fdg scrive:
kisanji scrive:
fdg scrive:
Ok so a dynamic if then chain would be...
fdg scrive:
if i kick a ball the ball moves
fdg scrive:
kisanji scrive:
still starting from a static point
fdg scrive:
damn, but
fdg scrive:
that happens every time
kisanji scrive:
kisanji scrive:
that might be a gray area i'm unable to answer
fdg scrive:
Ahh ok np
kisanji scrive:
the thing is....it's T and S that are explicit functions
fdg scrive:
The Te Ti st is bound to remain messy imho if we try to look at it from the point of view of people that have BOTH Te and Ti as strong
kisanji scrive:
Te is defining the object/concept/person/whatever
kisanji scrive:
Ti is defining the relationship and interdependencies
fdg scrive:
But wouldn't defining the object be also Se
kisanji scrive:
so even if Ni or Si noticed a continuous relationship, the process of defining it would be Ti
kisanji scrive:
yes, Se, if one is using the senses to define it instead of say...math
kisanji scrive:
a mathematical graphing formula would be an example of Ti'd Ni/Si info
fdg scrive:
Ohhh I understand now
fdg scrive:
external dynamics vs external statics
fdg scrive:
fdg scrive:
Could you make an example
fdg scrive:
If you can
kisanji scrive:
an example of external dynamics vs external statics?
kisanji scrive:
or of a mathematical graphing formula?
kisanji scrive:
i really suck at coming up with examples...hehe
fdg scrive:
Oh external dynamics vs extenrla statics
fdg scrive:
I can give you some
fdg scrive:
and you classify them
kisanji scrive:
(that is asking me to define something)...it's easier for me to just point something out
kisanji scrive:
ok, that i can try doing
fdg scrive:
fdg scrive:
external statics
fdg scrive:
Red color
fdg scrive:
shape of the car
fdg scrive:
brightness of the lights
kisanji scrive:
hmmm, brightness.....that one is a hard one
fdg scrive:
fdg scrive:
it could be Si
kisanji scrive:
i think so
kisanji scrive:
engine as it's running would be a dynamic i think
fdg scrive:
Yes exactly
fdg scrive:
fdg scrive:
this car can reach 120 mph
fdg scrive:
that is Te
fdg scrive:
kisanji scrive:
let's see..(thinking out loud)...
kisanji scrive:
it's not relating/comparing two concepts/objects, so it's not Xe
kisanji scrive:
opps, not Xi
kisanji scrive:
making it an Xe
kisanji scrive:
it's not utilizing the senses so it's not Se
kisanji scrive:
it's not utilizing involvement at all....it's abstract...so it's not Se nor Fe
kisanji scrive:
that leaves us with...Ne and Te as possiblities
kisanji scrive:
and since it's defined...yes, Te
fdg scrive:
Ooook, I got a better picture now
kisanji scrive:
should we past this conversation into that thread?
fdg scrive:
Good idea
kisanji scrive:
you wanna do it or me?
fdg scrive:
Do you have chat logs on trillian?
kisanji scrive:
i can save it to file ...is that what you mean?
kisanji scrive:
or just copy paste
fdg scrive:
I'll copy paste myself
kisanji scrive: