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    Creepy-INTj uncovered

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    If there were a Weirdness Olympics between all 16 types then INTj would be an unbeatable gold medallist. In fact INTjs are so weird that they do not just appear weird to people who don't know them well but to other INTjs as well. This is because INTjs take little or no notice of what other people think. What they think themselves is much more important for INTjs. That is why if everybody are certain that bridges have to be build across the river an INTj may contemplate the possibility of building one along the river. There would probably be a logical reason for that since INTjs view everything through the square prism of logic. And as long as logical rules are obeyed everything is fine.

    "I think, therefore I am" once said Rene Descartes, clearly delighted about the fact that he can think. But what he really meant was "I stink, therefore I am" since INTjs can often deprive themselves of a good bath and can happily live in a pigsty when nobody watches. They miserably fail to understand the basic needs of their bodies and therefore do not address them as a first priority. This goes for food and sex too. But do INTjs enjoy tasty food and sex? Sure, when you stick it under their nose. And what do they do to have plenty of fine food and meaningless sex? Precisely nothing. The latter one could be explained by the fact that by default INTjs are socially handicapped. Combined with their closely guarded fear of intimacy this makes it pretty hard for INTjs to get laid, resulting in many INTjs being either virgins or remaining celibate for a long time.

    Marked with inability to clearly read people's true disposition towards themselves, INTjs compensate for it with their acquired ability to piss people off. This is rather a defensive than an offensive mechanism. It works on the principal that an angry person has very little control over their emotions and therefore cannot suppress their true feelings, which often prevents the truth from coming out. INTjs normally do not apply this principal to anybody unless they are unsure. So as long as you are true and sincere with an INTj you should be fine.

    Something you can't deny is that INTjs are pretty adept at many things but one thing INTjs are really good at is at over-tightening the screws, whether it is said in a metaphorical or a literal sense. Having a natural inability to judge amounts and distributions of forces often leads them to overdo things. If you ask an INTj to design a good chair to withstand the weight of one adult, when it is finished it will probably withstand the weight of one adult elephant.

    Finally, if you hear a sarcastic remark from an INTj you should know you are on dangerous ground i.e. you said something stupid. To continue in the same direction would be unwise. However if you want to enrage an INTj all you need to do is to make the same stupid remark over and over again but more importantly you have to stand by your words, i.e. show that you really mean it... Why would anyone want to do that?

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    So Sergei Ganin does visit these forums.

    Do the moderators know where he posted before?

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    INTJs are weird?

    never would of thunk it.

    {♠x<º))))><¸.·´¯`·.¸IcEPiCk¸.·´¯`·.¸><((((º>x♠ }

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    That's my husband!

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    oops that was me

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    sergei did not post that

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    Combined with their closely guarded fear of intimacy this makes it pretty hard for INTjs to get laid, resulting in many INTjs being either virgins or remaining celibate for a long time.
    True, like a typical latestarter with women.

    To quote: "An intellectual is a person who's found one thing that's more interesting than sex."
    Remember to keep things simple and not any simpler like Einstein once said.

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    Josh's friends were suprised when we started dating because they didn't think he would date me! I've always said that the only thing better than being single is being with the right person. Josh takes this concept to a whole new level! He would be perfectly content spending years and years alone.

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    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim
    The latter one could be explained by the fact that by default INTjs are socially handicapped. Combined with their closely guarded fear of intimacy this makes it pretty hard for INTjs to get laid, resulting in many INTjs being either virgins or remaining celibate for a long time.

    And of course they have to be so damn sexy in all their awkwardness that it drives many a sweet and loving ENFp up the wall in utter despair...It's a cruel world...
    lol, be aggressive

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    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

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    Hmmm tough one. I guess I lucked out in getting one with no emotions (I'm only half kidding here).

    Have you seen this?
    The (NF)Empathist and the (NT)Analyst

    What brings the EMPATHIST and ANALYST together? Whether or not they match on the dimensions of introversion-extraversion or judging-perception, it is their shared preference for intuition that usually makes these two types greet each other as kindred souls.

    Three-fourths of the country is thought to belong to the various sensing personality types (8 of the Myers- Briggs' 16 types). Only about a quarter of the population is thought to be intuitive. Intuitives are used to being outnumbered, from an early age onward.

    In school, the intuitives are the question-asking iconoclasts, the theorizers, the fantasizers, the creative anti-authoritarian kids who ask ``Why?'' whenever they're told to obey, the day dreamers who wonder ``what if...?''

