Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan
It would help if Socionists gave a "degree of certainty" rating to their typings, or if they focused on typing just those people they're most certain about. It's also easier to type famous people who are alive today and who are part of one's own culture. Unfortunately, Russian Socionists are naturally most familiar with Russian celebrities that I've never heard of.
They have done so, but that's precisely when many of them say that they think JFK was LIE and that sort of thing makes me skeptical.

Also, the thing about Julius Caesar being SEE which is the predominant view among Russian Socionists. I don't find that typing as absurd as I once did (so perhaps one day I will even accept it ), but I have read the paper in which they make the case for Caesar as SEE. From the point of view of the historical sources available, it was, well, amateurish. They do not touch on the very few detailed descriptions of Caesar as a person as by Suetonius, in Cicero's letters (an eyewitness) and in Pliny the Elder's history. They rely too much - both for Caesar and for JFK - on political decisions, which except in the case of an absolute monarch with total freedom of action is tricky to relate to type.

So typings of famous people can be used as reference, but only if the reasons for the typing are included.