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Thread: Dual-Type Test Questions

  1. #1
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    Default Dual-Type Test Questions

    I've prepared a set of test questions by which to assess IM-IE type pairings. Hopefully these will help you understand what the dual-type model attempts to explain and understand how it relates to your life and talents.


    Base Master

    I am most confident in:
    - my ability to think logically and to describe how things are structured ()
    - my ability to know where others are coming from and to relate to their
    subjective experiences ()
    - my ability to be at peace with my own feelings and to empathize with
    others' feelings ()
    - my ability to recall orders of sequential progression and to appraise the
    virtues of plausible timelines ()
    - my ability to visualize and examine possible scenarios ()
    - my ability to communicate effectively with others and know what I need to
    know about them ()
    - my ability to assess how strong or weak something is, and how much of
    something there is, and what's going on around me ()
    - my ability to sense my environment deeply and find common ground between
    people with different interests ()

    Base Slave

    I have an excellent grasp of:
    - how processes can evolve and change ()
    - the possibilities I can make real ()
    - what I can do to make a difference ()
    - whether or not I can communicate with somebody ()
    - how to bring disparate elements together into a unified whole ()
    - how to create structure that endures ()
    - how I can make others feel ()
    - how to persuade people ()

    Creative Master

    My means of being helpful to others is to:
    - set forward a timeline for success ()
    - produce a vision of what could be ()
    - identify relationships between variables ()
    - make them aware of how others see the world ()
    - propose a viable structure ()
    - get things moving ()
    - make them aware of what others are feeling ()
    - identify opportunities for harmony between people and things ()

    Creative Slave

    I am often surprised by:
    - the way things naturally come together ()
    - the way things turn out ()
    - what is possible ()
    - what is happening ()
    - what people feel ()
    - how people see the world ()
    - how people relate to each other ()
    - how things work ()


    Role Master

    The roles I have offer above all:
    - a sense of harmony with my feelings ()
    - relationships and communication opportunities ()
    - compliance with the expectations of others ()
    - sensory satisfaction and the ability to bring people with different
    interests together ()
    - a sense of getting things done ()
    - structure and understanding ()
    - the fulfillment of a possibility ()
    - a sense of peace with my times ()

    Role Slave

    The roles I take primarily determine:
    - what I can get done my means of interaction with society ()
    - what myself and others feel about our roles ()
    - my experience of social life ()
    - what bonds I form between myself and others with compatible roles ()
    - how I interact with people of other roles ()
    - how I structure my life ()
    - the evolution of my role in society ()
    - what it is possible for me to do ()

    PoLR Master

    I often have difficulty:
    - justifying my feelings to others ()
    - relating to others effectively ()
    - being on time ()
    - seeing the obvious ()
    - seeing how people's interests interact ()
    - getting others' signals ()
    - understanding the structure of ideas ()
    - believing in possibilities ()

    PoLR Slave

    I find myself constantly bedeviled by:
    - health issues and conflicting interests ()
    - the way things turn out ()
    - the unexpected ()
    - rumors and false signals ()
    - inescapable circumstances ()
    - forces stronger than myself ()
    - grudes people have for me ()
    - negative perceptions of me ()


    Suggestive Master

    I feel unconfident about:
    - how others perceive me and how I should perceive them ()
    - what I am feeling and how others feel about me ()
    - my ability to influence my environment ()
    - my grasp of why things are the way they are ()
    - my ability to communicate my ideas effectively ()
    - my ability to imagine possibilities ()
    - the order in which things should happen ()
    - my grasp of what people want from me ()

    Suggestive Slave

    I often find it difficult to explain:
    - the sensations I have, and how I put together the things I do. ()
    - the connections and correlations I make ()
    - the structures I assemble ()
    - how I do the things I do ()
    - how I see the world ()
    - the feelings I create ()
    - the future I foresee ()
    - my sense of what could happen ()

    Estimative Master

    Above all else, I desire:
    - to bring people together in harmony, and health for myself ()
    - to believe in a positive destiny for myself ()
    - to be viewed favorably by others ()
    - the strength and power to succeed ()
    - to have suitable feelings for others and to feel good about myself ()
    - to structure my life properly ()
    - to effectively communicate and be knowledgeable ()
    - to live by the highest and purest ideals imaginable ()