    Intuitives enjoy the company of other intuitives. They stick together, if only for their own protection! Other intuitives validate their basis of perception, of knowledge.

    Other intuitives accept the value of theory, even if they can't understand or agree with a particular one. Intuitives have a tolerance for speculation, imagination and ideas per se, whether or not they carry the promise of a financial payoff.

    In general, intuitive types aren't very materialistic. They'll accept a poorly paid professorship which grants freedom of expression, research and teaching, in preference to a highly paid position which carries no hope of autonomy or creative expression.

    IDEALISM is one factor that attracts EMPATHISTs and ANALYSTs to each other: the greater importance of possibilities than realities, the belief that not everything of value is tangible.

    INTELLIGENCE is another factor that draws intuitive to intuitive. The world of higher education particularly professional education is dominated by the intuitive personality types. Intuitive thinkers, especially, seem to thrive in the highest echelons of the conventional educational establishment.

    Many intuitives equate intelligence with education and, thus, seek mates who have amassed credits, degrees and credentials.

    Frankly speaking, intuitives have a hard time recognizing the skills of sensing types as intelligent. Clever, yes. Efficient, probably. But not intelligent. Most intuitives identify intuitive intelligence as real intelligence.

    So, ANALYSTs and EMPATHISTs may be attracted to each other because of their shared idealism and intuitive intelligence, but they may also be attracted by virtue of their dissonance on the thinking-feeling dimension.

    It's a rare adult EMPATHIST who hasn't been nagged and criticized by a parent, friend, lover or spouse about their lack of logic their blatant ignorance of the fact that this is a facts-and-figures world.

    And it's a rare EMPATHIST who hasn't confronted some thinker-types along the way to point out to them that their unfeeling, unconscious way of conducting their personal relationships is basically painful to feeling types.

    But, nonetheless, by some backwards psychology, ANALYSTS and EMPATHISTS may find each other totally irresistible!

    The EMPATHIST's logic (and illogic!) may, at first, seem refreshing and unconventional to the ANALYST. The EMPATHIST's warm personal style and sensitive attention to others' emotional concerns may impress an ANALYST as suave and effective.

    Besides, even a tough, independent ANALYST enjoys the solicitous appreciation and praise that EMPATHISTs typically bestow on those close to them!

    But problems arise rather soon for this pair.

    Problem number one is APPRECIATION AND CRITICISM, and it's generally yoked to problem number two: SPIRITUALITY AND LOGIC.

    The well-intentioned ANALYST may try to ``help the EMPATHIST out'' with logical issues. Critiquing and criticizing every gesture, word and idea, the ANALYST is quite capable of crushing the EMPATHIST, who will try so hard to please and win approval.

    Eventually, the ANALYST may succeed in paralyzing the EMPATHIST's motivational system. ``What's the use of trying, anyway?'' the EMPATHIST wonders. Life is too short. So the EMPATHIST just quits trying, and goes elsewhere in search of reinforcement.

    There's unquestionable survival value in the EMPATHIST's retreat from the hypercritical ANALYST, but avoidance of criticism and competition may just convince the ANALYST mate, once and for all, that this partner doesn't have what it takes in terms of drive, initiative and competency.

    The ANALYST is logical, whereas the EMPATHIST is spiritual. Both of them believe in the reality of ideas, but both have a hard time with each other's.

    The EMPATHIST's preoccupation with relationships, other-worldly spirituality, and personal development may baffle and annoy the ANALYST, whose mind is probably elsewhere.

    The ANALYST may find it impossible to understand why the EMPATHIST partner wants to be told ``I love you'' all the time. The ANALYST assumes that, once said or occasionally reiterated should be enough.

    The EMPATHIST may find it difficult to understand why the ANALYST would refuse to go to church or participate in an uplifting personal-growth weekend or take a course in creative visualization or rebirthing or spiritual affirmation or unconditional love.

    The EMPATHIST, who will put forth super-human effort to ensure that the ANALYST's friends are well-treated, will be frustrated by the lack of reciprocation on the part of the mate when the EMPATHIST's circle of friends is being entertained.

    The ANALYST, who may be caustic, critical, or openly bored with the EMPATHIST's friends, really isn't interested in the mystical, humanistic, and touchy-feelie concerns of the EMPATHIST crowd unless they can, somehow, be related to theory.

