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Thread: Harmonization of Relations in Duality Pairs by Meged

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    Default Harmonization of Relations in Duality Pairs by Meged

    Meged V.V., 1992 2002. - Wikisocion - Harmonization of Relations by Meged

    ++ addendum. the different types of love (analita, pragma, etc) are explained here.

    see also Duality observations


    The human life seldom does without love, but everyone loves in own way. Are Most talented in love of the person with the accented ethics; at whom ethics are interfaced with sensorikoj are more sensual from them. It can be connected both with leading functions, and with expressed enough auxiliary. Colder in love at whom logic, rational functions prevail seem, especially if they are connected with intuitive, strengthening spirituality to the detriment of sensuality.

    It is necessary to understand the main thing - that the person cannot love how you would like it. It loves how it is by nature peculiar to it. Your right to accept its love such what it is or to reject, if such form of display of feelings is not pleasant to you. If you wish to reach harmony in feelings with the person whom love, understand, everyone neosoznanno waits for what form of attitudes from another and try to develop them in itself. Speak, the habit is the second nature, therefore desirable in due course can become real.

    Forms of feelings and attitudes in many respects depend on accents of type. Accents of type, especially when they are strongly developed and are atypical for the given types, create significant deformation of types, approaching their any other types. But when accents of type correspond to its leading functions (and it happens in cases typical for diagnostics when we deal <÷èñòûìè> Types) disagreements between tipnymi and the accented functions are not present. Besides even the deformed types to some extent have forms of feelings typical for them and attitudes. It allows to make recommendations on emotional fine tuning to types in the form of the analysis of interaction of dual pairs. In case of strongly deformed types if they are considerably displaced aside other types, it is necessary to consider the given recommendations any more so much for the basic, initial type, how many for accented. So, for example, if at ILE there is a strong accent on strong-willed sensorike as it logik (and intuitively-touch subtypes, as well as types, do not happen), means such ILE is displaced to type SLE. In that case partner SEI displaced aside of type IEI, that is with the strengthened ethics and intuition is necessary to it.



    The combination of love Filia is typical for it and Analita, shown at the Innovator as follows:

    First of all, it makes a certain ideal which should correspond to its original requirements in the imagination. It looks narrowly at object of the sympathy and searches in it for qualities which would suit it caused respect and admiration. It (or it) should be: more cleverly, more beautifully, more kindly, more talently the others. But, at the same time, full mutual understanding, division of sights and belief is necessary. Thus is shadows of own superiority the recognition of its own talents and positive qualities, moreover, is desirable.

    The partner - the friend whom, despite of their equality in attitudes, its authority and the right to personal independence will recognize is necessary to it. It would be quite good, if such partner could relieve it of household cares and efforts, asking about the help only in extreme cases, and in the rest of the time - would not prevent to be engaged in to it favourite business even if it is simple a hobby.

    As the INNOVATOR has prevalence of the creative form of the person more often, to it is necessary garmonizator, able unostentatiously to decline it to compromises, by means of diplomatic receptions - from caress up to an emotional shake-up, but without dramatic nature - and business does not reach break otnoeshny. The INNOVATOR does not bear routine and does not like to submit to someone's strong will. Skilful <êîíòðàñòíûé äóø> For it it is simply necessary.


    It is inclined to forms of love Eros and Mania. He/she is the sincere, careful person. Its love - a mix of erotic and spiritual feelings. It is capable to forgive much, forcing to adapt to the partner and to adapt it for itself. It can show understanding even if does not divide interests of the INNOVATOR.

    Softening with its sensuality and laskami, it is able to weaken the INNOVATOR during its crisis periods, to give pleasure. In exchange the INTERMEDIARY will demand mutual aid and support in everything as itself it is at heart a little bit lazy and rashljaban. And with the same qualities of the partner it is able either to be reconciled, or to struggle.

    The partner which, making great demands of it and stimulating it to self-development, nevertheless goes on some concessions under influence of its thin emotional influence is necessary for the INTERMEDIARY. The INTERMEDIARY at whom the harmonizing form of behaviour prevails, is able to not lead up business to crisis and much endows for the sake of the interesting and unpredictable partner. It that the INNOVATOR shows in a greater degree intellectual arranges, instead of household requirements.

    Long physical activities - not for the INTERMEDIARY. Its care is more often shown in fine services, sympathy, creation of comfort and conditions for work. It is imposed by the love of the INNOVATOR assuming equality in all and uniform distribution of duties, and with other requirements to itself the Intermediary will consult, so its desire to keep the partner is great. For this purpose the INTERMEDIARY resorts at times and to such weapon, as jealousy. Teasing the partner, and even actually admiring and even taking a great interest in other people, the Intermediary usually is able to stop in time.



    Characteristic for it a combination of kinds of love - Mania and Eros. As well as the INTERMEDIARY, this type of the person is created for enthusiastic, but not idealistic, and, more likely, carnal love. It is cheerful, optimistical also much can bear from object of the feelings. Despite of emotsionalnost and sensitivity, at it imperous enough and strong character. It is easily appeased and forgiving. Therefore ability to adapt and adapt for itself of the partner (even more obstinate, than the INNOVATOR) at it is much more, than at the INTERMEDIARY.

    Besides KOMMUNIKATOR it is very active and initiative in business matters. It is capable to incur a greater burden of household problems if necessary. Even if their execution will be not so effective, the ANALYST can simply not pay to it attention.

