Quote Originally Posted by MysticSonic
TCaud: as an INTj, you should understand the implications of your writing and also understand that ideas that could be inferred from it are dangerous, and since people seem(I'm not really sure, I'm not around here enough to tell for sure) to be taking you more seriously, it would be wise to heed what you say and not jump to such far conclusions.
A dangerous idea...!?!??!?! People who are pathological (read: evil) will seek always seek out opportunities to put good ideas to work for malicious purposes. It is not for us to judge the ways an idea can create disaster, but rather to guard ourselves against the possibility of disaster itself.

By understanding how this disaster took place psychologically, we can take precautions against futher psychological outbreaks. What is the difference between what happened here, and Hilter's persecution of the Jews? Of Saddam's persecution of the Kurds? Hate by hateful people directed at social subcultures.

There are far too many introverts in the world for a crackdown on introversion as a rule to be successful. (and duality posits its impossibility, anyhow) And I should note, it is my long-term desire to somehow segment off the pathological element (psychopathology experts put it at ~6%) from the rest of society by means of institutional change.