Look guys. I apologize for my shit last night alright, just to humour the better senses of you sensitive delta-oids.

Just kidding. People like me will never find a need to apologize. They're too insane aren't they? Need their meds don't they? Well. Fuck you. I've been taking medicine and they've stopped working on me. Why? Because of fucktards like you. I exist to remove from my sight... I'm going to stop swearing.

I exist to remove from my sight mental retards who claim that their form of ethics is better than me. It is true. Your form of ethics is probably better than mine IN YOUR OWN CONTEXT. Do not forget. I AM BY NATURE A SOCIAL RETARD. I AM UNABLE TO COMPROMISE TO OTHERS NEEDS AND DEMANDS. I DEMAND COMPLETE SUBMISSION FROM PEOPLE. If you hate me. Then Gesticulate The Feelings till it's Over (GTFO).

And FDG, I regret to inform you that you are like most people. Thanks for that comment though. I will definitely take it seriously and limit the rest of my posts to two lines only. OH WAIT MY MATHEMATICS ISH BAD I DON'T BE ABLE TO KOUNT AND FORMULATE SHENTENSES.


I write for those who actually care about reading.

Right now, I'm so fucking skeptical that I have this feeling that Glamo is just digging on me and giving me false hope. That she'll never read a single post again.

(but guess what I don't fucking care. I'm just a retard who can't stop swearing due to his lack of vocabulary.)

Thanks maria. I totally appreciate the scores you've given me for TOEFL. I believe it's a tad too high though. You should actually consider giving me a negative score. I believe that doing so will reduce the pressure I have currently, which is to form proper but incomprehensible sentences.
