Quote Originally Posted by Expat
The only typing view I have very strongly defended recently, and I will continue to do so, is that XoX isn't INTp. That's it.

Now, if asked, I am inclined to see INFp as more likely than INTp for you and Phaedrus, however, it's not something that I can defend (even to my satisfaction) as strongly as the view that XoX isn't INTp.
What Expat is, in fact, saying here is that XoX is delusional. According to Expat, XoX doesn't understand the meaning of the four scales (E/I, S/N, T/F, and J/P), and he doesn't understand what they refer to. Neither is XoX, according to Expat, capable of reading type descriptions correctly. Both of those assumptions might be true of course, since XoX has admitted himself that he might have some reading to do before he can come to a final conclusion about his type, though I do believe that XoX is not that delusional. At least I have no reason to believe that he is delusional.

Whatever the truth is about XoX, all that becomes irrelevant when it comes to Jonathan and me. Because both Jonathan and I understand these things perfectly well. And yet, Expat has the nerve to suggest that both Jonathan and I are also delusional, that we don't understand the four scales and mistake ourselves for logical types, and that we are in fact more likely ethical types according to his observations and interpretations. That is, quite frankly, offensive (and he might see the fact that I am saying this as yet another indication of the correctness of his opinion about my type).

No one, who understands the four scales correctly -- how they are defined and what attitudes, behaviours, and other outer manifestations they refer to -- should be wrong about which type he or she is, if that person clearly and distinctly can determine on which sides of the scales he or she belongs, especially not if the person has also read a lot of type descriptions to see if the four letters of the scales point out a matching description that he or she can fully identify with, and that he or she cannot identify with some other type descriptions too, at least to a reasonable extent.

And if you have determined your type by the four scales correctly, it is impossible that you are another type according to a functional analysis or your intertype relations. The four scales, your four letters, must -- necessarily -- be compatible with your intertype relations, your quadra, your function preferences, etc. If they contradict each other -- and please notice that according to Expat they do contradict each other in Jonathan's and my case, not to mention XoX's case -- that contradiction must be explained. It is totally and unconditionally unacceptable that you dismiss one type of evidence here in favour of another -- unless you can explain how such an obvious contradiction can exist as the result of an extremely thorough socionic investigation.

One possible explanation is that the theory of Socinonics in itself is logically inconsistent. That possibility has been pointed out many times by me and some times by Jonathan, and maybe by some others too, I don't remember exactly. But that alternative should only be chosen if every other alternative has been ruled out as impossible or extremely unlikely.

Every other possible explanation is based on the premise that Socionics is logially coherent, at least in the parts that are relevant to this discussion. I prefer to believe that until proven wrong in that assumption. But if that is true there are only two alternatives left: either Expat is wrong about our types, or Jonathan and I are delusional. Seen from my perspective the most likely alternative is very easy to spot. If Expat thinks that his typing of me is more likely to be true than that I am not delusional, then I will consider him to be an idiot until he starts to listen to reason and changes his mind to at least not having an opinion on what my type is. I will not take any of his arguments seriously if he insists on believing that I am more likely an INFp than an INTp, because then everything he says could be false.