worked at a grocery store scanning groceries I'd always spin the groceries over the scanner so they'd scan better and people started to pick up on it and soon like everyone that had watched me was spinning their groceries lol, and even the baggers began to spin things, don't ask me but I thought it was kind of cool lol.

  8. #8
    Jarno's Avatar
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    i've been thinking about this for sometime. And my conclusion is that whatever you copy of someone else, still tells something about yourself.

    Because if you see somebody walk fast and someone else walk slowly, and you deside, hey i gotta walk fast, it looks better or is more efficient or whatever, then you have made a decision that is based on your own opinion. Somebody else would have chosen to walk slowly. So you still keep differences.

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  10. #10
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    I think that's just an aspect of human nature. It's better to be in harmony, than in discord, should a danger or threat strike, does it not? You're doing it for your evolutionary, raw survival- and nothing more. It's not psychological. It's physiological. (and it's a reason why say, when everybody is out in the external, objective world they pretty much act the same way. Like you don't see everybody acting very differently from each other on a subway to work or anything, not because we're all self-conscious losers, but because it's very, very disadvantageous to our survival if there was a threat on the bus.)

    I'm not talking about 'everybody jumping off a bridge, and you doing it too.' I'm talking about if there's a clear *external* threat. It's better to have everybody be on the same page (via copying each other's behaviors) than somebody behaving too differently and causing inappropriate attention for the tribe.

    And I am of the opinion human beings are primarily tribal species. Look at this socionics family we have going on here. Technically, we are a tribe too- and if somebody was acting too different from all of us, it might seem politically correct to say we'd 'tolerate that differences' but really we would want everybody to mimic each other out of comfort. If somebody is rude to you, you're generally rude back. If somebody is nice to you, you're nice. If somebody waves hi to you, you usually say hi. If somebody does an amazing sexual favor for you, you usually want to return the favor.

    In large groups this pattern is probably instinctual. I don't think it's type related. But if I had to guess, I would agree with BG and say it's SF, although that itself is probably 'too rough' to focus too much attention to.

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