    Erotic stimulus and recklessness of this passionate and persevering conqueror do its capable of many compromises for the sake of feelings. It becomes frequent it a victim of the uncontrollable and imperous desires. Cheerfulness only inherent in it and sense of humour help it to overcome all obstacles in a way to the purpose, not taking to heart coldness, on even flat refusal of the partner - until that is of interest for KOMMUNIKATORA. Its belief in success and reciprocity does not run low even in the most hopeless situations. Only deep disappointment in qualities of the partner, which are for it the most valuable (fidelity, decency, consistency, good breeding, mind, etc.) can damp ardour KOMMUNIKATORA.

    If it manages to win the partner which it has grown fond, it is not considered with any reserves. Its inclination so is great, that forces to shut eyes to much. When passes the first pyl and KOMMUNIKATOR starts to notice lacks favourite, events develop as follows: if the partner does not become boring and predicted, it value, it re-educate, but nevertheless adapt to it. If it is completely obedient, but also, in many respects has disappointed KOMMUNIKATORA, requirements to it increase, it start to compare to others and even to take a great interest in new objects with the same pylom and passion.


    The ANALYST has a combination of forms of love Analita and Filia.

    It is uncompromising enough in attitudes and as the rational and logically conceiving person, puts interests of business above feelings, even in a greater degree, than the INNOVATOR. These qualities leave traces and on its behaviour in love, doing its especially independent and inaccessible. Its requirements to the partner have basic enough character though because of propensity to love Filia it is deprived authoritativeness. Equality it, first of all, understands as autonomy of partners, their independence, and then - as a generality of interests.

    To like it and to correspond to its ideal difficultly enough. It very much skryten and not always states the wishes (for example that nobody prevented to live to it how it wants). But it is easily disappointed in the person who does not meet its requirements. Its reckless passion cheerful and persevering duala, capable of many compromises is necessary to keep such clever and serious partner.

    The ANALYST, despite of external coldness, can temporarily take a great interest in the partner. In such cases it attributes to object of the feelings those qualities without which it does not think of the elect. With it it is helped by idealism of love Filia. But, when the first impulses of feelings will cease and illusions will dissipate, the ANALYST can leave without a regret the person who has not justified its hopes. To the one who wishes to keep the ANALYST, it is necessary to incur not only many household cares, but also to divide its interests, to become its friend and the assistant in all. It should give free rein to the partner, to impose, to not be jealous and to not stir nothing to it to live the life.



    The combination of kinds of love Mania and Agape does this type of the person by the most dependent on object of the feelings. It is very affectionate, impressionable and vulnerable. At the same time, happens it is very whimsical and often unpredictable in the behaviour. Therefore the love at the person of such type proceeds most roughly and often comes to an end to meet unsuccessfully if only to it will not carry the partner which can tame this inconsistent character, counterbalance its feelings, keep it from extreme measures in statements and acts.

    The INSTRUCTOR requires the close, quiet and cool, strong and self-assured person. Its spiritual, idealistic passion so is great, that does its capable of many victims for the sake of favourite. It can neglect any reserves and is capable even to violate the law. For the sake of the elect it is capable of any feats or crimes depending on the moral foundations.

    Despite of frequent differences of mood, discrepancy of feelings and desires, the INSTRUCTOR is capable to forgive much to keep the favourite person but only until the feeling is strong. Its love can be persevering and even at times persuasive; it can sweep away all barrier on the way.

    It is capable to idolize long object of love, at all not seeing it and not having hopes. The INSTRUCTOR can trust and wait long enough if has even small hopes for reciprocity. If the person has disappointed it, it is capable to change the attitude to it strongly: becomes derisively haughty, venomous and rigid, not in forces to forgive to the partner of wreck of the illusions. At an opportunity it willingly will revenge the one who has forced it to be disappointed and suffer, but will make it is very thin.

    It takes all too to heart. It does not have not enough sense of humour and confidence of, inherent KOMMUNIKATORU. Therefore it happens sometimes a little bit irresolute, aristocratically constrained, waiting in love. But it lasts until the object of its feelings will not give it hope for reciprocity. And then it happens difficultly to keep or overpersuade. It becomes capable of any risky acts, inventive, persevering and irresistable in skill to like though its feelings are more spiritual, vozvyshenny and are less sexual, than at KOMMUNIKATORA. It it also submits.

    Having good artistic abilities, it can even exaggerate the sensuality in opinion of the partner and is frequent it dobvaetsja reciprocity. If it neglect during such moment, it can push it on any reckless acts, down to suicide.


    This type of the person unites ability to rigid enough types of love - Analita and Victoria that does by its basic and imperous partner.

    The INSPECTOR is obstinate and demands, that the favourite person did not contradict it that it considers correct, and its advice concerning methods of work, the device of a life, etc. It willingly accepted aspires to the order in all and demands the same from the partner. However, thus it often operates in the old manner, rejecting any innovations. Its conservatism is invincible.

    Being the sober realist, it seldom loses a head from love and does not respect readily available with partners. Subconsciously it expects from them such heat of feelings which in due course will get the best of its distrustfulness, coldness and will cause response. From usual sympathy to deep feeling at the INSPECTOR the long way lays. However, resistance of object of love can kindle in it passion of the hunter owing to presence of love Viktoria. In that case it, externally not demonstrative person, can show unexpected emotional reactions. It becomes generous, jealous, passionate and: even romantic. But it lasts until the purpose will not be reached, or - while the partner will not disappoint it. But even then it continues to re-educate patiently the partner, achieving that that has come nearer to its ideal. To it it is induced with love Analita.