    A major conflict for the EMPATHIST and ANALYST concerns the ANALYST's obsessive identification of life with work. The ANALYST regards work as the central focus of life, a driving and uncompromising task-master. The EMPATHIST may well see the ANALYST mate as being ``married'' to the job, and this analysis isn't far from accurate!

    It is hard for the EMPATHIST to understand that relationships just aren't terribly important to many ANALYSTs, except as a cushion, a backdrop, a comforting and consoling ``R and R'' retreat from temporary setbacks and disappointments at work.

    To the extent that the loving relationship supports work, allows it to go on without interruption or compromise, then the ANALYST will be happy with the relationship.

    If the relationship gets too demanding, impinges excessively on the ANALYST's sense of ``center'', then the ANALYST may bridle.

    How does the ANALYST run away from a relationship that's pressing in on all sides, distracting the creative process from the endless stream of intellectual talks at hand? You guessed it! The ANALYST gets buried in work, comes home late or not at all, and drops into bed exhausted (too exhausted, if you catch my meaning!).

    An ANALYST running away from a relationship may turn into a rather monochromatic character, boring black and white. The EMPATHIST may start to wonder whatever happened to that creativity that once attracted them to each other!

    Without some awareness of the source of their conflict, the EMPATHIST and ANALYST may come to regard the other as lacking intuition, the very similarity which may have attracted them to each other in the first place!
    Predictable Crises For This Combination:

    1. The ANALYST may come to regard the EMPATHIST as a martian, with no sense of conventional logic.
    2. The EMPATHIST may come to regard the ANALYST as a martian, with no sense of conventional feeling.
    3. Both of them may resolve the conflict by deciding that the other is not intuitive (read: creative, intelligent) since neither can recognize the other's brand of intuition without feeling somewhat invalidated.

    Possible Benefits For This Combination:

    1. Both partners may learn to expand their sense of intelligence to include both thinking and feeling.
    2. The ANALYST may learn to become more appreciative and reinforcing of others, and the EMPATHIST may learn to become more independent and self-reinforcing.
    3. The ANALYST may come more in tune with the emotional realm, and the EMPATHIST may learn to develop greater competency in logical matters.
    4. They may undertake shared projects tapping their common intuitive process and benefiting from task-assignments appropriate for their thinking or feeling preferences.

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    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

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    I can just imagine the INTp uncovered description, written by the quasi-identical and all. I guess I should preschedule an appointment with a psychologist...
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

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    I'll quote some stuff I wrote in another forum... I talk about Asperger's Syndrome in it. I think it makes him appear even more INTj-ish.

    He doesn't like to be around a lot of people, has an aversion to being touched (except by me and in a way his close family members), he cannot make small talk or empathize with others (conversations with most people consist of one word responses from him...), he has a very distorted view of the world and it's relationship to him (there are a lot of things that he just doesn't get), he is extremely intelligent (top 99th percentile), was somewhat of a "class clown" in school and was well-liked but seldom had real conversations with people (even the few friends he hung out with), has no concept of or interest in relationships with family members (myself excluded), does not like to leave the house, spends almost all of his time on EQ2 or reading scientific articles, has flat/absent emotional responses, describes himself as a sociopath through his teenage years, claims to have very little sense of taste and no sense of smell yet very sensitive hearing, has ADD (this has been diagnosed, but now I'm wondering if he actually has ADD or something else... he's been taking Adderall for a year and a half now), has an "I could take it or leave it" attitude about sex (but is A LOT of fun), ummmmmm what am I missing? Ahhhhh yes... he has NO APPETITE what so ever. He is disgusted by food and the concept on social dining makes him sick to his stomach. He prefers to eat alone and not witness others eating. He is also very disgusted by discussion of other bodily functions. He has no ambition at all and has never obtained a job on his own. He was always refered in through a friend or family member. He would rather work in the worst conditions possible than go job hunting.

    He told me just a week or so ago that he thinks he's schizophrenic because he "has conversations with his subconscious mind". He claims to be very aware of the communications between his conscious and subconscious minds. He does not have hallucinations or paranoid delusions, though, so I don't think he is actually schizophrenic.

    Our relationship works pretty well because we are very different and yet our differences compliment eachother. I would rather run the household on my own, and he has no interest in ever leaving his office and doesn't care what else is going on as long as he has that... I have a strong need for independence and cannot tolerate clingy or jealous men. He knows I get hit on a lot, but it doesn't bother him in the slightest. He knows I can handle it. He needs someone to make sure that his needs are being met, such as sending out bill payments, grocery shopping, and running errands. I need someone who will not feed into my mood swings. Every other guy I've been with just totally adored me. Josh adores nothing. I had to develope my own sense of self-worth rather than relying on my partner for it.

