In other words, this is our hidden agenda: To percieve beauty and Love it.
BlueBlade faite attention (be careful!) with your statements. Our hidden agenda is still to love I see it in me all the time, it allows you to be taken advantage of sometimes even.

You are correct in that we do see beauty in ENFps, they are programmed to dress uniquely and I judge the way a woman carries herself and dresses quite a bit. I love the unique purses, sunglasses, necklaces, dresses, ear rings, always something aesthetic and unique ie a seashell necklace over a turqoise shirt. Anyways dude, I feel you make some huge leaps and bounds in your statements, dont try to confuse everyone. You speak too much in function, try to explain with how it actually feels for them to understand what you are saying. You cant say the ISTp recognizes Xx function and compensates with Xx increased or something, it just doesnt work when people metabolise information different. Explain what its like using metaphors etc and you will carry the message of how you see the world more efficiently.

However, BlueBlade you are sooo correct in saying that we are very much about perceiving beauty. I feel extremely confident in my judgement of aesthetics, but what I wear an ENFj probably bawks at. Anyways I was thinking just as we see the beauty in ENFps and are picky about that, ESTps probably see the conquerability in INFps and love that. Its a game for them to get the INFp to love them, and once they do its game over lol. Not to move off on a sidetrack though. This thread has some good discussion.

Lets not move too far on a tangent, it took me a while to think of a worthy topic for the forum.