    The proprietary love - Viktoria does its very reliable, though also the imperous partner. To it as the introvert, does not need many victories - enough to one, but constantly supporting in it confidence and comprehension of the authority above that whom it loves. The neglect its authority leads to development of various complexes and does its irritable. It too the leader on character even if it seems soft and kind in dialogue. And it never happens is happy with the person who wishes to operate it. The partner pliable, kolebljushchijsja, sacrificial and passionate in display of feelings is necessary to it. Then it can tolerantly concern to its flashes and whims, knowing, that last word remains behind it.

    The jealousy stimulates it in small dozes. The physical inclination to the partner often prevails above spiritual, but at it intellectual interest is developed and it is good, if the common cause pulls together it with the favourite person. Otherwise to it happens difficultly to feel sincere comfort and completeness of mutual understanding in spite of the fact that it can be careful, very hardy and reliable partner in life.

    Insistence to itself and to the partner is equally inherent in the INSPECTOR. Therefore it sincerely experiences, if its remarks are not appreciated. In turn, it is ready to recognize the nepravotu if the interlocutor will manage to find the same logic argument on what it leans usually. The claims stated in the emotional form without the weighty facts and proofs, usually have no success and even can be apprehended, as attempt to impose the will and to subordinate to it staunch character of the INSPECTOR. In such cases it can show strong resistance and even to become aggressive. In any business in which the INSPECTOR is engaged, it puts a maximum of forces and diligence.



    As well as the INSPECTOR has a combination of kinds of love Viktoria and Analita. But the LEADER - irrational type of the person and consequently behaves in sphere of feelings raskovannee, is more susceptible to external influences and less consecutive in decision-making, than the INSPECTOR, besides the extrovert and it does it less to constants in the feelings. Though it does it less to constants in the feelings. Though interests of business at it prevail of feelings, but it happens more sentimental and romantic in display of the emotions.

    The LEADER is initiative enough in achievement desirable. It dared and is active. Can admit to the first the feelings if sees, that it has chances of success. Unfortunately, it at times is mistaken, accepting desirable for valid. But it does not force it to recede. Victoria attracts it to new and new victories. Analita makes great demands too of the elect. Enough frequent disappointments it always considers as originators of the partners, but not itself(himself). Will leave them without a regret and as the active extrovert, searches for new acquaintances. The charter from search of perfection, it finds a consolation in work, especially in career, increase of well-being or â:âèíå.

    In case of happy love happens true enough partner though cannot give up to itself in casual sexual communications. It should do greater efforts to hide them. Quarrels with the favourite person freshen its feelings and strengthen them, especially if it thus is convinced, that the partner very strongly loves it. Pity to the partner softens it, and the feeling of the next victory over it does its happy and self-assured and in it. It likes the whimsical and coquettish partners raising jealousy, but preferring it to all rests. Not finding the ideal, it can turn to the philanderer if only any large purpose will not carry away it strongly enough.


    The combination of love Agape and Mania does it very much idealistichnym, impressionable and dependent in love. As well as the INSTRUCTOR, has the same combination of forms of love, it can forgive much to the one who to it of roads. As the introvert, it is more cautious in the acts, quieter in feelings and it does by its more appeasable partner, that very much imposes it dualu, not differing tolerance. As well as at the previous pair, here very much imposes it dualu, not differing tolerance. As well as at the previous pair, not search of the compromise between reason and feelings, and more likely, a problem of authority and submission that is strongly reflected in their emotional mutual relations here prevails.

    LIRIK as the irrational type of the person relying destiny, is more optimistical and it is carefree, than the INSTRUCTOR, but the weak will and whimsical character quite often do Lyrics by a toy in hands of a case or stronger partner, and even at all - a victim of circumstances with which it is difficult to it to struggle. Therefore it subconsciously reaches for the strong leaders, capable to protect its interests. It is observant enough, especially as to an another's emotional condition and is able to operate feelings of the partner, taming its aggressive character as humility, and unexpected resistance.

    If LIRIK will grow fond, it - for a long time. Its love is gentle, poetical, zhertvenna, patient; it is able to wait and hope long, at all not making chances of success. The inclination often turns to obsession. Ability to idealize object of the feelings is so great what to disappoint in it LYRICS very difficultly. It can bear many insults and humiliations, can sacrifice much, to much to reconcile if only to not lose hope for reciprocity.

    Distract it the new ideal which will manage can to eclipse only former. If such does not meet, LIRIK, even having a good time with others, in a shower long recollects the first love. It longs for it, not in forces to find replacement to the favourite person. Kill its love naked practicalness and full indifference of the partner can only.

    If the love LYRICS is mutual, it becomes the soft and appeasable, gentle and true partner. However, missing, can take a great interest in others for a short while. Thus it will be not physically obligatory to change it. But, causing jealousy of the satellite, it will update it their feelings. Its whims will lead to the quarrels, coming to an end gentle primirenijami. Thus it can long support interest at the duala. To the improper partner it can not like and lead at all to undesirable consequences. But such game will intrigue and adhere the LEADER to LYRICS.

    Besides the LEADER often happens is sharp and rough. Frequently it happens is insufficiently tactful and consequently very much requires the tolerant and indulgent partner. LIRIK it is enough miroljubiv also it is forgiving. Its softness, kindness and serenity soften some the aggressive partner which does not suffer moralizatorstva and prefers to communicate with the person understanding and forgiving to its weakness.



    Has a combination of kinds of love Viktoria and Storge. It does by its very taking a great interest nature, imperous and tender simultaneously. ekstravertnaja the form of love - Viktoria informs it features of the conqueror requiring new victories, and the more often, than there are less objects of feelings resist to its emotional pressure.