    We knew eachother for a few years before we got together. I found myself extremely disgusted with men and frustrated because it seemed like I couldn't just be friends with a guy... it always ended up turning into some somplicated drama. Here was this guy that I knew that I could hang out with endlessly and he would never hit on me or even so much as be attracted to me. I felt very comfortable around him, so I hung out with him a lot for a few weeks. I decided that we should be together, so I told him that I was interested in being with him. He said he didn't know if he wanted to try it or not, and I gave him a little time to think it over. A few weeks later we were together. I had to teach him a lot about how relationships work, but he's been rather cooperative for the most part. As long as I don't ask him to do anything...

    Occasionally guys ask me how Josh "got" me... I laugh... Nobody gets me... I get them. I'm not sure what that says about my psychological health, and I don't really care. I am in a relationship that works quite well for both of us, and that is what matters.

    Anyways, when I read about Asperger's Syndrome (and I did read quite a bit), I thought I had found a nearly perfect description of Josh. He does not become upset when he can't do things a certain way. He generally just does not beome upset or anxious, merely uncomfortable at times. Perhaps he does not have Asperger's Syndrome. Perhaps he is just somewhat schizoid and very intelligent.

    He's SO laid back when it comes to life's demands and financial/career pursuits that many people advised me against living with/marrying him. And I said, "Why?" And they said, "Don't you want a man who will bring home at least a reasonable amount of money?"

    To which I answered, "Why? I'm going to make way more than enough on my own. Why should I chose a man for money? If there's something I want, I can get it for myself..."

    And while there have been many men who thought they wanted to be involved with me, the truth is that most men cannot handle a strong woman. And more importantly, most men cannot intellectually stimulate me, and most men get really boring after a while... Where as Josh is the most interesting person I've ever known (even if he never actually does anything).

    I really think that we have a decent balance in our relationship. I'm too motivated to be with just anyone. In fact, if I was with another motivated person, I know what would happen... I would become manic and then crash... over and over and over... I know because it's happened... I need someone who calms my ambitions doesn't care about money (my husband actually says that my entrepreneurial spirit is one of the least attractive qualities about me, right up there with my not being an atheist/agnostic and my tendency to worry to much about health concerns, both mine and other people's).

    And my husband really has to be with someone who balances out his lack of ambition. So as always, balance is key.
    biggrin.gif Yeah, he and I both really lucked out finding eachother. And actually.... we'd known eachother for years and were even roomates and honestly never once thought of eachother like that. The idea of being together came to me out of nowhere, and I knew that it would either be really bad or really good... Of course, convincing him to give it a shot was no small matter... I love a challange! Most of the guys I knew were just too boring, way too easy to get, and too... well... normal! happy.gif So you see... even the oddest people can meet good matches, and just like any other good thing in life, it's just a matter of being open to opportunities when they show up.
    No, he really can't make small talk. He does care about his appearance though.

    See, he was always quite the class clown. He hung out with lots of people, but that was mostly to avoid being at home (his parents were VERY negligent, what with his mom being addicted to alcohol and herion and his dad being addicted to alcohol and work!). He didn't actually interact with these people, he more entertained them.

    The first time I remember talking to him was when he was a teenager. He was a friend of my little brother's and sister's and they had asked me to pick him up from work. As soon as I saw him I complimented his hair. He brown hair with red tips, somewhat curly on the top and very short on the sides. He often wore blue or green nail polish and wore big pants and text or band T-shirts or button down Eddie Bauer shirts unbuttoned over plain T-shirts. He would probably still have bright hair and piercings if it weren't for his job. *Sigh* He would have his hair a little longer on top so it's curly, too. I just love it when his hair is curly! I love that almost as much as I love piercings! Anyways...

    Just recently he told me that he thinks he's even further down the Autistic Spectrum than Asperger's Syndrome. I dunno. We'll probably have him diagnosed with whatever it is when we start the process of applying for disability (which is because of health problems, but this stuff makes a difference, too).

    And there's some one for everyone. Lots of people, really. No matter how odd a person is, there are people out there with whom they are compatible.

