Quote Originally Posted by XoX
Well I think they do want to be popular in a way. I would rather say they like to be well-liked. But as it says in Gulenko's ESFp vs ESTp description, ESFps are generally more interested in being at the center of attention and ESTps prefer to remain "in the shadows".

If you compare the following descriptions you get the idea that ESFps are more interested in being popular and noticed and attract attention in the common sense of the word:

"ESFps usually wear original, brightly coloured, eye-catching clothes and accessories in order to attract attention to themselves. This is especially applicable to females. They are often influenced by the latest fashions, but will not wear something if they feel it will not suit them. "

"ESTps rarely wear eye-catching clothes. They try to maintain a neutral style of clothes, steering away from fashion. Females prefer not to wear very bright or colourful clothing. Males have an inclination to official styles of clothing such as suits etc. ESTps generally prefer to remain in the shadows."
that's bullshit