I recently discovered the joys of personality types(I'm INTJ), and have since been pursuing the subject fairly voraciously via google. My boyfriend (Definately INFJ) often complains that I am not expressive and seem uninterested in him, which I think is a very common problem that INTJs have. He also says I'm holding part of myself back, but I'm absolutely perplexed, as I cannot think of anything I havn't told him. He's exeptionally perceptive and part of me thinks he might be right. However, I've read that INTJs have a habit of 'fencing off' a certain area of thought that they absolutely do not wish to venture into.
So, more to the point, I'm wondering if any other INTJs or people who know them have similar issues with not expressing/acknowledging part of themselves. I feel like lately I've really lost touch with myself, but is it something that gets better as we mature? Or is it something entirely unrelated to personality type? Somebody once mentioned a sort of 'stagnation' or boredom specific to INTJs.
Also, how do other INTJs express themselves to significant others? I'm often surprised to realize that people don't know how I feel, because I tend to think I'm being very straightforward and direct.

Having to interact with others is such an inconvenience sometimes.