Sorry about not replying. Fell asleep!

Anyway... I'll get to answering the questions that were asked, without deliberately biasing it towards INTp!:

My interests:

- Just recently taken up badminton, used to do karate, love swimming.
- I tried rugby union, didn't like it because I couldn't get into it.
- Live and breathe for computer games, much to the annoyance of my girlfriend. Going to university in September to study Games Technology (how to make them).
- I love reading books, mostly Sci-Fi (Arthur C Clarke) and Fantasy (David Eddings).
- I go Wargaming (Warhammer 40k usually) at least once a month.
- Enjoy comedy films, aswell as the occasional action film. My main area of interest is Science fiction films. I get really bored during the bits that are about the relationships between people, unless they're funny.
- Definitely not religious and see absolutely NO point in spirituality whatsoever.

Sorts of people I dislike:

- The ones that refuse to back up their arguments, and then tell me to shut up (my sister, grr!).
- People that won't listen to me when I tell them I can think of, or know of, a better way of doing things.
- Anyone unwilling to try something new (I'm entitled not to).
- People that judge/stereotype me before they know me. After they know me, it's fine.
- The sorts of people that try to act in a manner that isn't naturally them. Like a 'pack' mentality. The ones who change for the worse when they're in a group.
- Some people like to make inaccurate comments/say things that are obviously (at least to me) untrue. I just think they're stupid.

People I like:

- Ones that will discuss abstract ideas with me (very rare).
- People that love to play computer/video games!
- Anyone that knows what they're talking about, in any area that interests me.
- Laid back people.
I'm sure there are others here, I just can't think at the moment!

Want to do with my life:

- Left school without a clear direction. Was told by my Grandma, and parents to go back and do my A Levels. Nonsense I said! Worked for a year, then went to college for my A Level exams, since I needed them to apply for the Royal Air Force.
- Used to want to be a pilot. Didn't make it due to poor leadership skills, had very impressive aptitude results in the tests though.
- Took 2 years out after college to work (Without finding anything that interested me in the slightest). Was told to go to Uni by my grandma, after college. Instantly dismissed it out of hand.
- Now I'm off to University in September to study Games Technology for 3 years. I'd love to be anything to do with games development at the moment. I don't know what, exactly, because I haven't gone into it in much detail yet.
- After that, who knows? Not me, that's for sure.

Interesting traits:

- Can't help myself, whenever I hear something wrong, I get an incredible urge to put it right. Usually something along the lines of: "The sky is blue because God made it that way." or "The sky is blue because it reflects the colour of the water in the oceans". Grr, grr, grr!
An interesting thing about this could be that it's learnt behaviour from my Mum. She used to pick up any grammatical errors in my speech when I was younger. She only did this because her Dad, who died when she was 16, used to pick -her- up on her speech when she was younger. He was a headmaster (principal) at a primary school. And an English teacher.
- During mass family gatherings (my family is very large) I will usually sit to the side of a room. Just too many people there. If it's a small gathering, I'm happy to move around and talk to people, then I like to sit down with my girlfriend and get drunk.

Anyway, I hope that helps. Just woken up you see...