    The POLITICIAN gives great value to the physical party of love, requires a variety of sexual sensations. At the same time it can be very adhered to the elect if this choice does not disappoint it as a whole. But it will not have not enough something in the favourite person as its imperous nature demands that all was done how it considers it necessary.

    It can consider the partner in life as the property and to love its gentle family love - Storge, keeping it fidelity and preferring to its all rests. Even if is solved on change it for it in such cases is little significant. Unless the new partner in every respect will surpass its former love. Then the POLITICIAN loses a head literally, begins metatsja, being broken off between two people whom it can simultaneously love, but differently. Eventually, it will prefer more favourable and convenient partner in that area, which for it most tsenna. It can be personal independence, family and children, a living space, a material prosperity, sincere comfort, etc.

    Critically adjusted person who is necessary for winning constantly is necessary to it kolebljushchijsja. If the victory will appear easy, it can begin to miss, plunge into doubts or take a great interest in someone to another, start to fork. It is very complex, whimsical and inconsistent in the feelings and acts the person. The huge happiness while loves can present, but can become intolerable if it will be disappointed in the love or polbjuit with someone of another. The CRITIC the sober realism calms the mad elect and returns in a bosom of family, to habitual duties. But does it measuredly, unostentatiously, not causing counteraction of the POLITICIAN natural in such cases.


    The combination of kinds of love Agape and Pragma does by its very steady person in the attachments. Sacrifice and common sense stabilize its behaviour in love. And that it is a little bit whimsical and obstinate, does it enough interesting <äîáû÷åé> For it duala. The CRITIC is inclined to doubt of all and even in the feelings. They need to be deserved constantly. Such challenge for a long time rivets attention of the POLITICIAN.

    It is difficult to them to bother each other as the POLITICIAN is inclined to run often into different extreme measures, and the CRITIC of it does not bear and does not spare the eloquence to keep some the eccentric partner from rash actions. Sacrifice of the CRITIC flatters the vanity of its partner requiring emotional authority above others which gives consciousness of the exclusiveness and indispensability.

    The healthy pragmatism of the CRITIC helps it to find ways to make the union with the partner the most favourable, and break - the least painful. A word and business, and also skill patiently to wait the CRITIC keeps the partner. Owing to wisdom and ability to correspond to much requirements of the POLITICIAN, CRITICISMS in due course becomes simply irreplaceable for duala.

    At the POLITICIAN can be <øàëîñòè> On the party, but the CRITIC or does not penetrate into it and ignores such entertainments, or simply does not guess them. As a last resort easy quarrel and the subsequent arrangements of the POLITICIAN put everyone on the places. The CRITIC often happens cold enough in emotional and sexual attitudes to the partner. And it also promotes inconstancy of the POLITICIAN, but it never causes feeling of satiation which would be even more pernicious for their union. And spirituality and moral cleanliness of the CRITIC force the POLITICIAN to be tormented with remorses and contribute to a relative constancy.

    The form of display of feelings at CRITIC Agape and it gives to its attitudes a shade of a height which not at once is evident because of some pragmatichnosti this type, but is shown at long attitudes. The CRITIC does not bear roughness and vulgarity and though it sometimes does not have a step in attitudes, it is able to force to respect with itself(himself). Such partner constantly intrigues inclined to familiarity in dialogue of the POLITICIAN and by that keeps to itself its interest. Besides it is inclined to show obstinacy, and it enables the POLITICIAN to show the diplomatic abilities. As a result both should not miss.


    It, as well as at the Critic, also has a combination of kinds of love Pragma and Agape, but it as the extrovert, aspires to new impressions. Therefore Experiment-òîð is less constant in the feelings and the Critic is more unpredictable in the behaviour, than. It requires the person strong and steady in the attachments which it is soft, but confidently would hold it within the limits of family and would focus on performance of a family duty.

    If its idealistic feeling Agape dominates over attitudes with the partner, it is inclined to endow the spiritual and sexual interests for the sake of home life.

    Interests of business at it always prevail of an emotional condition, and for the sake of them it can refuse to itself(himself) in rest, rest and even happiness to be with those who is lovely to its heart.

    Inconsistent, but optimistically adjusted Experimenter himself cannot understand the feelings. That ohotnee it switches the attention to daily cares. Mobile and resourceful, it often combines in the life romantic love on the party and performance of a matrimonial duty. Thus prefers fleeting, noncommittal communications. They complicate its life less and do not take away a lot of time which it ohotnee devotes to the decision of business matters. But if it was visited with the present feeling, it can be the true partner in life, capable much to forgive to the partner, to adapt to its character and even to soften with its cheerful nature.

    It is inclined to idealize those whom loves, and to exaggerate lacks of of whom is disappointed. If the love has visited it while it has already been connected uzami marriage for the sake of preservation of family well-being it can become the present actor in a life. It is difficult to it to be solved on a final choice, that is to make someone unfortunate. It prefers, that this choice was made by those of its partners who will appear less patient.

    How there was its life, it will always find for itself(himself) an outlet in any employment, affairs and hobbies. Be solved on break of attitudes it can only in the event that the partner will make its life intolerable. In fact it logik, living is more reason, than heart, and its sacrifice is more shown in affairs, than in attitudes. As to the extrovert, it it is easier to break off attitudes, than to the introvert, but it is solved on it hardly and only as a last resort.


    The combination of kinds of love Storge and Viktoria in introvertnoj, the steadiest form does by its reliable enough friend and the good family man. But, being internally imperous and the strong personality, it is not inclined to forgive treachery. It Viktoria --it a victory over love for all life. Change is a defeat to which it cannot reconcile. It reserves the right to itself for a revenge: punishment of the former partner by separation - becomes its last victory.