    Estimative Slave

    By fulfilling my earnest desires, I am enabled to:
    - influence the ways things tend to happen ()
    - make things happen ()
    - create decent relationships between myself and others ()
    - create a sense of common structure for myself and others ()
    - create broad feeling ()
    - create a sense of community and common view ()
    - put things together ()
    - influence what happens ()


    Personal Knowledge Master

    Although some would disagree with me, I am instinctually aware of:
    - what true knowledge is ()
    - what is possible and how ideas are similar ()
    - how the world works ()
    - what I feel ()
    - how I perceive perceive the world ()
    - the ways things happen ()
    - What I sense about people and things ()
    - My own strength and power ()

    Personal Knowledge Slave

    By way of my heart, I:
    - sow feelings in the hearts of others ()
    - direct the flow of fate ()
    - make what was believed impossible possible ()
    - bring people together for common causes and create works of beauty ()
    - compell people to make things happen ()
    - define truth and untruth ()
    - color others' worldviews ()
    - create structure that others adhere to ()

    Determination Master

    No one disputes:
    - my assessment of what will happen ()
    - my assessment of what is possible ()
    - my assessments regarding how things come together and of what makes for
    good taste ()
    - my assessment of what is happening now ()
    - what I and others are feeling ()
    - my assessment of the way things are ()
    - my assessments of how people relate to each other ()
    - my assessment of what others are experiencing ()

    Determination Slave

    I have remarkable control over:
    - what people perceive of as possible ()
    - the flow of time ()
    - how things come together ()
    - how others understand and structure the world ()
    - how people can relate to each other ()
    - what is happening ()
    - how people experience the world ()
    - what feelings exist ()

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    I absolutely want to put together a test with these.

    It seems to me that it would be best to test on all sixteen questions and then check if they are consistent. Technically one would only need four questions to guess the type, but by checking for inconsistencies between blocks we can notify the taker that something is wrong.... (need ideas)

    thehotelambush, would you help me put this test together with your skill?

  3. #3
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    Is everyone confused by this?

  4. #4
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    I still don't know any web programming. I could make an executable fairly easily, though. Maybe machintruc or niffweed can help to make a web version.

    I think you may be interested in Julian Jaynes's theory of the Bicameral Mind. It seems to have much in common with the crosstype model.

    P.S. By this test I am fairly clearly an INTj-ISFp. This statement I found particularly interesting:

    I find myself constantly bedeviled by:
    - rumors and false signals (Extraverted Thinking)

    Some options are unclear, and some answers don't quite fit, but overall it's quite accurate.

  5. #5



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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    I still don't know any web programming. I could make an executable fairly easily, though. Maybe machintruc or niffweed can help to make a web version.

    I think you may be interested in Julian Jaynes's theory of the Bicameral Mind. It seems to have much in common with the crosstype model.

    P.S. By this test I am fairly clearly an INTj-ISFp. This statement I found particularly interesting:

    I find myself constantly bedeviled by:
    - rumors and false signals (Extraverted Thinking)

    Some options are unclear, and some answers don't quite fit, but overall it's quite accurate.
    I remember posting that on this forum and everyone dismissed it. Actually, I think the bicameral mind thoery might fit in with the static/dynamic conscious model, or maybe explaining self-made crosstypes through Jaynes' thinking toward the evolution of the human consciousness.


    alright, think of it this way:

    left brain, right brain

    processing information and being aware of information


    Jaynes said that consciousness was a process of either being aware of your thoughts or thinking about what you are aware of. So each block of consciousness is ego, super ego, super id, and id. Each block has a thinking and awarnesss function.

    Now, for a wild guess, take LIE ( ), for example, if you were to some how seperate that person's ability to allow information to flow between and , or and , then the person might go schizaphrenic.

