I got inspiration for this from the "10 people" thread. I mentioned there that it demotivates me to try to get into a deeper relationships with people if the theoretical potential of the relationship is limited. I wonder how other people see this. Is this a totally flawed approach and why?

Here is a case study:
Let's say that I meet an interesting person here in the forum. He/she lives very far away and because of that and our life situations it is unlikely that we will ever meet and even more unlikely that we would meet in a consistent basis or otherwise have a big effect on each other's life IRL.

Now in this kind of situation, despite the fact that I feel great interest in this person in theory and initially feel a need to get to know them better, I tend to eventually become demotivated about getting to know them beyond a certain point. It is like "What is the point as we will likely never become real friends anyways and so it feels like any effort is likely wasted and end up making us both dissatisfied when the limitations start having concrete effect". This is very "anti-myspace" attitude as I can't understand what is the point of making a myspace page and getting a big network of unknown or barely known people to link to your page. Perhaps I can see some practical purposes like you can get music and hear about new places and whatever from those people but from social point of view it seems something I wouldn't bother to do. Then again many people do it so it has to bear relevance to them. I might be just missing the point.

And some pointers to discuss:

1) How do you approach this subject and what makes it such fun to have a huge network of people you barely know and never will? Do you get some satisfaction from the sheer amount of people you interact with? Is there a hidden social aspect which I fail to see?

2) Do you see my approach containing some flaw and that I'm missing something relevant when I'm taking such a "negativistic" and "limiting" approach to socializing? That I want to make every relations I form to be a very serious friendship or otherwise I don't bother to develop it further than superficial level? Sometimes I think I'm perhaps missing something because I approach this from a too analytical standpoint instead of just "throwing myself" into socializing.

3) What is the socionics point of view Generally I think indicators for social "spread out" behavior could be a) being an ethical type, b) being a Fe quadra type, c) being an extroverted type, d) being a sensory type. I'm not sure if it is quite this simple though and perhaps there is something else to it which I fail to notice. Personal and cultural difference might also affect.