    The keeper is conservative in the habits. It uses the best efforts for preservation of the family, therefore as a last resort can go on break of attitudes. It is difficult to it to make a decisive step, but, having made it, it is already irrevocable in the decision. Arrangements act on it as it is mistrustful and hypochondriac a little. Exception is made with those cases when it sees, that the similar mistake from the partner never will not repeat any more.

    Character the Keeper is rich with internal conflicts and the latent problems. If at it prevails Storge, it is less obstinate and is basic. The keeper - is kind, tender and compliant. But... Only in trifles. In the main thing it appears unshakable. The family for it on the first place, and if the satellite will not justify its expectations, it will show the type of love - Viktoria, showing inflexibility. Its will is shown nedemonstrativno, but much is done how it wants.

    Such partner also is necessary to the Experimenter. It corresponds to its pragmatic understanding of a family duty. The diligence and economy the Keeper creates necessary comfort for home life. It has enough beskompromissnosti and will to keep the Experimenter from thoughtless acts. Besides it happens so is careful and attractive, that the principle starts to operate: " from goods - for goods do not search ".

    In a word, the Keeper is able to force to appreciate itself and to value the good arrangement. In turn, it appreciates diligence and compliance duala, its skill to unload intense conditions a joke, to distract from troubles and problems, having switched attention to something another. The keeper willingly is engaged in improvement of well-being of family together with the Experimenter. On romantic hobbies at the Experimenter it will not be already simple to suffice time, and the general cares will pull together them even more.



    Externally severe and efficient, this sotsiotip combines propensity to two contrast enough kinds of love: Pragma and Eros: the ice and a flame, sober calculation and a passionate inclination do by its internally inconsistent person. It prefers to live reason and does not go on an occasion at the feelings. Interests of business at it often prevail of feelings and even above pleasure from dialogue with the favourite person. However periodically it suits the present holidays for the sensations.

    It is the careful and reliable partner. It uses the best efforts for the one whom loves. Its partner can lack compliments and verbal expression of feelings, but the Managing director proves the love in practice, taking up the lion's share of all cares, and happens is quite satisfied, if its partner takes part in a common cause and carries out the problems demanding only attention and patience.

    The partner - the assistant who will not impose to it the will, methods is necessary to it or to dictate the conditions. The managing director could seem absolutely dry, imperous and exacting person if it was not softened somewhat with presence of sensual love - Eros. Propensity to such kind of emotional behaviour does it at times romantic and magnanimous in relation to object of the feelings.

    It is capable to be to the true elect if that suits it as the sexual partner or if it values such partner in life for practical reasons. Its feelings can long burn and brightly though the healthy pragmatism is not alien to them. At absence of reciprocity, it is capable, being guided by feeling of a duty to refuse new hobby. Pragme it subordinates frequently and the erotic feelings though can recollect still long time former love.


    The combination dimplomatic Storge and inventive Filia does by its ideal partner in life for the Managing director who is hard enough partner. On the one hand, the Humanist allows it to be the head of the family, and with another - demands from the partner of mutual understanding and respect for the interests. It watches, that they with Operating did not have a difference in outlook, in a line of conduct in relation to associates, in education of children, in plans for the future and in everyday affairs.

    In the union with Storge - true family love, such display of love Filia cements the union with quick-tempered, proud and imperous Managing director even more. The humanist as anybody another is able to find the approach to the dualu. It can constrain itself(himself) in dispute and not tell in a temper superfluous.

    The humanist shows the claims in such form, that it becomes a shame to the partner with the incorrect behaviour and sharp statements. Finding-out of attitudes thus terminates not in quarrel, and reconciliation or the promise to reconsider the behaviour.

    The patience and step, care and diplomacy are inherent in the humanist, but it is artless with those whom loves and prefers to speak the truth or to be silent. Its love Storge aspires to the happy harmonious home life full of kindness and mutual concessions. But only not unilateral! The humanist - not sacrificial sotsiotip. And if allows to supervise over itself in practical questions because of the weak fitness to difficulties, absence of penetrative qualities and confidence of it does not mean, that it will allow the satellite to pass a side separating the careful friend from the heartless dictator.

    The humanist spends many sincere forces for re-education of the satellite and approaches it in due course to the ideal. If the partner does not wish to go on compromises, does not give in on its arrangements, it can terminate this union. The managing director is adjusted on creation of strong family: having felt such threat, it can make everything to adjust attitudes.

    The spiritual party of love for the Humanist means much more, than erotic, besides it is timid and consequently requires the initiative partner which actively shows the desires. In love the Humanist is constrained, mistrustful, observant. The slightest deviation in behaviour of the partner perceives painfully and uses the best efforts to keep reciprocity in feelings. Even if for the sake of it it is necessary to show insult and alienation. Repented duala the Humanist forgives and tries to remind of the reason of their disagreements never.

    The managing director does not bear discussion of personal questions and, especially, finding-out of attitudes. Because of it it is inclined to do hasty conclusions and often to make ethical misses which complicate its attitudes with associates. Absence of patience and endurance does it at times sharp and tactless, it does not have not enough not only diplomacy, but also self-criticism. Therefore the patience and persistence of the Humanist with which that tactfully and consistently re-educates restive duala is necessary for it. The humanist acts not only in a role of the tutor, it constantly influences conscience of the Managing director which is sensitive enough and is not alien high moral principles.



    As well as the Humanist, has a combination of kinds of love Filia and Storge.