    Could it be that a person might become a cross type when they are as moble with their super ego functions as they are with their ego functions? If so, is that what Jaynes calls the third evolutionary stage?
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
    --Theodore Roosevelt

    "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
    -- Mark Twain

    "Man who stand on hill with mouth open will wait long time for roast duck to drop in."
    -- Confucius

  7. #7
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    Jimbean: no relation. The logic doesn't fit.

    I've got some web programming experience. If you can put the algorithm together in an application, then I can convert it to say, PHP. (if you spell it out for me, that is; I'm not the best at reading others' code.) And PHP is just a good thing to learn, anyhow. It's not difficult.

    This test requires a lot of careful consideration to understand... but I'm pretty sure one can intuit their way through it successfully. On the other hand, it would be helpful to know where exactly people find themselves confused by the questions.

    I'll look over the role section. Any other problems?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbean
    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    I still don't know any web programming. I could make an executable fairly easily, though. Maybe machintruc or niffweed can help to make a web version.

    I think you may be interested in Julian Jaynes's theory of the Bicameral Mind. It seems to have much in common with the crosstype model.

    P.S. By this test I am fairly clearly an INTj-ISFp. This statement I found particularly interesting:

    I find myself constantly bedeviled by:
    - rumors and false signals (Extraverted Thinking)

    Some options are unclear, and some answers don't quite fit, but overall it's quite accurate.
    I remember posting that on this forum and everyone dismissed it. Actually, I think the bicameral mind thoery might fit in with the static/dynamic conscious model, or maybe explaining self-made crosstypes through Jaynes' thinking toward the evolution of the human consciousness.
    I'm still not sure that bicameralism makes any sense. It does hint at being possibly empirically testable, though, which is unusual in philosophy of mind. As for the mind-body problem - I'm not even sure it exists. I don't even know if consciousness is an empirical problem.

    @tcaudilllg, I'll get back to you when I have some spare time.

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    My score


    Base Master

    I am most confident in:
    - my ability to think logically and to describe how things are structured (*)
    - my ability to know where others are coming from and to relate to their
    subjective experiences ()
    - my ability to be at peace with my own feelings and to empathize with
    others' feelings ()
    - my ability to recall orders of sequential progression and to appraise the
    virtues of plausible timelines ()
    - my ability to visualize and examine possible scenarios ()
    - my ability to communicate effectively with others and know what I need to
    know about them ()
    - my ability to assess how strong or weak something is, and how much of
    something there is, and what's going on around me ()
    - my ability to sense my environment deeply and find common ground between
    people with different interests ()

    Base Slave

    I have an excellent grasp of:
    - how processes can evolve and change ()
    - the possibilities I can make real ()
    - what I can do to make a difference ()
    - whether or not I can communicate with somebody ()
    - how to bring disparate elements together into a unified whole ()
    - how to create structure that endures ()
    - how I can make others feel ()
    - how to persuade people (*)

    Creative Master

    My means of being helpful to others is to:
    - set forward a timeline for success ()
    - produce a vision of what could be (*)
    - identify relationships between variables ()
    - make them aware of how others see the world ()
    - propose a viable structure ()
    - get things moving ()
    - make them aware of what others are feeling ()
    - identify opportunities for harmony between people and things ()

    Creative Slave

    I am often surprised by:
    - the way things naturally come together ()
    - the way things turn out (*)
    - what is possible ()
    - what is happening ()
    - what people feel ()
    - how people see the world ()
    - how people relate to each other ()
    - how things work ()


    Role Master

    The roles I have offer above all:
    - a sense of harmony with my feelings (*)
    - relationships and communication opportunities ()
    - compliance with the expectations of others ()
    - sensory satisfaction and the ability to bring people with different
    interests together ()
    - a sense of getting things done ()
    - structure and understanding ()
    - the fulfillment of a possibility ()
    - a sense of peace with my times ()

    Role Slave

    The roles I take primarily determine:
    - what I can get done my means of interaction with society ()
    - what myself and others feel about our roles ()
    - my experience of social life ()
    - what bonds I form between myself and others with compatible roles (*)
    - how I interact with people of other roles ()
    - how I structure my life ()
    - the evolution of my role in society ()
    - what it is possible for me to do ()

