I bounce back and forth with this stuff... obviously I check out the conspiracy sites (I mean I did post that article). It's creepy stuff when you get into reading it all, because it can make as much sense as the accepted mainsteam accounts of stuff (sometimes more sense). But, call me weak or whatever but I can only take so much of it before it gets to me and I feel like the man is closing in on us all. I guess I'd rather be one of the ignorant sheeple when it comes down to it. Like as long as I don't know there's a police state and I can still live my life as I want... err.... I don't know... I can say that alot of what the conspiracy people have to say about the drug market and stuff doesn't jive at all with my experience, at least from the street level. Then again the mainstream views of the drug culture (and the way the police opperate) are as distant from the reality of things as the conspiracy theorists...

it's interresting stuff either way.