    But Filia here prevails and defines propensity of the Inspirer to harmonious Love only in the event that it feels full spiritual affinity with the partner. Unlike the Humanist, it is the passionate, gusty, violent person in the emotions. As etik and the extrovert, it shows the big interest to new people. Therefore its partner needs to be competitive enough for a long time to keep attention of such not ordinary and restless partner in life.

    The inspirer - big romantik also can long stay in a captivity of the illusions. It is capable to idealize the love and its object so is strong, that can long store in a shower fidelity to the ideal, at all not having any hopes for reciprocity. However, it will not sit, slozha hands. It will win reason, soul and if it is necessary also the body of the person which is for it supervalue, and will do it until will achieve reciprocity. Having disappointed in the ideal, it deeply and strongly experiences.

    It at times does not have common sense, it is capable to make precipitate acts and to go on an occasion at the feelings. At the same time, because of presence in its emotional behaviour of a component of love Storge, it tries to spare the relatives and to not cause complications in their life. It is so got empathy that can offer for the sake of the blessing of others own interests.

    The inspirer is poorly adapted for a life and very much requires care, attention, keenness, protection and support of more realistic, practical and quick person in everyday problems. But it does not bear, when it roughly operate, something to it impose, force it to suffer. It instinctively keeps away from the partner causing to it of suffering.

    It is not capable to be jealous and compete to possible contenders long. It not begins to impose and achieve itself(himself) reciprocity if feels, that it neglect. Because of propensity to love Filia it aspires to equality in all and if someone for it means much also it should be out of competition for the elect. Development other party of its attitudes - Storge otherwise will not receive.

    It is adjusted on sincere attitudes and hard transfers a deceit in any form, therefore its satellite should be true and truthful. For the Inspirer, as well as for the Humanist, the spiritual party of love is very important, but it gives also great value to erotic attitudes. Absence of the initiative from the partner, forces to doubt of completeness of its feelings.

    The inspirer is capable to transform love into a poem, to make its sense of the life, but it can unexpectedly be disappointed in the satellite, not having met full reciprocity or if that does not meet its high ethical requirements. It does by its unpredictable partner.


    The master uniting extreme measures - kinds of love Eros and Pragma - as anybody another is capable to give the partner everything, that is necessary for family happiness. From erotic pleasure, ability to a long sensual and spiritual inclination - up to stability and reliability in the private life full of touching care, attention and mutual aid in all. Unlike the Managing director, it has less than pragmatism and more aspiration to harmonious attitudes with the partner.

    The master very much cares of sincere comfort of close people. It is usually constant in the attachments, it is constrained in acts and statements. Very much experiences, if someone will involuntarily offend. However, it not always is capable to recognize the fault at once. Conservatism of love Pragma does by its difficult enough partner, but it willingly goes towards to the favourite person and aspires to restore the lost harmony if sees, that this desire is mutual. Love Eros forces it in many respects to forgive to the elect, but other feeling - Pragma watches that these sins were not beyond admissible.

    It is very constrained in display of feelings, but under a mask of coldness greater sensuality disappears. The master is adjusted on strong and harmonious attitudes what only can give two forms of attitudes most suitable for it - Storge and Pragma. It also is ready to divide interests of the partner and to reach with it necessary spiritual affinity for full harmony in mutual relations, which for this dual pair - the main value in a life. Both of the partner to it actively aspire.

    Trying in all to be such what it would love and respected, the exacting Master to itself aspires to personal growth and development. That it becomes competitive enough to sustain constant comparisons with others. Besides the master loves passionately and sincerely, the truth, not for extraneous eyes. It is able to waken sensuality of the Inspirer often doubting the desires and badly realizing them.

    The inspirer at times seems to it the whimsical child, to bring up which with constant condescension and love - it is a pleasure. The master does not like imperous and self-assured people, their activity - even in a sensuality - suppresses it and does not leave a place for own creativity. This realist too soberly looking for a life, is imposed by optimism of the eternal child-inspirer, helping to avoid the grief and despondency.

    The literature:

    1. Augustinavichjute A.Model of an information metabolism. Lithuania, 1980ã.
    2. Augustinavichjute "Sotsion"; " the Theory intertipnyh attitudes ". - the Department of manuscripts of Library Lithuanian AN, 1982
    3. Augustinavichjute And. About dual human nature, Kiev, izd. MIS, 1997
    4. Alexeys And., Gromova L.A.Pojmite me it is correct. - SPB, 1993
    5. Alexeys And., Gromova L.A.Psihogeometrija for managers.-, 1990
    6. Dodonov B.I. In the world of emotions, Kiev, the Political literature of Ukraine, 1987
    7. Zharikov E.S. About you and for you, Moscow, 1990
    8. Leongard K. Aktsentuirovannye of the person.-, 1989
    9. Meged V.V., Ovcharov A.A.applied sotsionika, SPIMO, May-June, 1999
    10. Meged V.V., Ovcharov A.A.brief of the characteristic of types of the person, SPIMO, May-June, 1999
    11. Meged Valentine, Ovcharov Anatoly <Characters and attitudes>, 704 with., Armada-ïðåññ, Moscow, 2002.
    12. Ovcharov A.A.histor of names of types of the person, SPIMO, October, 2002
    13. Meged V.V.compatibilit of representatives of accents of type, PIS, N6 (18), 2004
    14. Meged v.v. Psihofiziologicheskie aspects of type of the person, SPIMO, January, 2006
    15. Meged V.V., Ovcharov A.A., the Theory applied sotsioniki. - " Sotsionika, mentologija and psychology of the person " N2, 1996
    16. Meged V.V. About creation of the author's concept of variability of types of the person, SPIMO, July, 2006
    17. Meged to define type, a subtype, accents of type and to distinguish one from another?, SPIMO, August, 2006
    18. Meged V.V.complex behavioural and visual characteristics of representatives of accents of type, MIK, N 3-6, 2006
    19. Ovcharov A.A.external attributes of representatives of accents of type, SPIMO, July, 2003.
    20. Ovcharov A.A.external attributes of representatives of bioaccents of type, PIS, N 4 (16), March, 2004
    21. Ovcharov A.A.histor of names of types of the person, SPIMO, November 2004, ñòð.33.
    22. E.I.reference book's horns of the practical psychologist in , VLADOS, 1995, ñ.196-201.
    23. Stoljarenko L.D. <Bases of psychology for high schools> Rostov-ON-Don, the Phoenix, 1997, ñ.164-180.
    24. JUng G.K.psychological types. SPB. "JUventa", M, "Progress-Ò¡¿óÑÓß", 1995
    25. Jung K.G. " Memoirs, dreams, reflections " per. With it. Innas Bulkinoj. - AirLand, Kiev-1994.
    26. JUng K.G.consciousness and unconscious: Sbornik/Per. With English - Spb.: the University book. - 1997.
    Last edited by silke; 03-22-2016 at 10:16 PM.
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    I never saw this. When I'm myself, I'd go for ESTp/ENTj - when the relationship is turning sour I can go to ENFj
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Storge/Agape/Filia/Pragma/Victoria, identify little with Mania and not at all with Analita.

