Quote Originally Posted by Expat
You're not as much as an "extreme knowledge-seeker" as you think. You are very interested in Socionics (among other systems), and despite seeing a lot of examples of functional analyses, you never really tried to get into the theory. So lots of people - not only myself - were typing people and discussing Socionics in terms of functional preference, quadra values, etc, and you obviously never stopped to think, "hmm, this may be important, I should take a look at that piece of information too".
I think that's maybe a little bit harsh. As I recall, Phaedrus, being versed in MBTI, was disturbed by the fact that the two systems appeared to deduce different behaviors (and temperaments) based on what seemed to be the same set of functions (though defined somewhat differently). Similarly, he saw some apparent contradictions between quadra descriptions and other information. So he did what I think is very common with introverts, especially IN-- types: He made a decision to be selective about what information to consider. It's like saying "I don't trust that Socionists are right about this, so I'll choose which parts to focus on."

Whether he's wrong or right doesn't prove whether a function is strong or not. I know a lot of people I fervently disagree with but I accept as T types.