    I do think that Josh is bored. We recently moved to the city, and he hates it. I don't understand why. He only goes outside if he has to go to work. I think it's because his friend from where we used to live is afraid to come see him "in the ghetto". Whatever... Anyways, Josh also doesn't get the intellectual stimulation he should. I try to give him ideas on how to do that, but I know that they all require too much effort.
    We're actually having issues right now because he doesn't like living inthe city, but my long term goals sorta depend on it. If it were ay other couple, it wouldn't be so complicated. But we've always had this unspoken agreement about business. "It's okay if he doesn't contribute, as long as he doesn't get in the way..."

    What's wrong with me?! It's okay if I have to take care of him in some aspects, as long as he provides companionship and good sex and lets me do as I please. Grrr..... I'm quite frustrated with myself right now.
    Actually.... I was just talking to Josh about this very subject... The converation went like this:

    Joy: "Am I hot?"
    Josh, somewhat irritated: "How should I know?"
    Joy: "Well, do you think I'm hot?"
    Josh: "I wouldn't be with someone who's ugly"
    Joy: "Charming..."
    Josh: "I don't process those types of things normally. I know that other people think your hot. But I can't tell things like that about people."
    Joy, a little frustrated and glum: "Yeah"
    Josh, a little defensive and somewhat impatient: "Joy, you knew my brain didn't work normally before we started dating..."
    Joy, feeling relieved: "Yeah, that's the reason I'm with you. I want to be with someone who appreciates me for the things I need to be appreciated for. I got exactly what I was looking for... *pounces on Josh with great big hug* I love you honey!"

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    He is very extreme, isn't he? Do you actually get to *feel* that he loves you?
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

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    Great question!

    The thing about Josh is that he lives in his mind. His environment and body are of little importance to him. That is why he is not ambitious. It is also why he cannot communicate with many people. He is logical to a fault. His emotions are flat and perhaps barely even existent, BUT...

    He loves me on a level that most people could not begin to comprehend. Most people love selfishly. Even if they want to other person to be happy it's because they feel good when the other person feels happy. People who love their partner more than themselves generally have a need or desire to do so, and therefore their love is not totally unselfish.

    Josh does not exactly feel love for me. He has more accepted me into his mind... I am not merely a person with whom he interacts. I am a part of his existence. So no, he doesn't feel gushy infatuation for me. But he accepts me unconditionally to the extent of allowing me to take up a portion of his universe.

    Wanna see a pic?

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    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

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    PS: You have a son, right? How is he as a father?
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

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    "Joy: "Am I hot?"
    Josh, somewhat irritated: "How should I know?"
    Joy: "Well, do you think I'm hot?"
    Josh: "I wouldn't be with someone who's ugly"
    Joy: "Charming..."
    Josh: "I don't process those types of things normally. I know that other people think your hot. But I can't tell things like that about people."
    Joy, a little frustrated and glum: "Yeah"
    Josh, a little defensive and somewhat impatient: "Joy, you knew my brain didn't work normally before we started dating..."
    Joy, feeling relieved: "Yeah, that's the reason I'm with you. I want to be with someone who appreciates me for the things I need to be appreciated for. I got exactly what I was looking for... *pounces on Josh with great big hug* I love you honey!" "

    Wtf, this guy's my twin.
    "To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"

    "Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."

  21. #21


    "Marked with inability to clearly read people's true disposition towards themselves, INTjs compensate for it with their acquired ability to piss people off. This is rather a defensive than an offensive mechanism. It works on the principal that an angry person has very little control over their emotions and therefore cannot suppress their true feelings, which often prevents the truth from coming out. INTjs normally do not apply this principal to anybody unless they are unsure. So as long as you are true and sincere with an INTj you should be fine. "


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    Travis is his step son. Travis's dad is hugely active in Travis's life, as much as I am, so it's not important that Josh plays that role. Which is good because he dislikes children. He is okay with Travis. Not awesome, but okay. I generally do not ask Josh to watch him if I need to go somewhere without Travis. It's not that he wouldn't or shouldn't, but that he'd rather not.

    Travis has a dad.

    About Josh, I fear I have failed to mention an important aspect. He is very affectionate! He says things through affection that his mind doesn't process enough to verbalize.

    And the pics are at

    MysticSonic, are you an INTj?

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    "To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"

    "Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."

  24. #24


    I think it should be:
    "It works on the principal that an angry person has very little control over their emotions and therefore cannot suppress their true feelings, which often prevent the truth from coming out."

    as opposed to prevents. It just looked bungled and threw me off.