    PoLR Master

    I often have difficulty:
    - justifying my feelings to others ()
    - relating to others effectively ()
    - being on time ()
    - seeing the obvious (*)
    - seeing how people's interests interact ()
    - getting others' signals ()
    - understanding the structure of ideas ()
    - believing in possibilities ()

    PoLR Slave

    I find myself constantly bedeviled by:
    - health issues and conflicting interests (*)
    - the way things turn out ()
    - the unexpected ()
    - rumors and false signals ()
    - inescapable circumstances ()
    - forces stronger than myself ()
    - grudes people have for me ()
    - negative perceptions of me ()


    Suggestive Master

    I feel unconfident about:
    - how others perceive me and how I should perceive them (*)
    - what I am feeling and how others feel about me ()
    - my ability to influence my environment ()
    - my grasp of why things are the way they are ()
    - my ability to communicate my ideas effectively ()
    - my ability to imagine possibilities ()
    - the order in which things should happen ()
    - my grasp of what people want from me ()

    Suggestive Slave

    I often find it difficult to explain:
    - the sensations I have, and how I put together the things I do. ()
    - the connections and correlations I make ()
    - the structures I assemble (*)
    - how I do the things I do ()
    - how I see the world ()
    - the feelings I create ()
    - the future I foresee ()
    - my sense of what could happen ()

    Estimative Master

    Above all else, I desire:
    - to bring people together in harmony, and health for myself (*)
    - to believe in a positive destiny for myself ()
    - to be viewed favorably by others ()
    - the strength and power to succeed ()
    - to have suitable feelings for others and to feel good about myself ()
    - to structure my life properly ()
    - to effectively communicate and be knowledgeable ()
    - to live by the highest and purest ideals imaginable ()

    Estimative Slave

    By fulfilling my earnest desires, I am enabled to:
    - influence the ways things tend to happen ()
    - make things happen (*)
    - create decent relationships between myself and others ()
    - create a sense of common structure for myself and others ()
    - create broad feeling ()
    - create a sense of community and common view ()
    - put things together ()
    - influence what happens ()


    Personal Knowledge Master

    Although some would disagree with me, I am instinctually aware of:
    - what true knowledge is (*)
    - what is possible and how ideas are similar ()
    - how the world works ()
    - what I feel ()
    - how I perceive perceive the world ()
    - the ways things happen ()
    - What I sense about people and things ()
    - My own strength and power ()

    Personal Knowledge Slave

    By way of my heart, I:
    - sow feelings in the hearts of others (*)
    - direct the flow of fate ()
    - make what was believed impossible possible ()
    - bring people together for common causes and create works of beauty ()
    - compell people to make things happen ()
    - define truth and untruth ()
    - color others' worldviews ()
    - create structure that others adhere to ()

    Determination Master

    No one disputes:
    - my assessment of what will happen (*)
    - my assessment of what is possible ()
    - my assessments regarding how things come together and of what makes for
    good taste ()
    - my assessment of what is happening now ()
    - what I and others are feeling ()
    - my assessment of the way things are ()
    - my assessments of how people relate to each other ()
    - my assessment of what others are experiencing ()

    Determination Slave

    I have remarkable control over:
    - what people perceive of as possible (*)
    - the flow of time ()
    - how things come together ()
    - how others understand and structure the world ()
    - how people can relate to each other ()
    - what is happening ()
    - how people experience the world ()
    - what feelings exist ()

    Then I put the functions which correspond to each answer in order one after the other, and I get my IM-IE function set. I'm TiNe-FeNi, so I'm an INTj-ENFj.

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    Bless her heart, a close friend of mine just took this test and from her results I can conclude this test to be somewhat of an abrupt failure. It completely failed to measure her personality because she couldn't undertand the questions., I need your help coming up with questions that capture the complexity of this theory in ways people can understand.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Dual-Type Test Questions

    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg
    PoLR Master

    I often have difficulty:
    - seeing the obvious ()
    You were right about one thing at least.

    Bless her heart, a close friend of mine just took this test and from her results I can conclude this test to be somewhat of an abrupt failure.
    (Were you really surprised by that?)

