Quote Originally Posted by Baby
And this secret government exists... where? I'll let you know if I see anything suspicious next time I'm in Narnia.

Well, it is not really secret; it is just an easy way of saying it. Okay, let's see, you have the Federal Reserve, a private bank that now basically owns our government financially (owned by whom? Probably by the cartel of the major banks whose families started the charter in 1913 in the United States); first they buy up the policies of the major newspapers during the 1920’s, and set up the Council of Foreign relations (where the people who attend the meetings may not really have bad intentions, but they may believe that they are doing something constructive); the federal reserve creates business cycles, the families that own the fed know this and profit form them; after WWII some one gets the idea to keep a military industrial complex (inspired by Nazi Germany) so that the western side of the Fabian society (mentality of socialism) can compete and win over the eastern side (communism), not to mention they start molding the world the way they see fit (creation of CIA, propaganda tools {Bernays}, etc.) and the first one being operation Ajax in Iran; all in this time colluding with a few of the big stagnate corporations that care more about power than business (I am not saying anything against capitalism) molding together into a type of fascism that we see today. This includes media blackouts to things like actual cures for diseases (not just treating symptoms), the 911 truth movement, an Austrian economics just to name a few.

Does that make sense, yes I know it is a lot.