Quote Originally Posted by Expat
Quote Originally Posted by implied
i guess the reason that INTjs (perhaps ENTps?) get on with them so well is because they are more open to just letting opinions be and don't see the need in debating or carrying discussions any deeper?
Well ENTps and INTjs have strong views, obviously.

I think it works like this -- in matters where the ISFps are undecided, they welcome a quick sure Ti reply from the ENTp. In matters where the ISFp already has own strong Ti views, the ENTp doesn't challenge them for the sake for Fe. That's how I've seen it working between my ENTp brother and his ISFp wife. He's an atheist and she's a devout Catholic, but that never even began to be an issue.
Oh yeah I have experience with that. I know several ISFps. One I am close friends with. Challenging their views is a no no. True ENTp is helpful to them only when they are unsure or they need help getting out of a bad mood (easy for us to do). Thing is a lot of ISFp views are argued with Ti and Si (concreteness of the situation or issue). As an ENTp you can't really argue with it, because they are using our natural weapon, Ti, with something we are unsure about, Si. Again we may try, but it starts to damage Fe and then Si if the ISFp starts using Se. However, I have found by using a Ne+Fe joke confuses the hell out of them. They won't know if you joking or being mean, its funny to me seeing them trying to process it as if it was all of the above.

For the most part when they say stuff at a moment, when making a statement like the "traffic" one, its really just to vent. Let them vent, and respond by joking about it or asking them questions so they can continue. After all they don't like the spotlight so when they want some attention let them shine.