Quote Originally Posted by Joy
Quote Originally Posted by niveK
Only self-inflicted. If I simply said self-inflicted, that would cover almost every disease, as you can always inflict yourself with most diseases by sticking yourself with a needle full of whatever disease.
So... how is Down's Syndrome self inflicted? What about Marfan Syndrome or any of the many other genetic disorders that exist?

Lung cancer, hepatitis, and cirrhosis of the liver can all occur without engaging in behaviors that cause them. No one ever wakes up one morning craving alcohol when they've never had it before.
Unstable blood sugar can occur without ever having had any alcohol. If a hypoglycemic person starts drinking, chances are they will keep drinking, even to the point of self-destruction. That is how a person who has never had alcohol can be an alcoholic. Alcoholism is not defined by drinking a lot.
why did I look in Gamma? ENTjs argue in the most annoying ways I'm outa here