I want to thank everyone for responding to my post. I feel a little defensive after reading some of the posts, but that is okay. UDP, we are not in high school

It appears that many who responded have strong feelings around the implication that he is pressuring me to have sex while dating other people. He is not. He has honored the boundaries of the relationship, and will continue too (if the relationship continues). I am old enough to know what I want and what is good (and bad) for me. While he is dating other people, the boundaries stand. That said, if I ask a question, I want an honest answer even if it is not what I want to hear and he gave me one.

Likewise the "amazing potential" is based on many qualities (intelligence being high but not top of the list) but I don't think the details would be interesting to you.

I posted on this site because I really didn't think INTJs would date multiple people. We wouldn't risk getting emotionally involved with more than one person because of the chaos it would create for us, but maybe I am just projecting my own fears. What is your opinion on this? Have you dated multiple people at the same time before? What was that experience like for you?