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    INTELLIGENCE is another factor that draws intuitive to intuitive. The world of higher education particularly professional education is dominated by the intuitive personality types. Intuitive thinkers, especially, seem to thrive in the highest echelons of the conventional educational establishment.

    Many intuitives equate intelligence with education and, thus, seek mates who have amassed credits, degrees and credentials.

    Frankly speaking, intuitives have a hard time recognizing the skills of sensing types as intelligent. Clever, yes. Efficient, probably. But not intelligent. Most intuitives identify intuitive intelligence as real intelligence.
    Ehh, so maybe that's why I'm intuitive in MBTI?

    I gave up on MBTI a long time ago...

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Rocky, on what basis did you decide to disregard MBTI?

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    Probably for the same reason that most people disregard MBTI ... Most have refused to touch it ever since they discovered socionics.

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    For the most part, I've disregarded MBTI as well. I found it to be unhelpful in trying to understand myself and others. MBTI is a collection of silly generalizations that only address the "good" parts of a personality, and not the whole.
    INTj Mathematician -- "What, me worry?"

    "As intelligence increases, happiness goes down. See, I made a graph. I make a lot of graphs." -- Lisa Simpson

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    Quote Originally Posted by cjcoldmine
    Rocky, on what basis did you decide to disregard MBTI?
    1) Because when I first learned of the functions I assumed that an ISTP, for example, would have been SiTe, but Myers said diffrently. Being around ISTPs, I got an odd feeling that their dominant function wasn't Ti and it didn't make much sense to me.

    2) MBTI disregards "hard" sciences. There is no "real" way to diffarentiate between the types besides little profiles. This is why people get so utterly confused with their types and think that they are a little of everything (or convince themselves they are the wrong type entirely). They also seem to have a poor understand of what the types really are.

    3) There seems to be no real use or practical application of MBTI because they think the types are only "personality" (despite Jung saying diffrently) and don't recognize the deeper attributes of the types.

    4) They disregard any physical/nerological/genetic/etc. connection within the types.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
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    Those are all good reasons, and particularly agree with reason number 3.
    INTj Mathematician -- "What, me worry?"

    "As intelligence increases, happiness goes down. See, I made a graph. I make a lot of graphs." -- Lisa Simpson

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    BTW, I hope to get people to stop using the MBTI acronyms altogether and just say things like LII or TiNe for obvious reasons. All it takes is a shift in mindset, and the more people start to use this the more comfortable it will become.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
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    Default Re: INTj uncovered

    Quote Originally Posted by INTj uncovered
    INTj uncovered (from

    Wow, how did I miss this until today?

    Nothing I didn't already know, of course.
    TiNe, LII, INTj, etc.
    "I feel like I should be making a sarcastic comment right now, but you're just so cute!" - Shego, Kim Possible

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    By summarising the worst case scenario for an INTj we can have a reference point for our own development i.e. things to watch for. Thus the positive that comes out of the negative.
    Remember to keep things simple and not any simpler like Einstein once said.

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    The problem I have with not using the MBTI acronyms is that the Socionics replacement is difficult for me to understand (I'm not THAT well-versed in the theory yet).
    INTj Mathematician -- "What, me worry?"

    "As intelligence increases, happiness goes down. See, I made a graph. I make a lot of graphs." -- Lisa Simpson

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    Quote Originally Posted by cjcoldmine
    The problem I have with not using the MBTI acronyms is that the Socionics replacement is difficult for me to understand (I'm not THAT well-versed in the theory yet).
    LII- Logical Intuitive Intratim.

    It means you're DOMINATED by logic, favoring intuition over sensing. And then you are an Intraim as opposed to an Extratim. What is so hard about that? It doesn't have much to do with the theory, just another way of writing it.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    It's just that it uses the letter I twice, which tends to be confusing.
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pedro-the-Lion
    agreed... it should be LNI or something
    Then what do you do with SEE? change it to SFE?

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    the article didn't necessarily imply that intj's stink by nature. what it said was, they often neglect or just flat out don't care about personal hygiene e.g. showers because they are usually caught up in something they consider more important. also, these uncovered profiles (there are a few more at are meant to show the dark side of each personality, the side that can be minimized through free will. being mature and adult throughout life is an attribute any personality type should strive for. facing your problems is the first step. i for one think it is accurate, but again, it is worst case scenario and doesn't fit me too well, and i'm sure many other personality types feel the same way about their uncovered profile. it's constructive criticism.

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