    Tcau, you seem to have gone so far into your own conceptions that it is difficult for people to really get there. A lot of people are just trying to get socionics down, and that takes time in and of itself. The fact that you are obsessively interested in your own subtype theory has absolutely no impact on the desire of other people to learn your material, which of course requires a real understanding of socionics beforehand (or so I assume).

    More time, and many more breadcrumbs you have to leave.

    You do understand...., I need your help coming up with questions that capture the complexity of this theory in ways people can understand.
    ...that such a request is quite...unreasonable. (as far as I know)

    It is almost as if you...
    Is everyone confused by this?
    ...really think everyone knows exactly what you know. Or perhaps you expect everyone to have read your primer and everything else about your own theory. I am not saying I will not but I have not yet. Personally speaking I have not had the time, nor have I determined the utility of that act to be worth the oppertunity cost of other things, thus far.

    PS: I write this post in rather Fe-disregarding fashion, as it seems you are hurting for some . I do not do this to reproach you into embarrassment, but to make sure you look at this from every angle, and do not avoid those perspectives that are inconvenient to you.

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    Personally speaking I have not had the time, nor have I determined the utility of that act to be worth the oppertunity cost of other things, thus far.
    My problem, exactly.

    I've actually been thinking, "is what I'm doing a matter of psychology?" No, not really. It's more a matter of structuring the phenomenon of subjective experience, which is a part of psychology, certainly, but quite a distinct subfield within it, I think.

    I can tell you though, UDP, that reading the first installment of the Primer will be well worth the time spent. Well worth it indeed.

    I'll finish my primer series and then we'll come back to this question.

  13. #13


    have you ever looked into NLP Tcaud? "structuring the phenomenon of subjective experience" is practically word for word one of the "definitions" of it. Maybe it would add another facit to your research? (just be warned that there's bullshit NLP out there that you need to sort of wade your way through at times) If you decide to look into it I've got many, many ebooks on the subject I can hook you up with.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bionicgoat
    have you ever looked into NLP Tcaud? "structuring the phenomenon of subjective experience" is practically word for word one of the "definitions" of it. Maybe it would add another facit to your research? (just be warned that there's bullshit NLP out there that you need to sort of wade your way through at times) If you decide to look into it I've got many, many ebooks on the subject I can hook you up with.
    NLP says you can change it. I say you can't due to persistences of biochemistry.

    But if you have anything that specifically suggests a persistence of experience, sure. I'll look into it.

  15. #15


    nah nothing specific... I was talking in general if you aren't aquainted with the basic model of perception and personality put forth in NLP I think your model could benefit from it. Just a suggestion. (it is a bit of an opposing viewpoint on things but personally I've never had problems reconciling my NLP knowledge with my socionics knowledge. But then I'm not all right in the head )

  16. #16
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Base Master: Ne
    Base Slave: Fe
    Creative Master: Se
    Creative Slave: Si
    Role Master: Te
    Role Slave: Ti
    PoLR Master: Ni
    PoLR Slave: Si
    Suggestive Master: Fi
    Suggestive Slave: ?
    Estimative Master: Se
    Estimative Slave: Fe
    Personal Knowledge Master: Ni
    Personal Knowledge Slave: Se
    Determination Master: Ne
    Determination Slave: Fe

    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  17. #17
    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    Base Master ( )

    Base Slave ( )

    Creative Master ( )
    but also and

    Creative Slave ( )

    Role Master ( )

    Role Slave ( )

    PoLR Master ( )

    PoLR Slave ( )

    Suggestive Master ( )

    Suggestive Slave ( ) (or )

    Estimative Master ( )

    Estimative Slave ( )
    (and to a lesser degree): and

    Personal Knowledge Master ( )

    Determination Master ( )
    (and also, perhaps surprisingly): ( )

    Determination Slave ( )

  18. #18
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    Creative Master ()
    but also and
    Interesting... can you explain to me why you see ambivalence between these three regarding the question of how you try to help society?

