Can we talk about our strong ID functions here? what are your examples and opinions of their strength?

I have become interested in their manifestations.

Assuming I am INTj I have aggressive Te. Some examples I think are demostrative of that is when I am with my ESFp sister and she is doing something I feel could be done more efficiently, but if I give advice I do this in an annoyed manner as if I feel upset that i have to "waste my time" doing it.

One time my family was waiting to get into the car and my sister and mother were talking about something and I could see my dad getting upset at waiting. The others were talking about how to best carry our supplies or something of that nature, something like how can we arrange these things. I was becoming anxious about my dad's level of irritation at waiting so I said firmly that they could figure out how to arrange them in the car. Even though it wasn't something that was hard to figure out, I believe the way I applied the suggestion for efficiency was aggressive, and was not motivated for the sake of Te. It was motivated for reasons that were most likely Fe/Si.
