Quote Originally Posted by Diana
Quote Originally Posted by FDG
kisanji scrive:
Te is defining the object/concept/person/whatever
kisanji scrive:
Ti is defining the relationship and interdependencies
So Ti HA would be wanting understanding of how pieces relate to each other. -- which could also help explain Te polr, not wanting too many things defined because it makes it harder to understand how they all relate? Does that sound right?
this sounds good, and could easily be one manifestatin of Te polr
see below for another possible manifestation

fdg scrive:
But wouldn't defining the object be also Se
kisanji scrive:
so even if Ni or Si noticed a continuous relationship, the process of defining it would be Ti
Looking at Ni as a path (a continuation) someone with Ni leading and Ti hidden agenda would be looking for defining how things relate to each other along the projected path? Se dual-seeking and Fe creative, how would those fit in.
imo, Se dual-seeking helps in defining the Fe creative. They are both functions of involvement, but the Se helps to get the Fe to focus on the objects that are real. (much easier to have someone who's a natural at Se to help out with this) This may suggest another Te polr manifestation. If the Se is helping to get the Fe to focus on the objects that are real, how annoying would it be to have someone come along and suggest/mention objects that aren't real but are instead abstractions?

but another way of looking at it could be that the accepting Ni subconsciously senses the real world objects (Se) and adapts/adjusts to them by using Fe. Like, instead of actually seeing the objects in the path, gets more of a sense that something is in the way. To ask them to define that something that is in the way takes up time that could be better spent just moving around it. I mean, why stop along the path to define the damned thing when one could just side-step it? (this also suggests how Te polr might manifest)