    What I need to do specifically is narrow down the specific roles of each ordinal position. For example, the creative master (IM) function does not actually set anything into motion, but rather puts forward something to be perceived. On the other hand, the creative function is also the trigger to the selection of role. (although not the criterion for the selection itself.)

  19. #19
    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    I guess it depends on who I help etc., but I make people aware of how others are probably feeling because I know from experience how people act to certain things I do. I also go through different 'visions' of how things could be because I don't want that person to fail due to lack of foresight etc. (I tell them what they should look out for). But, I also give them a set of rules, so that they are able to adapt to a changing situation if I am not there to help (If this happens, then do this instead).

    (I found determining the answers quite interesting, but I don't really fully understand how the questions were written - I think you are trying to determine how each function (or pair) manifests itself in each block? ).

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    That's right. I'm trying to figure out what all the different positions mean and how they relate to each other. I've got an intuitive idea of how they work, but feedback is crucial.

  21. #21
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    So what does mine point to?
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by GillySaysGoodbye
    So what does mine point to?
    Well you may not have been aware of this, but the master functions totally correspond to socionics. You could just as easily take all the master function questions from this test and put them into rmcnew's or anyone else's 16-types test. The question of concern, obviously, is their degree of validity.

    This relates to your score in that you answered invalidly to the master questions. Now I didn't say you couldn't; indeed, I'm not completely sure how to structure such a very complex test.

  23. #23
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Yeah, I figured that one out, but I also tried to answer the questions truthfully.

    So, again, what do you make of this?
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by GillySaysGoodbye
    Yeah, I figured that one out, but I also tried to answer the questions truthfully.

    So, again, what do you make of this?
    Isn't that a little unreasonable to ask!? Eh, at the very least I'll need lots of time to consider your results.

  25. #25
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Well, you invented the thing, and I've seen you reach conclusions with more obscure information before o_O so I figured you might give it a shot.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  26. #26


    I started doing it, then got lazy. I got:

    Base Master: Si
    Base Slave: Ni
    Creative Master: Ni
    Creative Slave: Not sure if it's Fe or Fi...I could say a lot of the other answers, too.

  27. #27



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    i know these don't "add up" like they should in theory. i just pretended i was answering these as candidly (and hopefully as accurately) as possible. i'll add up my "score" later.


    Base Master

    I am most confident in:
    - my ability to communicate effectively with others and know what I need to
    know about them ()

    Base Slave

    I have an excellent grasp of:
    - how processes can evolve and change ()

    Creative Master

    My means of being helpful to others is to:
    - get things moving ()

    Creative Slave

    I am often surprised by:
    - how people relate to each other ()


    Role Master

    The roles I have offer above all:
    - compliance with the expectations of others ()

    Role Slave

    The roles I take primarily determine:
    - how I structure my life ()

    PoLR Master

    I often have difficulty:
    - relating to others effectively ()

    PoLR Slave

    I find myself constantly bedeviled by:
    - health issues and conflicting interests ()

    *this one is hard to pick.* for a moment i thought the option might work, but "constantly bedeviled by" sort of cleared that up!


    Suggestive Master

    I feel unconfident about:
    what I am feeling and how others feel about me () (i almost picked the option here.)

    Suggestive Slave

    I often find it difficult to explain:
    - the future I foresee ()

    Estimative Master

    Above all else, I desire:
    - the strength and power to succeed ()

    Estimative Slave

    By fulfilling my earnest desires, I am enabled to:
    - influence the ways things tend to happen ()


    Personal Knowledge Master

    Although some would disagree with me, I am instinctually aware of:
    - what is possible and how ideas are similar ()

    Personal Knowledge Slave

    By way of my heart, I:
    - compell people to make things happen ()

    Determination Master

    No one disputes:
    - my assessment of what is possible ()

    Determination Slave

    I have remarkable control over:
    - the flow of time ()
    6w5 sx
    model Φ: -+0
    sloan - rcuei

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    Default Re: Dual-Type Test Questions

    I had some trouble with this.

    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg
    I've prepared a set of test questions by which to assess IM-IE type pairings. Hopefully these will help you understand what the dual-type model attempts to explain and understand how it relates to your life and talents.