    INFp->INFj. Except if the person doesn't immediately repent for a recurring mistake or continues hurting others with the action WAY too often despite having repented several times, it'll be "Sayonara, moron" so that:
    1) the person will be more careful about repeating it by learning its grave consequences (No Pain, No Gain)
    2) I won't have to suffer the pain that comes from associating with someone who has no hope for redemption. Through me, anyway.

    I also apply it to other people. For example, a friend of mine (A) has undergone much hurt thanks to a "friend" (B) she loves who:
    1) Alienated A because B wanted A to choose a side, when A simply wants to be friends with everyone and doesn't see the point in choosing sides.

    I don't want my friend to associate with anyone childish enough to allow this sort of "us or them" mindset to get into the way of friendship. It's like "wtf... what do you take all the precious hours we spent together for?" So okay, maybe B loves the other friend (C) equally and deserves a little sympathy for being forced to choose between A and the C, but... If B wasn't disgusted with the C for forcing the mindset on others and didn't bark "How old are you? I won't sacrifice one friend for another over a silly war, and if you're going to force me into it, we might as well end our friendship right here and now", then my friend has all the more reason to stop wasting her time on someone who isn't suitable for her.

    2) Claimed "I'm smarter and more chic than you" during their breakup, then cried "I wasn't honest back then. I miss you." afterwards.

    Even if B let it slip because B was agitated at the time... B could learn a lesson on practicing more caution in what he/she says to the people he/she loves in serious moments.

    Given the above -- and some more dramatic elements that I won't mention -- I advised my friend to cut it off entirely despite B's tearful pleads for reconciliation because:
    1) They don't need each other, and any more dawdling would only make it harder for my friend to get over the pain.
    2) B has a lot of lessons to learn from losing my friend permanently. She needs to rethink her definition of friendship and be more adamant in adhering to it, learn what it means to cherish, learn to be honest when it matters most, learn to stand by her actions instead of changing her mind from one day to the next.
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    Characteristic for it a combination of kinds of love - Mania and Eros. As well as the INTERMEDIARY, this type of the person is created for enthusiastic, but not idealistic, and, more likely, carnal love. It is cheerful, optimistical also much can bear from object of the feelings. Despite of emotsionalnost and sensitivity, at it imperous enough and strong character. It is easily appeased and forgiving. Therefore ability to adapt and adapt for itself of the partner (even more obstinate, than the INNOVATOR) at it is much more, than at the INTERMEDIARY.

    Besides KOMMUNIKATOR it is very active and initiative in business matters. It is capable to incur a greater burden of household problems if necessary. Even if their execution will be not so effective, the ANALYST can simply not pay to it attention.

    Erotic stimulus and recklessness of this passionate and persevering conqueror do its capable of many compromises for the sake of feelings. It becomes frequent it a victim of the uncontrollable and imperous desires. Cheerfulness only inherent in it and sense of humour help it to overcome all obstacles in a way to the purpose, not taking to heart coldness, on even flat refusal of the partner - until that is of interest for KOMMUNIKATORA. Its belief in success and reciprocity does not run low even in the most hopeless situations. Only deep disappointment in qualities of the partner, which are for it the most valuable (fidelity, decency, consistency, good breeding, mind, etc.) can damp ardour KOMMUNIKATORA.

    If it manages to win the partner which it has grown fond, it is not considered with any reserves. Its inclination so is great, that forces to shut eyes to much. When passes the first pyl and KOMMUNIKATOR starts to notice lacks favourite, events develop as follows: if the partner does not become boring and predicted, it value, it re-educate, but nevertheless adapt to it. If it is completely obedient, but also, in many respects has disappointed KOMMUNIKATORA, requirements to it increase, it start to compare to others and even to take a great interest in new objects with the same pylom and passion.
    anyone want to take a stab at explaining that last paragraph?
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    Default Re: types & love (old meged article that i like)

    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    The ANALYST, despite of external coldness, can temporarily take a great interest in the partner. In such cases it attributes to object of the feelings those qualities without which it does not think of the elect. With it it is helped by idealism of love Filia. But, when the first impulses of feelings will cease and illusions will dissipate, the ANALYST can leave without a regret the person who has not justified its hopes. To the one who wishes to keep the ANALYST, it is necessary to incur not only many household cares, but also to divide its interests, to become its friend and the assistant in all. It should give free rein to the partner, to impose, to not be jealous and to not stir nothing to it to live the life.
    I imagine it matches with the third paragraph of the Analyst description :wink: .

