Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan
Quote Originally Posted by Rick
Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
This is a common problem for me and I'll tell you how this works with me and my ISTp husband.

Husband: "Where do you want to go to eat?"
Me: "I don't know, what are you hungry for?"
Husband: "Hmm well we had Mexican yesterday."
Me: "Indian sounds nice. Chinese sounds good too. Or maybe just a sandwich somewhere. Or someplace where I can get a nice salad."
Husband: "I just had Indian at lunch for work. How about Chinese?"
Me: "Good!"
Wow, this sounds familiar! Seemingly so trite, and yet so important to leading a normal life . With duals broken shreds of thoughts grow into a coherent train and actually reach their destination...
True, but the other person doesn't have to be one's dual for that to happen. I mean, although I can see in this exchange where the husband is mentioning some Te points ("we had Mexican yesterday") and Slacker Mom is making some F points ("sounds nice...sounds good...a nice salad"), really I've had a conversation on where to go for lunch with countless different kinds of people. And assuming we're friends, it pretty much always ends up with a satisfactory agreement about where to eat.
But the situation here is a IEE's problem . Deciding where to go for lunch in a logical, decisive, yet fair way is a real headache for an IEE. Maybe it's not a problem for you... )