    Base Master

    I am most confident in:
    - my ability to think logically and to describe how things are structured ()

    with close seconds Fe, Si

    Base Slave

    I have an excellent grasp of:

    - the possibilities I can make real ()


    - whether or not I can communicate with somebody ()

    Creative Master

    My means of being helpful to others is to:
    this is so hard

    - set forward a timeline for success ()
    - produce a vision of what could be ()
    - identify relationships between variables ()
    - make them aware of what others are feeling ()
    - identify opportunities for harmony between people and things ()

    Creative Slave

    I am often surprised by:
    - the way things naturally come together ()
    - what people feel ()
    - how people see the world ()


    Role Master

    The roles I have offer above all:

    - compliance with the expectations of others ()
    - sensory satisfaction and the ability to bring people with different
    interests together ()
    - structure and understanding ()
    - a sense of peace with my times ()

    Role Slave

    The roles I take primarily determine:

    - my experience of social life ()
    - the evolution of my role in society ()
    - what it is possible for me to do ()

    PoLR Master

    I often have difficulty:

    - being on time ()
    - seeing the obvious ()

    PoLR Slave

    I find myself constantly bedeviled by:

    - grudes people have for me ()


    Suggestive Master

    I feel unconfident about:

    - [s:8ce675e00b]what I am feeling [/s:8ce675e00b]and how others feel about me ()
    - my ability to influence my environment ()

    Suggestive Slave

    I often find it difficult to explain:
    - the connections and correlations I make ()

    Estimative Master

    Above all else, I desire:
    - to believe in a positive destiny for myself ()

    Estimative Slave

    By fulfilling my earnest desires, I am enabled to:

    - influence what happens ()


    Personal Knowledge Master

    Although some would disagree with me, I am instinctually aware of:
    - the ways things happen ()
    - What I sense about people and things ()

    Personal Knowledge Slave

    By way of my heart, I:
    - make what was believed impossible possible ()
    - bring people together for common causes and create works of beauty ()
    - color others' worldviews ()

    Determination Master

    No one disputes:
    - my assessments regarding how things come together and of what makes for
    good taste ()
    - my assessments of how people relate to each other ()
    - my assessment of what others are experiencing ()

    Determination Slave

    I have remarkable control over:
    - how others understand and structure the world ()

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    Thunder: you know you were only supposed to choose one, right?

  31. #31
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    Since when has Te been about communicating with others?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    Since when has Te been about communicating with others?
    "External dynamics of objects": facts can't be abstracted, because they are concrete. However, if you communicate with someone then your communication had better be sound. is not the function of facts, it only prefers to use them for the smoothest possible communication. (e.g., the most efficient communication/energy transfer)

    is the function of energy transfer between objects.

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    Communication is part of Te, but I don't think I'd use communication to define it and certainly not as a test question to determine if one is Te. That seems to be more of an outsider's view of Te? In any case, the ideal minimalistic description of Te would not include mention of other people (from my perspective).

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    Let's just say that you're pissing "outsider " off, Ms. Traditionalism.

    It's extroverted dynamics of objects. Joy, unless you can fit a concept into that abstraction, it's not . Anything else is contrary to Augusta's own definition of .

    "Extroverted" signifies that the information comes from without; "dynamics" signifies that it is changing; and "objects" means that it is between objects. Because the activity is extroverted, no transformation to the object may be taking place; therefore the only way for change to occur is for an exchange of energy to be conducted between the objects concerned. The question is, when does this energy get exchanged, and when will it not? In what circumstances will it, or will it not.

    Oh it doesn't matter. Add me to the list of anti-Joys. I do love when people defend a view they are completely unaware is bogus.

    Don't you, UDP?

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    My own definition of Te: what works, how efficiently or effectively it's working, what isn't working, and what would work better; utilization of data from external sources.

    I'm not saying that you're wrong, just that I'm not sure how much a description that involves communicating with people will appeal to a Te type who's taking a test. The idea was to provide feedback that might help you make your test more effective, not piss you off.

    Check out my Socionics group!

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