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    If it manages to win the partner which it has grown fond, it is not considered with any reserves.
    Once if wins the partner it desires, it will pursue relations directly...
    (Shania Twain's "I'm Gonna Getcha Good": "So don't try to run, love can be fun - there's no need to be alone when you find that someone...")

    Its inclination so is great, that forces to shut eyes to much.
    The ESE can be very demonstrative and visible in affections, often such that others nearby have to "close their eyes" from their actions.

    what I am not sure about is what this is trying to say:
    When passes the first pyl and KOMMUNIKATOR starts to notice lacks favourite, events develop as follows: if the partner does not become boring and predicted, it value, it re-educate, but nevertheless adapt to it.
    What do you think "pyl" is supposed to mean? Also, I am not sure if it is describing the ESE to want a partner that is "boring and predicted" or not. If yes, could that be an allusion to the IJ temperment?

    If it is completely obedient, but also, in many respects has disappointed KOMMUNIKATORA, requirements to it increase, it start to compare to others and even to take a great interest in new objects with the same pylom and passion.
    Is this "plyom" related to "ply" above? It seems to be saying something about what takes place for an ESE to start looking elsewhere, but it is not clear.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by UDP III
    If it manages to win the partner which it has grown fond, it is not considered with any reserves.
    Once if wins the partner it desires, it will pursue relations directly...
    (Shania Twain's "I'm Gonna Getcha Good": "So don't try to run, love can be fun - there's no need to be alone when you find that someone...")

    Its inclination so is great, that forces to shut eyes to much.
    The ESE can be very demonstrative and visible in affections, often such that others nearby have to "close their eyes" from their actions.

    what I am not sure about is what this is trying to say:
    When passes the first pyl and KOMMUNIKATOR starts to notice lacks favourite, events develop as follows: if the partner does not become boring and predicted, it value, it re-educate, but nevertheless adapt to it.
    What do you think "pyl" is supposed to mean? Also, I am not sure if it is describing the ESE to want a partner that is "boring and predicted" or not. If yes, could that be an allusion to the IJ temperment?

    If it is completely obedient, but also, in many respects has disappointed KOMMUNIKATORA, requirements to it increase, it start to compare to others and even to take a great interest in new objects with the same pylom and passion.
    Is this "plyom" related to "ply" above? It seems to be saying something about what takes place for an ESE to start looking elsewhere, but it is not clear.
    Yeah, what I think it's saying is that if the ESFj's partner isn't boring and predictable (i.e. INTj-like), the ESFj will 're-educate' the person + adapt that person's behaviour, in order that they complement each other.

    But if the ESFjs partner is too obedient (i.e. is predictable + passionless), the ESFj becomes disappointed, their requirements increasing + being diverted elsewhere. I don't think pylom is important in the context of that sentence - it probably means 'with the same enthusiasm and passion'. So, at this stage, the ESFj uses their HA in order to fulfil their short-term needs.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by UDP III
    If it manages to win the partner which it has grown fond, it is not considered with any reserves.
    Once if wins the partner it desires, it will pursue relations directly...
    (Shania Twain's "I'm Gonna Getcha Good": "So don't try to run, love can be fun - there's no need to be alone when you find that someone...")

    Its inclination so is great, that forces to shut eyes to much.
    The ESE can be very demonstrative and visible in affections, often such that others nearby have to "close their eyes" from their actions.

    what I am not sure about is what this is trying to say:
    When passes the first pyl and KOMMUNIKATOR starts to notice lacks favourite, events develop as follows: if the partner does not become boring and predicted, it value, it re-educate, but nevertheless adapt to it.
    What do you think "pyl" is supposed to mean? Also, I am not sure if it is describing the ESE to want a partner that is "boring and predicted" or not. If yes, could that be an allusion to the IJ temperment?

    If it is completely obedient, but also, in many respects has disappointed KOMMUNIKATORA, requirements to it increase, it start to compare to others and even to take a great interest in new objects with the same pylom and passion.
    Is this "plyom" related to "ply" above? It seems to be saying something about what takes place for an ESE to start looking elsewhere, but it is not clear.
    From other translators:
    Worldlingo: When the first flame is passed and COMMUNICATOR it begins to note deficiencies in its in that loved
    Google: When is the first passion and KOMMUNIKATOR beginning to see their favorite shortcomings

    Google: If he fully conquered, and, moreover, very much disappointed KOMMUNIKATORA, demands on the rise, it started to compare with other, and even get new facilities with the same zeal and passion.
    Worldlingo: But if it is completely obedient, and furthermore, in many respects it disappointed COMMUNICATOR, requirements for it grow, it they begin to compare with others and even to be fascinated by new objects with the same flame and passion.
    “I think, therefore I'll think" - Ayn Rand (ESTp, UR GUARDIAN ANGEL)

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    @Pink these are great for understanding the nature of each type.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    > He is capable to be faithful (wrongly translated as "elect") if the partner suits him sexually or if he values such partner for practical reasons.

    The thing in partner Te dominating types value most is Fi. So the most important thing is soul friendship, while other are secondary.

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    These are still great descriptions
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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